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Everything posted by GXPBlast

  1. Whats ridiculous is even wanting to own a taser, or even pepper spray is nearly impossible as that same permit to own a shotgun falls into the same category despite being non lethal and purely for defense. I wish I could just get up and move to Texas since low taxes, more freedom, more job opportunities, and surprisingly high brony population.
  2. Like I said nearly impossible to get a permit in NY. NY might as well be like the UK or any other European country as restrictions on personal defensive weapons make it nearly impossible for the average citizen to own one, If you are approved at all its takes nearly a year and alot of money. Even owning a paintball or airsoft gun is illegal in NYC. So the likelihood for anyone having any form of permit is unlikely. The only people that have access to any form of defensive weapons in NY are the criminals since they don't obey laws and the police, the average citizen does not have that right here. I can understand that as I am sure they would not want to be exposed and delete your comment or even ban you just for stating you opinion publically. But I think its best to private message them and I am sure they would be willing to listen which some of us here are considering doing.
  3. Your not coming off as a jerk, you are coming off as logical which is the majority in this thread. What the people in charge of this group is beyond stupid and if the excuse is to save money its a horrible excuse to them. Putting peoples life at risk due to finances is not smart at all and I am surprised bronies of all people knowing how stigmatized they are in even safe areas would even consider having a large meetup in an area which is pretty much a war zone full of drugs murder, crime, rape, and assault. Its bad enough even in daylight, but this meetup is going into the late night, which is basically asking for danger. They should have had their meetup at another location if the last location was not available, should have been is other popular locations like Cap 21 or Pearl studios that are well large enough and have plenty of rooms for rent. Even if they were not available NYC is large enough and there are plenty of locations that are cheap enough and available in safe areas.
  4. In NYC its illegal to own or be in possession of any defensive items without a permit (which is near impossible to get) including pepper spray. Getting a permit for pepper spray is just as hard as getting a gun permit as its classified in the same category same goes with tasers. NY state and by in large NYC like other big government states in the US make it very hard for law abiding citizens to own defensive weapons of any category. There have been many cases in which things just like pepper spray or tasers were used in defensive scenarios and because that person did not have a permit, was charged with a felony. Besides even if I did, the wolves of Harlem are in packs and would be much stronger than any brony that goes to these meetups. Most of these bronies at these meetups are not muscular at all or would not stand a chance in a fight. We are just there to have a good time and enjoy ponies and are not fighters at all and would get killed or seriously injured just by walking in the neighborhood.
  5. I plan on doing it sometime. Although are you a member of the group? You should as well even if its via an anonymous email which I plan on doing as well. The more people that make the point the will definitely reconsider for the next time. Why the heads of the Bronies NYC group of course. which I have personally met. They seem like very nice and bright people and dont know why they keep doing this.
  6. Oh I know and dont drive to the city anyways. Most of the time I go to bronies NYC meetups and the last Harlem one I took the train. I live very close to the city so I can use public transportation. Either, way I am avoiding not due to the distance but due to some crazy bronies thinking Harlem is a swell place to have a large meetup and walk around with pony plusies, costumes, and shirts. Honestly I hope people who are in charge of the group stumble upon this thread so they can understand that its not such a good idea to have a meetup in a first world warzone which East Harlem basically is.
  7. I live in Westchester. Out of the city but close enough to travel there by train or car.
  8. They might as well have their next meetups in Syria and Iraq at this point if they want to up the danger excitement. Maybe bringing a brony meetups to those regions will end the war over there and bring people together lol.
  9. Just look at the crime map, over 1500 crimes per 1000 people right smack in the red zone. Bronies are fresh meat for the wolves of Harlem. Seriously what were they thinking? :=: I mean this is the second time they had a Harlem meetup that's rather large. :diamondtiara:
  10. Its really messed up that the bronies in charge of the meetup are willing to put others in danger like that (although not directly) but should know colorful pony plushies, costumes and shirts on adult men with thug populated, crime ridden, gangster, mob, gun crime ridden East Harlem NYC do not mix.
  11. Yeah I saw you are not coming. Either way its a good excuse to stay away from the location. Also since you live in a relatively shady area and if you say that part of area is even worse, I decided I am defiantly not going. I am upset I am not going to make it because I really wanted to go, but my safety is more important. I really think somebody should talk to they people in charge of the group and voice their concerns, its really not a good idea to have it at that location or anywhere near Harlem. When I was at the last location in Harlem I was not the only person to complain about it. Either way, although I am upset, I save about $30 since I dont have to get a meal ticket, travel, and pay admission lol.
