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Legendary Emerald

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Everything posted by Legendary Emerald

  1. Time for the Thirty Minute Pony Story challenge! http://thirtyminuteponies.tumblr.com/

  2. I listened to about half of it while playing TF2, but wasn't paying too much attention. I did notice that one of the songs included a reference to "mOBSCENE" by Marilyn Manson though, which was f***ing awesome. I'm going to give the whole album a thorough listening-to right now. And then I'll trim out the tracks that bore or annoy me, just like the original Balloon Party. Only cut 9 songs from that album; hopefully I'll cut even less on this, since it's shorter. UPDATE: Wow... if this is the same track that Omnipony submitted to the original Balloon Party and got rejected, I can see why. The mixing on this is really quite poor. It's too bad, too, because his songs are usually a lot better than this.
  3. 4th of July. Whats trending on yahoo, I wonder? 1. Cat Lady Suicide.

  4. Took the 30 minute pony fic challenge today. I overshot it by about 20 minutes, heh.

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I feel your pain!


      That's kind of how I am in programming challenges. Deadlines aren't my thing.



    2. Gone for good

      Gone for good

      Soooo what's the 30 minute pony fic challenge?

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald



      Every day a new prompt. You write a story to the prompt in as close to 30 minutes as possible.


      Of course, because I like doing things the hard way, I'm going to try and write a loosely-continuing narrative where each chapter is based on a different prompt.

  5. Reading the Yu-Gi-Oh manga from the start. Why? Idk. I guess all that Yugioh Abridged got me interested in the real thing, finally.

  6. Thanks. Just upload them to box.net again if that's what's easiest for you. UPDATE: It's worth pointing out now that a finished, mastered version of "Lyra" has been completed using Skar's vocals. Sweets and Hatchet Rocker are going to be recording their second takes for "I Became a Monster" hopefully within the week. So those two songs are pretty well taken care of at the moment. "Yay" and "Bury Me on the Farm"? Not as much. Skar said he'll give them a shot too, but if any talented member here wants to get their sing on and be a part of this EP, now's the time to step forward! I'd like this EP to be finished before I become swamped with college work, but I can't do everything myself. That's why I come to you all, the greatest and most talented fandom there is.
  7. I'm the H to the A Y, Z E LES TI A, and ain't not other alicorn is on broadway. I'm Hayzelicious.
  8. So one of the ceiling lights broke and set itself on fire, cancelling the rest of the writers panel at bronycon... lol.

    1. Skye Starlight

      Skye Starlight

      Well that's one way to end the panel with a bang... Those watching the Livestream got to watch the fireworks for a while before the full on evacuation...

    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear



      So that's the fire that everyone was talking about?! Wow!

  9. Sometimes I have stupid thoughts. Such as, "why isn't there a less silly name for cookies?"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moosefullaeggs


      That sounds yummy. How about grillies?

    3. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      Grillies could work. Broilies is too close to boilies.

    4. Moosefullaeggs


      Agreed. Sauteies?

  10. *Sees topic title* "Why don't you have a seat over there."
  11. No one will see this status update because everyone is at or watching Bronycon. :D

  12. Finally, 1 of the 4 vocal songs for my upcoming Pony-based EP is 100% complete! Mastering process just finished for the "Lyra" track.

  13. *Follows you* I have a tumblr; the layout and design is intentionally terrible, I should mention. http://legenderyemerald.tumblr.com/
  14. Wow, that's actually very impressive! Give yourself a bit more credit! I especially love the emotion you put into the words. Thank you for this terrific performance There's a bit of noise at the start of the song and end of the song though, before you start singing and after you finished. I'm guessing you just forgot to edit that out when you were done recording. If you still have the files at hand to do so, I'd appreciate you sending two more versions of the song, both without the aforementioned noises: one with the backing music behind it still, and one where it is just your vocals (for mastering purposes).
  15. I love Donkey Kong Country Returns, except for the motion controls. So freaking annoying...

    1. Nas


      They should have made it playable with the Clasaic Controller, too.

    2. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      I agree. Also, I hope the sequel is on 3DS so we'll avoid this problem in the future.

  16. Looking for a good Rainbow Dash x Rarity... I never even thought of it as a pairing until today, but now that I have, I must read it. Also, belated thanks for recommending me "Common Sky". I enjoyed it quite a bit.
  17. Woah, have I really never read a fic which shipped RD and Rarity? Quick, someone give me a good suggestion!

  18. Sim pls:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bohtty


      "more than anything in the world"

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      I hope you learn to get over your mostly irrational hatred for other's creative works. If you can let one thing taint another thing, and then go on to taint everything else, then soon you will grow to hate everything there is in this world.

    4. Bohtty


      Hey, you catch on quick!

  19. You can't choose the role you get. Those are given out in secret before the game starts.
  20. They threatened my jimmies. I couldn't let my jimmies be rustled.
  21. Listening to your first collab right now, too. You sound like you'd be a really good singer for the song. My skype is legendary.emerald (or at least I think it is; I hardly ever use it anymore).
  22. Added my new song for Applejack, both the instrumental and my vocal take. Probably the best lyrics I've written yet. mlpforums.com/topic/20412-request-singers-for-pony-based-songs/

  23. Applejack song finished! Check first post for lyrics and my vocal take, or just click below for the instrumental. Bury Me on the Farm (Instrumental): https://www.box.com/s/4f4621f951dfaf828d97 Also, I should point out by "finished" I mean "unmastered version finished". All I've done for the tracks so far, other than composing them and writing them, is some very basic sound balancing. Once vocals are recorded by a skilled other (as seperate files, I should stress), I will be sending the tracks to a friend of mine who knows how to master better than I do.
  24. Completed the music for my Applejack song!

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