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Legendary Emerald

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Everything posted by Legendary Emerald

  1. Just finished writing the lyrics to my song about Applejack. It went in a direction I wasn't expecting, but am very pleased with.

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      I have the music for the main melody done; all I need to do is embellish it a bit now.

  2. The Trixie rock song was giving me so much trouble, I decided to put it off. Now I'm working on an Applejack country song. Wait how did this happen?

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    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      also make a dirty joke about the term 'buck'.

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      "My job is selling apples and apple accessories;

      I make my bits off all the hungry ponies that I please"


      Not sure if this line will make it into the final version, but it's in there now, thanks to you. XD

    4. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      good. good. now make an innuendo with the term 'buck' and you've gotten yourself a song about AJ.

  3. Yuru Yuri. The only "moe" slice-of-life anime I ever enjoyed. Also, while googling for a pic of the cast, I found out that the second season is starting next week.
  4. Heh, that's okay. Thank you for the attempt, though. So everyone else, I'm still looking for singers for "Yay" and "I Became a Monster". Especially "Yay", since I have at least one person confirmed for "Monster" who sang a first take and is going to sing a second take. An electric guitar solo and some slight mix-work are also going to be added to "Monster", but this will be done after vocals have been recorded and not prior (this is easier for the guy who will be providing these services). Lastly, I have a third song where singers are needed, this one based on Lyra Heartstrings. The instrumental would be done, if it weren't for some odd popping and clicking issues that I am going to have a friend of mine look into. I'll have that up before not too long, hopefully. UPDATE Alright, I've got a working demo of "Lyra" done, and I managed to find time to sing over it. Links to the instrumental, test vocal, and lyrics can now be found in the first post of the thread. Still working on the Trixie song, but it will take quite awhile at this rate.
  5. I became a monster I became a night mare moon Only wish my sister Saw the changes too I became a monster I became a night mare moon Can't rule together Two thrones but there's no room for me I've got to break free Yes, I'm screaming the lyrics to a song I wrote. Problem, officer?
  6. I wrote a short intro rap for Gilda; a bit generic, but I like it.

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      The rap battle thread, which I will be competing in, and you should too! http://mlpforums.com/topic/21532-epic-rap-battles-of-mlp-forums/

  7. As previously mentioned, this isn't a part of the contest. Just something I whipped up in preparation, basically. Hopefully I can do better than this during the actual battles. (And it's a good thing swearing is allowed, because I hadn't even thought that might be a rule until after I realized how foul mouthed Gilda was. )
  8. Sorry if I came off as rude or hasty. It's just that you mentioned earlier that the previous rap battle thread had died, and I didn't want the same thing to happen to this one. I know you have your own life, but you did create this thread and this idea; I don't think it's too much to ask that you reply to questions. Still, I apologize for hounding you like I did. That was wrong of me. I wrote a verse beforehand because I didn't know how the battle format would go. Many rap battles start with the opponents bragging about themselves before getting to beating down their opponents, so that's what I recorded; an introduction to Gilda's character, basically, with an opponent that isn't explicitly referenced. Since it seems there'd be no place for it in the rap battle proper, I'll probably just post it here when I've gotten it online, as intro to my participation, I guess.
  9. I'm not sure if we are only rapping to the beats we select, or to the beat our opponent selects as well. I REALLY wish Crona would clear up all the questions that have been asked here. I've already written, and just finished recording, a rap for my character. But I don't know if it can even be used since the rules are so vague at the moment.
  10. This thing needs to organized and started quickly, before interest wanes.
  11. Very pretty. Reminds me of the super-detailed pixel art in a lot of the independent games being made these days. It would not look out of place within an RPG.
  12. Then we would be pretty shitty fans to hate on the people who are providing us this wonderful show, wouldn't we? We don't own this show. We have no say what goes into it. It's one thing to get angry over excessive censorship, like with the Derpy debacle. But if fans were crying foul for Lyra not being obsessed with humans in the show? That'd have to be the day I leave the fan circle. I can't deal with stupidity like that.
  13. I didn't say I wanted the fan personalities to make it into the show, I said I wanted the show writers to come up with their OWN personalities. This is their show after all, not ours. And nothing they do can take away from what we, the fans, have created, so let the writers have their share of the fun too.
  14. Actually, this reminds me of the webcomic idea I've been kicking around in my head for months now, that focused on 5 background characters and Trixie. A sort of "subordinate six" who would live outside of ponyville and have their own stories. I even got as far as defining the personalities and backstories for all the characters, intentionally trying to make them a bit different from how most fans portray them. But I have no artistic skills, and it's hard to find artists/cartoonist who wouldn't rather draw comics based on their own ideas.
  15. I've never agreed with that sentiment. Being anonymous with no defined personality does not make a character interesting. Derpy I can understand the fans not wanting to have speaking rolls anymore, because she is the sort of character who is really intended for background jokes. But why shouldn't other background characters have their time in the spotlight? Look how well The Simpsons did with its extended cast; there's no reason why the mane six and a select few others should be the only ponies in ponyville with personalities. I think a single episode focusing on some of the background ponies would be a fantastic idea, though I doubt very much one would ever come about. I'd be happy just for some defined character traits to appear. The fan's ideas for the personalities of the characters fine, and they aren't going to go anywhere, so let the show's creators do something creative too.
  16. 8 entrants so far. That is a nice even number, and with only that many contestants, the likely hood of this actually working out is high. Also, I don't know if this is how you were already planning to do things Crona, but it'd probably be good to have everyone participating do their raps in the same week. That means that the week one match-ups would all present at the same time, and be voted on at the same time. Same for week 2, week 3, etc. Because the longer the contest goes on, the more interest is going to be lost. Also also, I'd still like an answer to my previous question, on whether this follows the format of the Epic Rap Battles of History, where one rapper in the battle raps, then the other, than back to the first, then back to the other. Or does each battler only rap once?
  17. Mkay. Does each combatant rap twice per battle, or only once? Also, the beat I'm using: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx9cYq-7mkE When does the contest officially start? Should participants start writing lyrics now?
  18. So, how does the battle aspect work? Will we know who are characters are battling against, so that we can make fun of said character in our raps? Put me down for Gilda, even though I'm far too white to be participating in this.
  19. Just played the Dream Drop Distance demo. Damn it, looks like I'm buying ANOTHER Kingdom Hearts not-sequel.

  20. So someone on a forum I go to added some sweet guitar to my Nightmare Moon song, and messed with the mixing to make it sound much better. But, this did this without telling me, and they left my own crappy vocals in... if I'd known I would have asked them to keep it an instrumental. XD

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      I'm already working with one singer to add actually GOOD vocals to the song, so a little heads up would have been great. That's all I'm saying, lol..

  21. Friend and I do things on the internet:

  22. Just beat Super Mario RPG for the first time! I've had this game since elementary school, and had never been able to beat it until now.

    1. Storm Spark

      Storm Spark

      Smae with me for Rayman 3.

      I was scared shitless at one part and didnt play the game till 9 years later...

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