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About Ryzu

  • Birthday 1999-05-27

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  1. *sigh* life really just feels like the worst for me. I wish I could change the past so I wouldn't feel so lonely

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    2. ~Kitty~


      I know, I feel the same way sometimes. I feel like nothing is worth it, that my goals don't even matter and living is pointless. Not to sound preachy or anything, I'm just stating the truth- I thought living wasn't worth it until I met God, it's true. I know if you remember why you came here to this planet, why you were born, you will be filled with purpose again. You came here to help others, and that's a life goal everyone should have. c:

    3. Ryzu


      But what's after your goal? Once it's complete what then? I can and do help people but I still have nothing and feel like almost nothing. I wish life were simpler.

    4. ~Kitty~


      There are always others you can help! You can never complete a goal like that, but when you are currently doing it, doesn't it feel in the least bit wonderful? To know that you've helped someone? If not, then that isn't your true goal. I always find happiness in helping others, but that's just me. What other goals do you have?

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