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Everything posted by ovr9000percentcooler

  1. @ Keeping a close eye on Muddle, her and Sidesplitter rode the elevator all the way up to the 3rd floor. Upon reaching the door, she grabbed her keys to the room, unlocked it, and swung open the door to showcase its luxuries. "Well, here's where you'll be staying! Pretty cool huh?"
  2. Watching Jurassic Park in Film Appreciation class. Haven't seen this in forever

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jokuc


      yay Jurrasic Park :D

    3. ovr9000percentcooler




      Yeah I know! We've also seen Monty Python and The Holy Grail, Gremlins, Rocky, bunch of old classics. Still awesome though :D

    4. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      I highly recommend a couple. A Clockwork Orange, 2001 A Space Odyssey, and *thinks a moment* Princess Mononoke, if you don't mind a good anime. :P


      Monty Python is amazing.

  3. Night guys. :)

    1. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      Night man, sleep well! :)

    2. Jackleberry


      Good night and sweet dreams mah buddeh! *Hugs* :P

  4. I've seen plenty of crazy things the MLP fandom. Besides Cupcakes, R34, and not to mention really bad BronyCon cosplayers, that's most of the crazy I have to report. That and this video http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z7UnO66q9w
  5. For me, it's a close tie between Dr.Pepper & Mountain Dew. I've always loved Dr.P ever since my first can, but Mtn. Dew had that certain kick to it I just love.
  6. @, "Ok, now she's definitely acting weird..." Sidesplitter thought to herself. She could get extremely shy ponies, she knew Fluttershy perfectly well. But just the way she went about it, the way she kept glancing towards her shadow, which was also being strange......she shook her head. "Um, ok, I'll be right back then!" She said as she headed towards the main desk, the pony behind the counter welcoming her with a warm smile. "Hello, are you checking back in?" The pony asked. Sidesplitter smiled back. "Yeah, but I'm also here to check in a friend who'll be staying in my room." "Okie Dokie, um..." The pony looked around behind Sidesplitter. "Is he or she here?" "Oh, um...she's kinda, ya know.....er, shy, heh." "Uh-huh...well ok then, that'll be an additional 15 bits a night, please." Sidesplitter paid the desk pony and walked back outside to get Muddle. "Hey, you're checked into my room, so...follow me I guess."
  7. @, ((It's alright, and thanks for the info. Also, Sidesplitter's still a mare )) Sidesplitter turned her head towards the building. "Yep, that should be it! It's really nice, you can even share a room with me if you'd like, I could only book a 2-pony room when I got there, mainly because of the kidnappings, everypony either left town, or stayed in this hotel." They soon entered through the doors of the hotel, greeted by the intriguing interior design, fake plants, and busy staff members.
  8. Back from school, what's up guys?

    1. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Not much, looking over forum's for activity, playing Mount and blade.

    2. ovr9000percentcooler


      Cool :) Yeah, the RP isn't moving very fast, is it? :/

    3. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Yea, i heard abut it begin slow at moment. Am exactly waiting in a queue, join friends RP session.

  9. Hitting the hay, night guys

    1. Jackleberry


      Sleep well mah friend! *Hugs* :P

  10. Hitting the hay, night guys

  11. Well, I was watching the mare-do-well episode one day, and I had quickly paused it to take care if something or whatever. I come back, and realize how freakin derpy that particular shot was. And that's the story of my profile avatar.
  12. The closet thing I've ever had to injuries was when I decided to take a 30 minute jog....in 90 degree weather, and got dehydrated. T_T I know, not a smart choice, but that's not the point. It was for a mountain climb I was getting ready for. Anyways, I walked inside, headed towards the bathroom, next thing you know, I wake up halfway in the bathtub with a throbbing/bleeding forehead. Apparently I blacked out and hit my head against the side of the tub. After a long warm bath, I agreed to never do anything like that EVER.
  13. Why can't I stop listening to Justin Timberlake? As much as I don't necessarily care for pop, I can't help listening to the guy...UGH

  14. Most likely Twilight. I've always been a big procrastinator when it comes to school and stuff, and while I do like books, I usually read them if I'm really REALLY bored, and that's rare. Either her or Twist, because I would never ever ever ever ever acknowledge her existence.....
  15. I wouldn't say I have any "best friends" on the forums, seeing I've only been on for a week or so, but I do have a couple of people here I just think are completely awesome. People such as @Midnight Scribbler, @Sir.Flutter Hooves, and even you , have helped me be a part of this community, and I hope to see and meet more of you people. /)
  16. Spagetti. I HOPE SHE NO MADE A LOTSA SPAGETTI. Seriously though, my mom used to make spaghetti every week, and still does. At first I didn't mind, but now I can't stand the thought of the thing.....ech
  17. @ Sidesplitter grinned, glad to see some cheer, considering their current situation with the kidnappings and all. "Well, it might sound cliché, but I discovered my talent at no where else than the talent show, back when I was a filly. My grandma always said I had a good sense of humor growing up, and I considered myself pretty entertaining with my friends, so I tried out for the show. Sure enough, the crowd was in stitches! ...at least that's how I chose to remember it. Anyways, I had noticed a flash behind me walking back home, and what do you know, this baby appeased right there." She raised her flank a bit for emphasis. "After that, I perfected my art, practicing all sorts of comedy styles, particularly majoring in stand up. And that's basically how I decided to be a professional comedian."
  18. I totally agree. I noticed this same principal in Babs Seed. Even with the whole Mane 6 standing out by the parade, they were in screen for only a little bit before cutting back to the CMC. There's nothing wrong with showing the whole main cast from time to time, revolving around them or not, but still, they can't all be in every episode.
  19. @ Sidesplitter was suprised when Muddle veered over to the left suddenly. She also seemed to be talking to herself again. Why she was always talking to her shadow as well intrigued her, but only enough to think Muddle might not be the sharpest crayon in the box. Then again... "Jokes? Let's see..." She searched her memory. "Ok, so a young mare and stallion are both getting ready for a party. The stallion goes and waits in line to pick up his tux from the dry cleaners. Then he goes and gets in line to pick out flowers for her. After a long time, he gets to the party, and shows up with his tux on, flowers, and red drinks for him and for her. The mare asks, "What took you so long?" The stallion replies, "Sorry, I was waiting for the punch line!" Not her best work, but surely good enough from out of the blue in her opinion.
  20. @ "Manehatten, huh? Great place, bigger buildings, heh. I myself grew up in Fillydelphia for a good amount of my life, before I began my career as a comedian and toured for a while. After roaming most if Equestria, I decided to settle in Ponyville. I obviously still travel a lot, but it's nice to be able to stay somewhere and rest for a while." She noticed Muddle had closed the gap she left for her. "Guessed I figured her wrong a little" she thought.
  21. @ Sidesplitter, followed by Muddle, both trotted out of the old building and back onto the streets of Dodge City. She could tell Muddle wasn't the type of mare to be comfortable in large crowds, so she kept a good distance to give her a little space while they headed to the hotel. "So," Sidesplitter began, "Did you mention where you were from?"
  22. @@Midnight Scribbler @ Sidesplitter figured most of the ponies here had just gotten here, and needed a place to stay, but she now guessed it was already planned out seemingly. "Alright then, I'm walking back myself, so I guess I'll see you guys later." She began to head to the exit, then turned back to Muddle. "If you want to come along with me to the hotel, that's alright too."
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