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Posts posted by ~Phoenix~

  1. @dragon4111 @Blitz Boom @Shineling


    Phoenix noticed all of the ponies appearing around her, as well as the dragon, which had shrunk itself down and approached them. and quite frankly, the crowd was beginning to make her uncomfortable. there were too many ponies to keep track of, and if even one with bad intention were to escape her vision for even a moment, it could spell disaster. she backed up a bit, in attempt to remove herself from the situation. through all this, however, she managed to keep her composure. but she could feel her heart beginning to beat, and the adrenaline beginning to pump through her system. her flight or fight system was highly on edge. 

  2. @Blitz Boom 


    Phoenix tilted her head slightly at smokey "my... input?" she asked. "what sort of input would you like?". 

    just  then, she heard a loud roaring noise as the ground began to shake. looking off into the distance, she could see what looked like an impossibly large dragon. although she certainly was shocked, being unaware of the dragons intentions, her face certainly didn't show it. she had been in many dangerous situations before, and showing any sort of loss of focus could be a weakness to be exploited. she simply looked upon the dragon with a stone cold glare. 

    her horn began to glow with a light blue aura. she had no intention to cast anything, but she was certainly preparing herself to do so if she would find herself suddenly needing to. although. 

    Phoenix payed no attention to Smokey's dazzling display with Last, but she certainly heard his words and they rang true. as she realized this, she stopped revving up her horn. perhaps she was being too defensive, and if the dragon were to see, it might get angry and go for her instead. best to lay low and not do anything. 

    she gave no verbal response to Smokey, but rather showed she was paying attention to his words by backing down a bit. 

  3. @Blitz Boom


    Phoenix didn't know why, but she figured she could easily stay around this stallion for a while. she could certainly learn alot from him, that she didn't get to learn in her younger years. she shook her head at these thoughts, as if trying to snap herself out of some sort of daze. what is she thinking? she certainly likes knowledge, but she knows hanging around other ponies can be dangerous. you never know what sort of information they might leak. the last thing she needed was for him to give someone information on her whereabouts oblivious of that ponies intentions to harm her. she sighed, as she wondered what to do. he definitely seamed clever, and probably wasn't one to do something like that so foolishly.


     "i'm sure i would" she answered half-mindedly, looking at the ground as these thoughts plagued her. it was obvious something was bothering her. 

  4. @Blitz Boom @Widdershins

    Phoenix stood and listened very tentatively to what Smokey had to say. it certainly did seem very interesting. she was sure that this is the sort of thing she would have learned about in her village's school, if it or the teachers staffing it were still around. she let out a soft sigh as she thought back to her days in the village. then, a soft, barely noticable smile grew on her face. it certainly did pleasure her to learn about it now. and she hoped that perhaps if she stuck around, she might learn even more from Smokey. although, being around other ponies wasn't always something that Phoenix necessarily enjoyed. 

    as the smile grew, she turned away a bit to try and hide it. it was barely noticeable to begin with, but if she let it be seen, then Smokey might get some wrong ideas, and she definitely didn't want him to feel like she was there to make friends. no, she normally acted on her own accord, and out of her own best interest. of course, now she was trying to think of some sort of excuse she could make if smokey tried to get anything out of her again. 

    her ears twitched slightly, and her gaze shifted as she heard the sign being broken off around the corner, just out of sight. she hoped that the creature was getting what it deserved for causing so much trouble. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @Blitz Boom  @Widdershins

    Phoenix's ears perked up as she heard him switch topics. of course, she wasn't entirely uninterested. the more she knows about a pony, the better she can defend herself if need be. information was always a powerful tool in her eyes. of course, the fact that he wanted to go on was a huge perk for her, because it meant she could remain silent. but he certainly was a clever one. she noticed his attempt at her attention, by switching to a more mutually interesting topic, and despite Phoenix wanting to resist, her overall curiosity got the best of her, as it often did.

    she lifted up her head, and her perky ears, as well as her eyes turned towards him, showing non-verbally, that she was willing to listen to his insight, as Last went off to search for the creature. of course, Phoenix was also mildly curious about IT as well. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

    "We will follow her towards the draconequus, return the lost limb, and from there on out? It is hard to say, but since we both seem to have a vested interest in her blade, perhaps we can wander with her for long enough to allow us to have a closer look."

