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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by TurtlesForSale

  1. My nan is complaining that she can't watch eggheads...I worry some times.

    1. Lucifer


      Eggs have heads?!

    2. Rockymoo


      Sell her some damn turtles.

  2. I'm back kids!!! Such fun

  3. I think I should get away from the welcoming plaza, I think I might be scaring people away.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Remi



      "Hey Kat guess what I named it!"

      *carcass of a moose*

      "What, Joel?"


    3. TurtlesForSale


      Why did sally fall off the swing?

      Because she has no arms!!!

    4. Remi


      Knock knock.


      Who's there?


      Not Sally.


      I know I'm late but I was suspended and I couldn't pass this opportunity up.

  4. You have the best name I have ever seen!!!

    1. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Why thank you :3

    2. TurtlesForSale


      Skyrim everywhere!

  5. Added new stuff to my 'About me' page :3

  6. Warning kids!!! Diet coke is worse for you than full fat coke!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Malinter


      sounds about right.

    3. yeet


      seriously, im fine with vanilla coke.

    4. Lucifer


      Plus it tastes horribly.

  7. It says it's your birthday soooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY *dances*

  8. Anyone know a good name for my Sylveon, it's a girl and if you don't know what one is then it's basically my profile picture :)

    1. -UniKitty-


      Antoinette? ^_________^

    2. Rockymoo


      "Knockoff Espeon"?

  9. Welp! Time to go fill the bath :3...AHHH BUCKING HUGE SPIDER !!! ...My jimmies are officially rustled.

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC



    2. WhiteLight


      Naw man. Use Rain Dance. It'll flush down the drain.

  10. I saw you put the word 'Markiplier' on a post, you have just gone to level: Insanely awesome!

    1. Jackleberry


      Markiplier is best let's player! :P

    2. TurtlesForSale
  11. Yet another avatar change kids!

    1. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      I don't know much abut pokemon, but is that a bunny looking pokemon you using, look kind of cute ii gauss.

    2. Cakebandit :3

      Cakebandit :3

      Sylveon is adorable ^_^

    3. TurtlesForSale


      What creeps me out is that the ribbon like things on it are made of flesh D:

  12. Thought I just added you as a friend but you'd already done it so ...oops XD Ill friend you again once it lets me

  13. Just got back from airsoft and can say it was amazing, I was crap because I was new but it was still awesome.

    1. Scootalove


      See you had fun. :D

    2. TurtlesForSale


      Yeah it was amazing,the other team had way to many snipers though :/

    3. Scootalove


      Damn those snipers! xD

  14. Night kids! Gotta go to sleep early for the big day at airsofting tomorrow...First time ever and i'm nervous as hell!

    1. yeet


      night. *hugs*

    2. WhiteGuardian


      :) g'night. Bring the pain tomorrow lol XD
    3. TurtlesForSale


      Naaww *hugs back* I'm getting so many hugs :3

  15. Thoughts on the new episode - Wasn't to good ...Please don't kill me *cowers*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteGuardian


      Awe I won't kill you. But I will hug you just cuz. :) *hugs till eyes pop out*

    3. TurtlesForSale


      *coughs but hugs back* :P

    4. WhiteGuardian
  16. Can't believe a boy in my year sh*t themselves in P.E today ...last time that happened was all the way back in Primary school :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Remi


      Testosterone comes with a price.

    3. Little_Uni


      What the heck... How he managed that, no one knows XD

    4. Remi


      Well it's actually because of a very successful bowel movement.

  17. I'd just like to say that your avatar is amazing!

  18. Happy Birthday! Hope your having a great day :)

    1. Pinkie Diane Pie

      Pinkie Diane Pie

      Oh you said it, I AM having a great day! A very AWESOME DAY!!! :3

  19. Playing skyrim and I suddenly find about 5 horses on the side of a mountain! What the hell?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TurtlesForSale


      You don't have to wait until morning, you can leave anytime! :)


    3. Little_Uni


      Ohh! OK, thanks. I was mostly having fun and stealing stuff from the bar LOL

    4. Rockymoo



  20. Have you ever considered watching Sherlock?

    1. lavender_rhyme


      i have actually it is on my list of stuff on netflix looks good!

    2. TurtlesForSale


      It's an amazing show! Make sure you start watching it from the first episode, or you can easily get lost in everything. XD

  21. It's such a pain to try and get my about me page exactly right!!! -_-

  22. One of the worst feelings in the world is when you remember the next episode of your favorite tv show is on Christmas day...

  23. England: The land of rain, rain and more rain

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