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Illiad Easle

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Status Replies posted by Illiad Easle

  1. @Illiad Easle's bust


    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      I like it! Thank you very much!

  2. Pleasant fetal transmogrification day to you, good sir.  }:)

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Thank you! Been missing you lately, glad to see you're still around.

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      I know there isn't too much we can do from opposite sides of the screen, but whatever I can do for you I'd be more than happy to. It may not be much, but you've got my support.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. ah, my phone just almost explode. better take that to the workshop

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      @Windy Breeze

      If I had to guess, it's a combination of some or all of the following:

      1. Old
      2. Charging too long / Too often
      3. Keeping in a hot location (Like direct sunlight)
      4. Running it too hot (Using too many battery intensive apps or a restrictive case that keeps heat in)
    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  4. @Samurai Equine @ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Illiad Easle @Courageous Thunder Dash @Blitz Boom

    Part 2

    We started off with- oh, wait I forgot to tag @Mediocre Mare my bad!



    So we started with Mediocre looking at the sky as Thundy and Illiad are having a pleasant conversation telling each others interest and food favorites. In the background was Explosion standing over a defeated Dynamo's stomach. Explosion claims her victory but realizes she'a in a remote island so no trophy. Dynamo took this as a chance to turn the tables and defeat Explosion while Thundy and Illiad watched with amused looks.

    Back at the forest, Samurai made a makeshift bandage from leaves. Windy was grateful and what is the best way to pay back one's help? Kiss them on their lip- I mean cheek. Samurai was mantled until he remembered no one was with them and its less likely they'll get caught so he smiled. He told Windy to rest up as he cut down of the trees with his awesome samurai skills and sword skills (He just pulled a katana out of nowhere. Do you have a Mary Poppin's bag, Sammy-chan?) Windy was amazed and she cheered for him. They started to head back to the group.

    After finishing their conversation, Thundy decided to stray away from the group a bit and eat some fishes by the cliffs, wondering if they can survive the three days survival in the remote island. He was interrupted by Dynamo who said they will unless they've brought an L5 Keiichi Maebara swinging a bat with them. Thundy find this amused and chuckled. He asked Dynamo whether he's finished playing with the bomb. Dynamo's confused what Thundy is talking about but quickly realized what Thundy's referring to is Explosion.

    Back at the group Explosion, Mediocre and Illiad are glad to have Windy and Samurai back but they were concerned upon seeing a limping Windy. Samurai lied and said Windy slipped on a banana peel, much to the latter's embarrassment.

    Part 3 coming soon.



    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Having fan fiction written about me is certainly a first.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Taxes are hard.


    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle


      It depends on how you're paid. If you are fully employed (W-2) then typically everything you need to pay is deducted. You would then need to file for your tax return as often they take more than what you owe.

      If you work as an external contractor (W-4) then you're responsible to pay your portion of the taxes if you make enough to warrant paying.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Random surreal words of wisdom. 

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      That's a good wisdom.

  7. Happy new year everypony!

    May we all make 2021 better than 2020.

    I'll be resuming my posting schedule soon, don't worry. 

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      The forums have changed while I was gone, I don't know if I like it yet.

      I'm fine all things considered.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Keep warm, folks - don't freeze like me. 

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Sounds like someone needs to invest in a good thermos.

  9. Taking stock of my characters, I've noticed I have FOUR different draconequui... 

    *shrugs*  Guess it's a thing.

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Having met one, I shudder to think of what the others could be.

  10. If you can't say something nice... there's always texting.

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      If you can't say something nice, say it with pizazz!

  11. They say you shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you... but what if they're feeding you their hand?

  12. MONEY:  It doesn't make the world go 'round... but it CAN get you 'round the world.

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Money can buy both happiness and time, but only in limited quantities and progressively smaller returns.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Brains.


    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      I can't say I imagined your voice sounding like that.

      You are very good at voices, I'm impressed.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Last night, work damn near killed me... but today, the boss says sit at the Traffic Control yard and chill.

    Sometimes, you win.  :BrightMacContent:

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      I hope things go better for you, I didn't realize traffic control could be so strenuous.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Last night, work damn near killed me... but today, the boss says sit at the Traffic Control yard and chill.

    Sometimes, you win.  :BrightMacContent:

  16. To suffer the heartbreak of wanting a custom OC plushie and finding NOBODY available to fabricate one for, oh, at least a year...


  17. In case anyone's interested, I've been putting together a story on FimFiction based on a roleplay.  No, I don't want any donations or anything like that; I just wanted to share, in case anyone here wanted to read it & see if I'm any good at this stuff.  I go by Randimaxis there, too.

    Thank you for your time.  *bows*

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      As his proofreader I can say: "It's very well done." I would highly recommend reading it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. How can you ever reach the stars if you're afraid to fly above the clouds?

    1. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      Falling is just like flying after all. The key is to miss the ground.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. We can't always know when what we're going to say is a bad idea.


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