On top of a large hill is the super rare fire ruby gem. You were asked by Rarity to get the gem, but others wanted to get it too. You eventually put up a contest and everyone needs to get the fire ruby for Rarity. First to get the fire ruby receives a free ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala from Rarity, but it's not that easy! The first pony runs up the hill, but the other pony somehow wants to stop that pony from reaching the fire ruby, and they start running up the hill.
Pony 1: "I start running up the hill.
Pony 2: "I use magic to drag you down the hill and eventually drop you on a pond. Then, I run up the hill heavily armed.
Pony 3: I_________________________. I fly to the hill top.
...and it goes on, but you must end each post with a sentence saying how you are going to get to the top of the hill. The objective of the game is to let it go forever so nopony can say "I GOT THE RUBY!!!11"
Okay, let's start!
Being a unicorn, I teleport to the hill.