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  1. Jeric's post in No friends tab in profile was marked as the answer   
    I was attempting to chase down the profile template issue before I leave. I’ll turn everything back. 
  2. Jeric's post in "Add friend" not working was marked as the answer   
    @Splashee I increased the cap to 400 so that should work for now. Let me know if you can send a new request out
  3. Jeric's post in Can I Hide Recent Browsing? was marked as the answer   
    Last I checked the anonymous browsing features were lacking. I’ll retest this after the upgrade. 
  4. Jeric's post in Been getting a notification of my own character posting in an RP was marked as the answer   
    To shed some light on this, first you have to understand that the Character System is not stock for the forum software. It is a third party modification to the base software. 
    Character accounts are not treated any differently than a unique account with respect to main features of IPB. In some cases character accounts are not tied into many of the main features at all (like warnings and PM). In a few cases the character inherits from the player. The end result of this is that a user can post as another sub account while side stepping many of the issues of managing multiple accounts. One of the most tricky aspects of this is how notifications are handled. Since characters are legitimate accounts, and because notifications are a high level feature, characters can’t bypass your notification preferences in your main account easily. The developers were aware of this and can to the conclusion that it’s an acceptable side effect. IPB also does not usually like when certain core features are “broken” to allow a modification to work. 
    That means that you will receive notifications of your characters as if they were a separate account, until the creators of the character system decide to investigate a novel approach to manage ignoring notifications of your character. 
    It’s not a bug (a defect that was introduced without being planned or having knowledge of). 
  5. Jeric's post in Can't see dates and time on mobile was marked as the answer   
    When the style changes are made they will be posted in Throne Room.
  6. Jeric's post in Mayonnaise reaction was marked as the answer   
    It was added with no purpose in mind. 
  7. Jeric's post in Regarding User-Submitted Content - Poniverse's Terms of Use was marked as the answer   
    These are a non-exhaustive list of why this TOS line exists. We don't want any of the following to happen. 
    User creates art. User posts art on MLPF. Somepony else reposts on MLPF or shares with appropriate attribution. Artist requests royalty or licensing fees from Poniverse. 
    User creates post that is insanely good. Somepony shares link to post on Twitter. Post becomes viral. Poniverse gets a jump in ad revenue and increases user base do to post. Poster requests revenue share from Poniverse.
    User volunteers to be on MLPF staff. User creates art of our mascots for us to use. User quits. Years later user comes back and demands we stop using this art for our mascot or sues us. 
    User with 10,000 posts rage quits and demands that we delete all his posts. 
    User posts crap content, and we hide it, and she sues suggesting we have no permission to remove content. 
    Again this is non-exhaustive. FWIW, Section 5 prevents abuse of this rule, not that it is needed since contracts of use cannot supercede Canadian law when Canadian law contradicts it. We cannot own something we did not create ourselves, but we can use it on our platforms, and we can use it to make revenue (traffic drives ad revenue). Obviously we cannot own something that a user posts that they do not own. We do not delete content on MLPF, seeking to preserve the content for posterity, if not the attribution associated. We do not want users to feel pressured to not share content that they find on here. We do not want, as a non-profit organization, to bear any legal or financial burden for operating as a platform that users will post and share content. And yes, content is everything. What I am typing now is content. I own it but MLPF and Poniverse (same same), have the ability to decide how it is used on the platform.  
    If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to @LadyMercury
  8. Jeric's post in Not being able to see who reacts to me. was marked as the answer   
    I temporarily switched it off for one user group. I am experimenting with reactions at the moment, as I tend to do with the features on here. When I’m done and switch it back I’ll let you know. 
    FYI to everyone ... never get so used to how things are, because change is constant here. And unless someone says “It’s a glitch” assume it’s on purpose 
  9. Jeric's post in Limiting people to your profile was marked as the answer   
    This was a shortly lived issue with a configuration we took offline. This has since been resolved. 
  10. Jeric's post in link to "most brohoofed content" appears to be broken? was marked as the answer   
    Yes. This has been an issue for a long while, going back to at least early to mid 2014 when I noticed the timeout with the Best Content feature. At the time it was considered an item that was either unable to be repaired, or required a time investment that was significant to the point that it would not be worth fixing in lieu of the many other things that could be worked on instead.
    I know that there was an attempt in early 2014 to rebuild it, so it is possible the task kept failing. I think there actually may be a thread or two about it.
  11. Jeric's post in Resurrect Old Threads? was marked as the answer   
    In general yes you can 'necropost'. Just make sure it isn't a response to something obvious ... for example a topic about who will win the 2012 US Elections would be a bad thread to bump. 
    You can create a new topic even it it is previously discussed, but if you see a red tag that says "Mega Thread" then those topics are so popular staff would merge any duplicates into it. 
  12. Jeric's post in Fan Club Reborn was marked as the answer   
    Answering this as a Site Question based around General Rules, Policy, and Procedure.
    The rules that apply to all Fan Clubs are The same as apply to the forum in general with one notable exception as I will address below. Fragmentation of the rules serves to create confusion. The only FC specific rule not covered in the Global Rules is that the Fan Clubs are not a platform for hating on a character the Fan Club is about.
    We are not in favor of making Fan Clubs that exclude specific ships. Basically, if there is a character FC, it's a free space to ship the character with any other character provided it is a SFW concept.
    Those are the existing rules. I know you may be referring to the rules listed in the OP of some of those topics, but there weren't created by staff and are not official notices.
    I hope this answered your question.
  13. Jeric's post in Is IPad supported? was marked as the answer   
    Both of the above are accurate.

