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Tricksters Pride

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About Tricksters Pride

  • Birthday November 2

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    Tricksters Pride
  • Steam ID
    Tricksters Pride

Profile Information

  • Personal Motto
    Life sucks, then you die.
  • Interests
    I'd say ponies but that should go without saying.

    Mechanics, Electronics, Machines, Innovations! If it moves, has Gears, or contains almost any kind of tech i probably know somewhat about it and can usually fix it. (I just love tech <3.)

    Tactics and Weapons in pretty much any form. Always had a knack for them, and while i'm probably not the best i can hold my own in almost any case.

    Medieval Weapons Combat or SCA Fighting as its now called. I don't lose much.

    That's really all i should say. After all, if i said too much you'd probably look at me funny. Just be assured that i am far smarter than i seem. (But then again who isn't hmm?)

    ((Also warning... I talk too much so you might have to tell me to shut up if i'm bothering you.....))

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    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      I... I don't know, it might?

    3. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      I've got both of 'em in the frisge, but...I'd rather not test my luck.

    4. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      Yah same here cause i could see it being ok.... But i could also see me getting sick.

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