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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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About Wayzer

  • Birthday 1997-09-06

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    Can’t really say I have any

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Reformed Changeling (13/23)


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  1. Best dota round evah! owh and battlefield 3 is free for limited time

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr F

      Mr F

      He do not really get countered, but it is limited how good he is.

      For example he do not affect the game at all, compared to any other carry. (He do more damage than help)

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      a fed riki is a lot weaker than an equally fed anti-mage. The am can also join teamfights, unlike riki who have to go alone.

    4. Wayzer


      :P not exactly true riki can do a lot of damage when he;s backstabbing but doesn't get noticed
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