    I do want to point out that some full site functions won't work exactly the same as parts of the site do use methods that don't work well (or at all) on Android or iOS (such as the Flash versions of our uploader ... so you will be using the non Flash version), but a majority will work. I also recall some minor issues with the reply box on iOS. 
  14. Jeric's post in Is this pic alright for avi use? was marked as the answer   
    For this sort of request you want to submit a Support Ticket in case there is an issue with the video so it isn't public.
    Here is the link.
    I'll go ahead and call this answered.
  15. Jeric's post in Helping friend to appeal was marked as the answer   
    Hey Light Blade, in order to respect the privacy of the individual we would not be able to comment on any moderation action taken. He or she is welcome to file a dispute via disputes@mlpforums.com or through the support ticket system.
    The person should always give some time for the Admins to review the request. If they feel that it did not reach the box thd Admins can be reached via PM as always.
    But moderation decisions are never arbitrated publicly or with a third party. We support privacy in these matters.
    I will go ahead and close this out as answered.
  16. Jeric's post in Am I able to make a post about a store that hosts MLP CCG events? was marked as the answer   
    Delts, good question. MLPF does have a general prohibition on advertising online storefronts. 
    What you can go ahead and do is click here and send a request to the Administration team if you feel you need an exception to the rule. 

  17. Jeric's post in How Do I Become A Staff was marked as the answer   
    Since you mentioned the Moderation App 
    Make sure you read over this FAQ. There are quite a few topics in the Throne Room that discuss what they look for in a staff member. You may want to ask a Moderator or Admin if they have received the application, because the application forwarder does occasionally get clogged. If they have received it, it can take some time for them to review. Patience and restraint is highly prized on MLPF staff. 
  18. Jeric's post in As a newbie, is there anything else that I should know about the forums? was marked as the answer   
    Real the rules here
    Read the FAQ's here
    Read the Resource Map here
    and of course, have fun. Remember - when the Mods are asleep ... post ponies. 
  19. Jeric's post in Problem with FIMFiction.Net was marked as the answer   
    Technical issues? Not here.
    If you honestly have a 'bone to pick' with another Brony site, I would suggest that you reconsider using MLPF as a platform for that. For one, it likely isn't going to be read by the people that operate the FimFiction site. Two, topics like that tend to come off as self-indulgent whining with the basis rooted in turning people off of the site.
    I'm not saying that is your intent, but is is the common angle used online.
  20. Jeric's post in Concerned about auto-unfriending. was marked as the answer   
    That shouldn't be happening. I know the friends list has problems when it reaches high three figures (you may lose functionality in notifications ... your friends may not see your status updates).
    Because I've seen some buggy things with friends lists, you may want to open a support ticket for that. Just in case.
  21. Jeric's post in Where can I find roommates for bronycon? was marked as the answer   
    The best avenue for you is on BronyCon's official site. 
    Here is the Room Share Forum for them. We do not partner with that, and some on staff have had concerns with sharing personal details on MLPF when we don't have a partner relationship, so I can't even suggest the Meet Up forum. 
  22. Jeric's post in 255KB Custom Images? was marked as the answer   
    File size limits are usually enforced by sites to improve performance/user experience as well as save on space. Generally PNG images are the way to go (head to my profile and check out my BG for an example).
    But yes you are right in that there is a file size limit for various elements such as avatars and profile backgrounds. It isn't a bug, but it is set to that limit by design. If you are seeking to have the policy changed I would suggest reporting your OP and requesting this be moved to Feedback or open a Feedback centric topic.
  23. Jeric's post in Images not appearing correctly when I Previw Post while making Blogs was marked as the answer   
    Remove everything after the file extension. You also had a space after vignette4.

  24. Jeric's post in Where to post theories? was marked as the answer   
    If you intend to stick within the confines of the show itself, Show Discussion.
  25. Jeric's post in Getting another members notifications. was marked as the answer   
    Looking into this now. 

    Solved this. Taking it offline for privacy reasons.
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