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Everything posted by deleteduser12304978

  1. So who wants to play Legends of Equestria with me this weekend :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      I guess its a 3D mmo. Its in early development and theyre having an open server weekend. You need to register on their forums beforehand though.

    3. AstralAmity


      Neat! I may be interested in it. What is the link?

    4. deleteduser12304978



  2. Wanna know what really grinds my gears? When people see the 3D pony models, more commonly known as SFM Ponies, and immediately presume Gmod.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. metal_brony25


      Nobody's aiming to make the next big buck bunny with SFM

    3. deleteduser12304978


      Actually ive seen some really great animations with sfm. Dont diss it man.

    4. deleteduser12304978


      And you can make better animations with the new models, hence jigglebones and better lip syncing. Why dont i let derpy explain it to you:

  3. Omf im a derp, i burned my toast to a crisp. Im not a dragon, what did i ever do to toast to make it hate me ;-; literally was all just burnt stuff.

    1. Unicorn Coffee

      Unicorn Coffee


  4. Raaaawr stupid mlp ipad app, i need ONE shard of loyalty, too much to ask??

  5. Godangit BNK-3R y u no die.

    1. FourClove
    2. dinomaster626


      im still here in the chat buddy:)

  6. Guys i need some friends on the mlp ipad app, anyone have a gameloft id and the app? :(

  7. Sometimes i very much dislike the fact that im the only guy in this house...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TwilightPie


      I don't know how that... Well, sometimes I do but... Not all the time...

    3. Harmonic Revelations
    4. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      If it's not a boy the first time, rinse and repeat.

  8. Ask me a question about something.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DragonKing235


      lol okay what is you fav horror movie if you like them that is if not what is your fav movie ever?

    3. Unicorn Coffee

      Unicorn Coffee

      Do you want this cake?

    4. DragonKing235


      There is no cake lol

  9. Well i suppose ill go to bed now, and hope that i can either get up early to study for math, or schools cancelled for tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Commander Frost

      Commander Frost

      Would you like a good luck Squeewirl?

    3. deleteduser12304978


      Night DK, thanks :)


      Haha BroDash, sure x3. Feel better man, and try not to hit your head xP

    4. Commander Frost
  10. Oh my gawd is act sooooo different on the internet than i do irl.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      I talk alot on the internet, i dont talk alot irl, maybe its cause noone ever hears me irl and on the internet i can be heard... Or read... Also i dont say the same things because idk, maybe im afraid of being outgoing :V

    3. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      U can relate Phyro, also I'm going to bed it's 11:00 at night and I guess my fellow role players went to bed...

    4. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      I* I can relate phyro*

  11. Favorite tf2 class/

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      Well lets see, a cactus has spikes which are very sharp, a sword is also sharp, the romans used swords, the people who row boats are known as row men, a row of men is a line and lines are straight. What is the most important thing a sniper can do? Shoot straight.

    3. long gone

      long gone

      Half-Life 15 confirmed.

    4. deleteduser12304978


      Lets have a go at it!

  12. Steam is down ;(

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. long gone

      long gone

      ...oh, RIGHT AS SOON AS I POST THAT, it goes up for me again.


      Praise Gaben.

    3. deleteduser12304978


      Then explain how im online.

    4. FourClove


      Creator of half life 3

  13. Everyone is born right handed, only the gifted overcome it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FourClove
    3. deleteduser12304978


      O you did, well i have a shirt that says that. The quote.

    4. FourClove


      Strange shirt

  14. Elder scrolls, i enjoy a fantasy setting over apocalypse setting, and i dont like how fallout handled the FPS aspect.
  15. Considering renaming my oc Shadow Walker, and idea in my mind is Silentsteps.

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      SilentSteps sounds badass, how bout SaunterGloom? Both synonyms for walking and shadow

    2. deleteduser12304978


      How about Silens Ambula, the words for Silence and Walking in latin.

  16. The only thing i liked from APM was Gamer Luna, glad to hear that is still around
  17. Goodnight everyoony! I hope you all have a good evening, see you in the morning :)

  18. I wanted to say sometng but i forgot what it was

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. dinomaster626


      did you get the link to the topic ? :)

    3. deleteduser12304978
    4. dinomaster626


      okay i put it in my status want me to link it here? :)

  19. Good morning everypony! Im here for a few hours before i have to go. Im not looking forward to learning how to drive ;-;

  20. Is that you? O_o cause you kinda look like Annie from Community

  21. Which one of you fillies is responsible for distracting me from going to bed, ill have you... Take me to dinne

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      I mean it could have been me, but it probably wasn't, but it could've

    3. Smarts
    4. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Thanks Obama! (Satan)

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