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Status Updates posted by CosmicHooves

  1. I'm Aldin. I've come to destroy the Dragonborn.

    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      There is no Dragonborn. Only Bullfrogs. FUS RO RIBBIT!

    2. Chara


      Dragoborn = The Jesus of Skyrim. Aldin = The God of Skyrim

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      *explodes universe*

  2. Dragonborn Swaginborn Nagginborn Lagginborn...

  3. I swear, both Democrat and Republican candidates suck for the 2016 election. Why are we so obligated to vote on these 2 parties if they're so flawed?

    1. Chara


      Is it good that I am Canadian so I don't need to worry bout these parties.

    2. CosmicHooves


      You're lucky.

      If things get bad, I'll hop the border.

      Canada is like2 hours from my house.

    3. Smarts


      No matter who is voted, we are screwed either way.


      Ah, politicians and their bullshit.

  4. People in the debate section are really begining to piss me off.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chara


      Debate section = Religious flame wars, hate comments (towards the opposite side of their debate) and people getting angry,

      THATS why I hate the debate section.

    3. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Oh and don't say something that goes against the majority...*shudders*

    4. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      It's really people being close-minded embassuls. Of course I can be close-minded, because I am right.

  5. One cannot simply play Minecraft after they've played Skyrim. Just learned that today.

    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      Yeah Skyrim is 10000 times better then Mincecraft. Just wait until Fallout 4 comes out

    2. CosmicHooves


      Tried to play it today after months of absence.

      My mind began to numb within the first 30 seconds of gametime.

    3. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      I just do multiplayer

  6. Only Bethesda knows how to make DLCs...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      They've already released DLCs for multiple Wii U and 3DS games so far. Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and more.

    3. CosmicHooves


      I used to play Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga when I was younger.

      It would seem that I've drifted away from Nintendo since then.

    4. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Yeah. That's why I'd prefer the PC/Wii U combo for the 8th generation of game consoles. I get the best of both worlds in terms of 1st party and 3rd party games.

  7. I wish there was a way I could kill Ulfric Stormcloak in Skyrim. Too bad, I just had to go and join the rebels.

  8. May Talos guide you all.

    1. Monsoon


      That guy in whiterun won't stop following me XD

  9. Just went on a Giant and Mammoth killing spree in Skyrim... as a werewolf.

  10. I swear, this country is going to tear itself apart. Thank God I live near Canada.

  11. The Mass Effect Series and The Elder Scrolls Series. Best RPGs ever.

    1. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      I'm yet to get started on them. :( Have you played the Assassin's Creed games tho? I really like them. :)

    2. CosmicHooves



      Not my type of game.

    3. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Meh. I like stealthy and fast-paced games more tho.

  12. Well I just found out how weak Khajiit's are today. Guess I'll stick to Imperial.

  13. The Elder Scrolls VI: Tamriel. Make it happen Bethesda.

    1. A Black Circle
    2. CosmicHooves


      Yeah, the amount of lore would kill the developers...

    3. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      You'd need MK again

  14. I think Skyrim's turning me into a fury.

  15. If you held a gun to my head and told me I had to choose between Clinton or Trump for the next election, I'd tell you to pull the trigger.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Celtore


      The current prime minister of Canada and the head of the Conservative Party

    3. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Thank you for explaining that Celtore. :)

    4. Celtore


      No problem! It's fun wandering in and out of random statuses :P

  16. Have to say, Morrowind's soundtrack is the best I've ever heard in the Elder Scrolls Series.

    1. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle



      Trust me.

  17. Shamelessly, I watch MxR mods every week he makes a video.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CosmicHooves


      If I had a penny for every innuendo in his videos...

    3. Raritas


      They're the best part aha xD Looking forward to his Fallout 4 reviews

    4. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      He shouldn't rely on sex appeal for views.

  18. Religion is like a gun. It's ok to have one. It's ok to share it with others. But for the love of God, don't kill people with it.

  19. I hope to God that Windows 10 doesn't screw up Skyrim on my computer. I've put over 200 hours of gameplay into my current save file.

  20. I'm not voting for Clinton or Trump. I'm just going to cryo-freeze myself for 1000 years and see if the economy has gotten any better.

    1. J.T.


      and hang out with your new friends Ted Williams and Walt Disney :P

    2. Admiral Regulus

      Admiral Regulus

      What about Bernie Sanders?

  21. Just bit someone's head off in Skyrim as a werewolf.

  22. I can't seem to stay a human in Skyrim. I always end up becoming a vampire or werewolf.

    1. Jeremiah


      thats much better

    2. CosmicHooves


      Werewolve's a bit OP, but there's too many disadvantages to becoming a vampire.

  23. I wish Fallout 3 was optimized for windows 8.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sky Knight

      Sky Knight

      It's probably behind them now, just there to gather whatever money it can.

    3. CosmicHooves


      Well I read the Steam forums and it's begining to tick people off.

    4. Sky Knight

      Sky Knight

      I don't think anyone is developing for Fallout 3 anymore, all the attention is on Fallout 4.

  24. In Skyrim, I accidentally got into a mission where I have to fight Daedras. Never seen one before. How... hard are they actually?

    1. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      It killed me before I saw it.

    2. CosmicHooves


      Probably want to wait 'till I get some Ebony armor.

      I'm still stuck on Orcish.

    3. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      I'm still stuck on Leather

  25. I don't like being lied to, even if the truth would make me uncomfortable.

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