    Smokey might have had a bit of a look already, but it was hardly anything, and didn't even involve any testing to see what the flames were truly made from, so he still had much to learn in his mind.

    "Now that we are following her however, perhaps we can get a little more acquainted? I do apologize if it's a bit too forthcoming, but I simply cannot help myself when meeting somepony like you, whom embodies the beauty and finesse of the birds of legend so splendidly."

    He turned a corner along with his companions, as Last lead them onward to where she had last seen Widdershine.

    "I can start if you prefer. For example, I can tell that I hail from the east, beyond Equestria, far up in the mountains where life is harsh, but rewarding. As long as you don't insult the local kitsune that is. Random tricksters normally, and cruel beings if you get on their bad side.

    They're rather easy to spot, as they are fox-like in appearance, though larger than ponies and usually filled to the brim with magic. Not the most talkative bunch right off the bat though, but sometimes that's for the better. Hard to get them to keep quiet in the long run if they first got started."

    Phoenix took another glance at the blade, continuing to ponder what sort of magic it held, and if there was any way she can make use of that knowledge. would she perhaps be able to acquire one of her own? she was practically dying to know the process of how a blade was imbued with the magic of the mythical bird. she turned to Smokey as he began to speak. 

    she nodded in response to his plan, but then she cocked her head slightly as she heard him switch topics. she recoiled a bit at his compliment. she was unsure of what to think of it. at first, she felt a bit flabbergasted. it certainly wasn't something she was used to, nor did she ever expect it. i mean, there was no doubt that she was adept in her magic, but beauty? she wasn't so sure about that.

    however, it seemed as though smokey didn't quite notice as he continued on, droning about his past. he certainly was the talkative one. unfortunately, Phoenix wasn't the type of pony who enjoyed it all too much. as they began trotting along, she simply continued to listen. maybe he was so self obsessed that she wouldn't ever need to relinquish any details about herself.  

  7. @@Blitz Boom,


    phoenix glanced at smokey a bit awkwardly. he was talking to her as if they were already friends. it wasn't necessarily welcome in Phoenix's eyes, but she could definitely control herself. for the time being she would simply have to deal with it. after all, she didn't see any way that this stallion could be a threat to her. however, she didn't forget the real thing she wanted to go after. the blade being held by that mare. "what about her?" she asked, nodding in Last's direction, her eyes fixated on the sword. if she wanted to know about it, she'd have to deal with these ponies for a little while longer, she supposed. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. @@Blitz Boom


    Phoenix gave a half-minded nod to acknowledge smokey's compliment. she knew he was complimenting him for her control, and being as witty as he seemed, she was certain he'd already taken interest. she was going to try and conceal her abilities for as long as possible, and although she's not doing a good job at it so far, there's certainly still plenty more up her sleeve


    she sighed at herself "and he's gonna try as hard as he can to poke through and find out" she thought to herself. having more up her sleeve certainly was an advantage, but to someone like smokey, it was like a gold mine.  


    all of a sudden, she noticed the crab claw leaping back at them, and she took a step back in bewilderment. normally one of her fireballs was all it took to cook something that size. which was very convenient for hunting. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @@Lil' Lovebug,


    Phoenix watched as satin crawled back. Phoenix's eyes were full of pity as she did naught but look at her. she couldn't quite understand what satin was going on about, but then as she thought back to the appearance of the other ponies, she realized how similar she looked to one of them. she gave a casual chuckle "no, no... i'm not going to hurt you.", she said to try and calm her down. "i'm the one who just healed you" she added on as she tried explaining herself. 


    afterward, she began walking towards Satin, slowly and calmly as to not seem too threatening. when she reached Satin, she held out a hoof for her to grab onto. 

