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About Ryzu

  • Birthday 1999-05-27

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Evil Changeling

Evil Changeling (12/23)


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  1. I swear the universe hates me. It likes to ruin me in every way.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SevenSFormerAccount



      You saved me!

    3. Ryzu


      I have acquired the ability to put on a mask of false security so people are willing to trust me more so I can help them as I have gone through a lot and know many ways of dealing with things, but I am no different than anyone else. In fact I may even suffer more. But that's up to interpretation.

    4. ~Kitty~


      I'm so sorry *hugs* Sometimes it feels like the universe is just out to destroy you and nothing seems to go right, but always have faith. You seem to be the sunshine of my day and I hope someday I could light up yours. I'm here if you need me, feel free to PM me if you'd like.

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