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Status Updates posted by CosmicHooves

  1. Just finished Mass Effect 3 and now I'm feeling depressed. Think I'll go cry myself to sleep.

    1. Monsoon


      Mass effect andromeda will be out sooner than you think

  2. The myth about multiculturalism is that it puts every set of traditions, beliefs, and practices on the same moral level. The lie that all beliefs, traditions, and practices held by every culture are somehow morally equal is called cultural relativism. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Secondly, cultural relativism is a theory. Multiculturalism is in practice.

    3. CosmicHooves


      @Dark Qiviut, and that's what I thought beforehand.

      There certainly can't be anything wrong with integrating harmless pieces of different cultures into western civilization.

    4. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Absolutely. And coming from someone who believes in multiculturalism, we should understand and respect cultures as long as those bits don't hurt anyone.

  3. I just realized that Kanye West ruined one of my most favorite songs by Katey Perry, with his cameo in E.T.

  4. I have a colossal headache right now. Strange enough, the pain is coming from the in between my neck and my head.

  5. I had the worst migraine today.

  6. I wonder why people tend to categorize games that are rather neutral on age, and lack a degree of mature content as "for kids".

  7. I woke up this morning and my muscles feel stretched. Strange.

  8. Dang, I don't feel so good.

    1. Monsoon


      I hope you feel better soon

  9. I recently had the most terrifying nightmare ever.

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Ooooh...What happened in your dream?

  10. I'm never going to even click on the debate pit again. Just the titles of certain threads in that section are enough to stir up negative feelings.

  11. I'm just asking out of curiosity. Where are you on the political spectrum?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mand'alor Dash

      Mand'alor Dash

      I see Singapore as the model economy, though some aspects are only really viable considering how tiny the nation is.


      In general, I say the government that governs least governs best.

    3. CosmicHooves


      I'm curious.

      Who are you voting for in this coming election?

      I'm not exactly a fan of either candidate, but I'd much rather vote for Trump than Hillary.

      Judging by your political spectrum, I'd reckon you'd hold the same thoughts?

    4. Mand'alor Dash

      Mand'alor Dash

      I'd normally say "nobody," but a Trump supporter pointed out to me that Trump openly advocated drug legalization between 1990 and 2011. This is kind of a big deal for me. He has since gone shaky on the issue, but I'm hoping that when he debates Clinton, we'll get more light shed on what exactly his plans are.


      So, Trump has a narrow opportunity to win me over, otherwise I'm writing in a protest vote.

  12. I'm the cult of personality.

  13. The taxes on my salary always remind me of why I'm a Libertarian.

  14. Just got a job today!

    1. Luminn


      Congratz! What is it? :3

    2. CosmicHooves


      Apartment complex maintenance.

    3. Luminn


      Sounds cool :3


  15. I wonder if I can get negative warning points.

    1. Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Nope. But if you manage to "earn" some, you can watch them slowwwwly drop off every day. x)

    2. Renzie


      I don't think so.

  16. 'night everyone!

  17. In my opinion, nudism could be considered therapeutic. Don't you think that constantly being exposed would lead to more positive thought about your own body image? I think so.

    1. Fhaolan


      I've worked with many people who are truly disfigured due to accidents or birth defects, so no I don't think so. They seem very upset about displaying like that as a rule.

    2. CosmicHooves



      I just heard it works for some people.

      I didn't mean to offend.

    3. Fhaolan


      Oh, no offense. :) I was just adding some information to the idea.

  18. Collectivism is cancer.

  19. I'm going to tick someone off sooner or later today. Gonna come back and see that someone left me an angry message. lol.

  20. That moment when MLP Forums crashes your browser...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Luminn


      Oh thats interesting, I wonder why it was okay for me? :/

    3. CosmicHooves


      You must have a better connection since you're in the UK...


      MLP Forums is a Canadian server...

      I should be getting a better connection, this makes no sense!

    4. Luminn


      Yeah that's true, very strange stuff :o

      As long as its not down altogether, I'm happy c:

  21. Skyrim belongs to the Nords!!!! *swings battleaxe*

  22. I wonder if the whole concept of nudity being a taboo thing is merely a social construct. It'd have to be since we did in fact invent clothes.

    1. IronM17


      I never understand the fact why nudity is a taboo. Nudity is one of the most natural things ever in my opinion. I think the fact is, that a lot of people connect nudity erroneously with sexuality. Ok, maybe I see this a little bit different than others because I am a nudist, but the "nudity is a taboo thing" is in my eyes nonsense.

    2. CosmicHooves


      The only time nudity wouldn't make sense would be in winter. lol.

      Other than that, it's completely natural.

      For me, nudism is more about being in my natural state, and has nothing to do with sexuality.

      Glad to see a like-minded person.

    3. IronM17


      Yeah, naked in winter outside of the own home is not the best idea. XD But in the home, it is a fantastic feeling, like always. ^^

  23. Am I the only one who has breakfast in the morning, day, and evening? lol.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Whatever makes you happy.

    2. Ghostweaver


      Breakfast food is good for any meal. You are not alone. (:

  24. Being a non-brony on this site feels like being an immigrant without any documents.

    1. Black Sabbath

      Black Sabbath

      No offense, but what did you expect?

    2. CosmicHooves


      Well I was a Brony before (hence my account on here).

      I just came back to talk to the community.

      I was merely commenting on how foreign it feel to be here in contrast to the past.

    3. Black Sabbath
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