  10. @@Lil' Lovebug,      


    Phoenix simply rolled her eyes as the ponies walked off. she watched them to make sure they were well out of sight before she turned and walked over to the injured changeling. something about the way she lay on the ground weeping made Phoenix's heart heavy. was it perhaps that she sympathized with the changeling? she had no idea why she cared so much about the situation, but she felt a sense of gratitude for what she was about to do.


    as she got near enough to the changeling, she knelt down. she didn't say a word, as her horn began to glow with a royal blue aura. after a moment or two, a warm yellow beam streamed from the tip of her horn, and found it's way to the changeling. as it wrapped around her, the minor injuries and bruises began to heal. plates of chitin began to fuse back together, mending themselves. the only thing remaining after a few moments, was the poor changelings horn. phoenix redirected some of her magic towards it so she could lift it off the ground, and place it gently back where it was supposed to go. as soon as it made contact, it began fusing itself back onto her head. 


    after phoenix was done repairing her, she stood back up, and looked down at her, to see what she would do. 

  11. @@Blitz Boom,


    Phoenix simply stood back, cocking an eyebrow as she watched smokey deal with the disembodied crab appendage. it didn't take him much to get it off of him and onto the ground. it didn't seem all that dangerous to her, but it did seem annoying. perhaps she'd cast a bit of her magic just to make this thing go away


    her horn began to glow with a royal blue aura, and a light began to form at its tip. from the light, came a fireball which seemed to move at a rather high velocity as it struck the claw directly.


    unfortunately, Phoenix's approach was a little more destructive than Smokey's. not that she meant to cause widespread damage. in fact, she had quite good control over her magic, even curving the fireballs slightly mid-air if she needed to in order to make them hit their targets and nothing else. her approach was simply met with a lot less finesse. she'd rather get things over with much quicker


    she simply stood there silent, watching the claw after it was struck with the fireball. 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @@Lil' Lovebug,


    Phoenix couldn't help but wince at their rude behavior. she didn't take their threat too heavily though, knowing well that she could definitely handle her own in a fight. in fact, she was quite the instigator. "and what if i am a 'buglover'?" she asked the group of ponies as she turned her body to face them, and raised them an eyebrow. not only was she angry for what they've done, but she also gets fairly well heated whenever she is challenged. 


    her ears flicked a bit as she heard the changeling groaning and weeping behind her. she wished she could rush over and help, but she felt as though she needed to deal with the baddies first. 

  13. @@Lil' Lovebug


    Phoenix just so happened to be coming to town that day. It was a rarity to see her in such a place. The bustling streets and the crowded walks, it just wasn't her kind of place. No, in fact she only went into the city once in a blue moon to retrieve some supplies. She'd rather spend most of her time away from most ponies. She wasn't one for social interactions, and her predicament made her a bit shy as well. Of course, that doesn't stop her from acting when she needed to.


    Her hooves were clip-clopping as she walked up the street towards the gates,  with her saddlebags draped gently over her back. her ears perked up a bit as she began to hear a lot of clatter coming from just up ahead. it sounded as if someone was in trouble. was it a mugging? such wasn't uncommon these days, unfortunately. as she neared it, she noticed the three ponies leaving the scene. this made the situation a bit more odd. it certainly wasn't the ski mask "gimme-your-saddlebags" that she was expecting. she raised an eyebrow at them as she walked by. as she neared the scene, she raised her head to see the unconscious changeling. 


    her heart dropped. normally she had been accustom to seeing violence, but the victim in this case seemed to be nothing more than a female changeling. whether the changeling was innocent or not, she couldn't be certain. But she did know one thing. this changeling definitely didn't look dangerous. at least, not in that attire. it was obvious that those three ponies just beat on someone who was completely defenseless. 


    it wasn't like her to interfere in such things, but there was something about this that Phoenix just could not push out of her mind. She HAD to do something. so she turned to the three ponies who had just brushed by her "What's with her?" she said, nodding her head over to the unconscious changeling. perhaps asking an innocent question would allow her to probe for some information. 

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