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Status Updates posted by IceSapphire

  1. I'm still around XD neigh neigh single to :)

    1. Trot Shuffle

      Trot Shuffle

      Will neigh you neigh stick neigh around neigh longer neigh this neigh time? :fluttershy:

    2. IceSapphire


      Hopefully lol,


  2. oh, its a generic post haha rip oh well :)

    1. Denim&Venöm


      What generic post? 

    2. IceSapphire


      Yes, I think so? Maybe not though since there's not many members XD.

  3. I'm alive ^^ if anyone is going to the furry meet in Halifax N.S on the 19 let me know we can meet ^^

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Not going but you seem very charming, enjoy! :)

    2. IceSapphire
  4. Lol Hugs! Going to bed Night X3 wub ya all

  5. *hugs* to you! X)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IceSapphire


      XD I thought you where Female NVM Derp

    3. Zachary




      Sorry about that.

    4. IceSapphire


      Nvm hun! See ya I'll be back in a month or so!

  6. If you have a Ps4 and TitanFall 2 join my clan Pki9 my psn is Y_u_mY_u_mU_wU

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      i do have first, but not second

  7. Back in a few days! Got to get my stitches X3 I'll be on in a few days XD, unless my condition gets worse... but, stay positive yay X3

  8. Just saw an advertisement for Kotex Tampons on this forums X3 *Laughing Hard*

  9. Why so sad cupcake? You need a hug? *hugs*

  10. Friendship and Magic haha

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