  12. I would be more understanding of it was in the nicer parts of Harlem, but the East is the worst part and bronies have giant targets on their backs especially at night. Don't know why they had to choose Harlem and especially the East crime ridden side.
  13. Here is the upcoming meetup and location, what do you guys think? http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC/events/229082351/
  14. I did not even RSVP because of the location change. Went to Harlem the last time and thought I was gonna get jumped lol. I am dissappointed they are there again. I can understand they could not get their last location but I wish they used older locations like Cap 21 and Pearl studios which were all in safe areas and were nice to be at.
  15. I am part of Bronies NYC and I tend to go to their monthlies which are basically large gathering once a month. The first one is in march and as the last two were cancelled due to planning for ponycon. We usually have a meetup in a nice area of NYC and its big enough for all of us. Well, there is going to be a meetup and I want to go since its been awhile but its in a very ghetto and crime ridden area of NYC known as Harlem. The party goes into the night and I am concerned being around fellow bronies or just being in a crappy area, that I will get mugged or something. Do you think I should go, I am really scared of that area of the city as they had one meetup there and I was very uncomfortable walking around that area. I dont understand why they would have it there knowing how dangerous it is and vulnerable some bronies may be. The meet up was our usual party space until it was changed a week ago and a bunch of people dropped out I guess after seeing the area. Whats you thoughts should I go, any others part of the BroniesNYC group plan on going or have thought son this? Also why do you think they are having it in such a shady area again. Also do you think I should go and leave early or not go at all?
  16. Onision comes off as a jackass deliberately in his videos, he also has multiple sub channels if his regular channel was not enough.
  17. If you have and in a populated area, there may be a good chance they have lol.
  18. Either way your in luck, her and waifu stealer flash are broken up lol.
  19. That screams mega brony detected lol.
  20. I was at the table with Peter New , I talked more so when I was standing up walking around towards the end of the dinner but still had plenty of time to talk to all of the VA's. There was a guy sitting at the same table as me sitting right next to Peter and was kind of fan girling, and talked alot lol. Although I heard the chicken was nasty, it was soggy, and tasted microwaved what some people told me.
  21. I was at the VIP dinner and I know for a fact the food was not too good, I am vegetarian myself and asked for a vegetarian option, they said there was none so they just removed the chicken, so I just ate the bland veggies offered. I mainly went so I could converse witht the special guests on a more personal level. It was well worth it for the moment, but yeah the food sucked.
  22. Seriously what was wrong with the venue? What were people saying? The place was freaking beautiful, might has well been in Canterlot, Celestia would be proud lol.
  23. Other cons, that I know of and have access to go to due to finances and distance related dont have anything near the amount of interactions and personal level that ponycon had to offer, most conventions like bronycon only allow interactions via autographs and photos, and if you are lucky enough see them walking around the convention when traveling to panels and such but are surrounded by security who are very serious and can ruin the experience at times. Its sad to know it may be their last one.
  24. What I loved about ponycon which truly makes it unique, the sheer casualness, and interactions they allowed you to have with the VA's are amazing and its sad to know this last one may be their last . I sucks because I had to leave early on the last day Monday, for some stupid appointment with my schools post graduation career advisement, I wish I could have cancelled but was pressured into going into it by my parents even though I am an adult lol.
  25. There is a very popular animator that makes pony related animations that are very high quality in SFM. He has a patreon which I even donated to in order to get early access. There is an animation that he has been working on since August than was nearly done and was supposed to be released last week. Well as with any major project things are bound to go wrong especially when it seems to happen on the final stretch. I dont understand why artists like this dont make backups especially with such a large project this was and how many people were waiting for it. Well it just so happens he was nearly done rendering when his hardrive crashed and his last major backup was created two months ago. So not only did he lose two months worth of work but any other side projects he has worked on. I feel bad for him, but I and many others anticipation was through the roof and to a point I was checked the patron like every couple hours in hopes to get a early sneak peak as the due date neared. When I noticed nothing was updated in four days past the planned released I knew something was wrong and it had to do with his computer, Sure enough the artist posted a long journal explaining how his hardrive failed and he lost a huge chunk of data which he hopes will be recovered at the shop but is not to optimistic. He bought a new computer and started where he left off, but its going to take another month to finish. Anyone else deal with similar anticipation for pony related work or something else like a move or video game that was almost at the release date, then to get delayed for whatever reason like a hardrive crash. Feel free to share your frustration stories.
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