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Spartan-Dash (MP117)

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Everything posted by Spartan-Dash (MP117)

  1. If firearms are illegal in Ponyville, what if the town, Celestia forbid, got attacked?
  2. I started playing Halo starting with Reach, now I'm playing CE, then I'll tget Halo 2, 3, then ODST. And finally, Halo 4.
  3. I want to try to be a US Marine. I thought that I love to help people. I believe in "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.". America has been good to me, so I guess it was time to return the favor, even if it means losing my life for it. But I am only 11, so maybe when I'm in my later 20's. And if I come home after my tour, become a Registered Nurse at the hospital I was born in.
  4. OMG thanks! Could you tell your friends about ot on here cuz I need more views on it
  5. So this is chapter 1 of My Little Reach: Halo is Tactical . Ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes because I typed it on my Mac which has really sticky keys so it's hard to type. So enjoy Day 1 Part 1: Mane Actual May 3rd. 2552 Somewhere on Reach The camp was busy, with Pegasus choppers coming and going, and Tumbler jeeps leaving camp full of mares with HOOF armor on. A Pegasus chopper lands on one of the landing pads, and a young mare steps out. “Sparkplug” as they called her. MARE 871, stationed on Reach to monitor any Discord activity in the REACH system. The mare walks toward a tent, where voices are heard from inside. Five others wearing HOOF armor. One, with Blue armor and a multi-color helmet is speaking into a hologram communication system. “Mane actual, we have lost contact with an outpost 30 miles away from your location. We want you to find out what happened.” The voice says. “Consider it done.” The mare replies. She turns to face MARE 871, Lieutenant Sparkplug. “Ma’am.” Sparkplug snaps to attention, but is forced to go back on all four hooves due to her terrible balance. “Mane Six, glad you could make it. I’m Mane One, Dash, Mane two and three Pinkie and Rarity, and four and five, Jack and Shy.” Dash says. “Okay, team, we have a job to do, everyone to the chopper. Double time Mane!” She orders. Day 1 Part 2: Winter Wrap-Up May 3rd, 2552 Reach The Pegasi fly over a Reachian village, with Mane 1 looking at it. “Okay I got eyes on distress beacon, that’s the missing mare’s location. Pilot land us in the clearing.” The pilot lands the chopper in a clearing next to a house, and Mane Team piles out. “Six go with Jack and check out that beacon. Mane team spread out!” Dash orders. “Six on me!” Jack says through a private comm. Channel to Sparkplug. She nods and clops over to her teammate. “Mane Actual I got nothing here, only dead bodies. The mare was killed. Look.” Jack tells Dash. Mane actual approaches the mare’s corpse. “Whoa.” She turns to face Mane Team. “Team, proceed to next objective. We need to get that outpost online again, Mane! We’ll go through the East Valley, get in the Tumblers. It will be a heck of a lot faster than walking.” Dash orders. MARE 871 “Sparkplug” drives one of the Tumblers, with Dash as passenger and Shy as gunner. “Alright Six, stop here.” Dash tells Sparkplug. MARE 871 halts the Tumbler in front of the outpost. “We seem clear. Okay let’s go.” Shy says quickly. Jack looks over at Shy. “Your scared of a building. Are you kidding me?” She asks sarcastically. “No, I’m scared of what’s ABOVE the outpost.” Fly responds, shaking. “Oh. My. Go-” Dash is cut off as a ‘Luna’ dropship dispenses an unusual alien race: Para-elites. These tall creatures were green or purple, wearing armor similar to the MARE armor the mares wore. Just tougher. Their heads were round, and huge eyes bugling out of its skull. The most disgusting thing Mane Team has ever seen. Other variants of the Para-elites included must smaller; and dumber ones called Para-grunts. They had the same heads, smaller and thinner armor, and an unusually large spire-shaped piece of iron on their backs. Dash tries to contact HQ. “This is Mane Actual, the Discord are on Reach.” No response, “HQ come in!” Dash repeats. Still no reply. “Looks like command won’t be cuddling us on this mission, Mane.” Dash warns the team. The team spreads out as the Para-elites fire on them. Rarity uses her muzzle to un-hook her Sniper and load it with armor piercing rounds. She then leans on a crate, using her back legs to keep her balanced. Unlike the mares, the Paras could stand up straight, so they were more accurate. The mares either had to lean on something or only shoot with one hoof, which wasn’t too hard with HOOF armor on, giving the mares more leverage when interacting with anything heavy. It also assisted the mares to jump twice their normal height, and gallop three times their normal speed. Rarity fires a round at a Para-elite, and kills it. The rounds could easily pierce the plasma shield of a Para-elite, the armor, and kill them with one bullet. Other mares in the team drop many Para-grunts. “Boom. Headshot.” Rarity says. “Everyone in the outpost! Go!” Dash shouts. Mane team gallops into the building, and shuts the blast doors just as Sparkplug gets inside. “Pink, how long until this station is back online?’ Dash asks Pinkie. “Plasma damage… with that about two weeks. At least.” Pinkie replies. Dash looks down. “Six get that junction activated, I need to contact HQ.” She says. Sparkplug, Mane 6, uses her hoof to clop on a little tablet on the wall, controlling the comms. “This is Mane Actual do you read me, over?” Dash says into a comm. “Read you, go ahead Mane Actual.” The operator says. “The Discord are on Reach.” Dash says. “Confirm, Mane. Did you say ‘Discord’?” The operator inquires. “Yes, I did. The Winter Wrap-Up is in action.” Dash confirms. She turns off the comm. And turns towards her squad. Pinkie gasps. “The Winter Wrap-Up!?” Dash responds, “Yes.” She continues. “The Winter Wrap-Up is a back-up plan if the Discord are on, interacting, or have heard about an Equestrian colony.” Dash finishes. She stares silently at Mane Team. “And the Wrap-Up has just begun.”
  6. Reach. No doubt Reach. IT'S ALL ABOUT REACH. No I'm a human, but I heard in the Pony dimension there are unusual lights in the sky at night, and that the Royal Guards of the Continent of Equestria on Pony Earth have intercepted messages from space. My username just is a theory that the Master Pony exists... Oh, uh, Princess! Honored to have you reply! Anyways, in my fan fiction the Unicorns, Ponies, and Pegasi are all equal. But all I know is that in the Pony dimension is that there are rumors about the MARES existing. But it's just a rumor, of course! In the human dimension the Master Chief doesn't exist. But in your dimension everything is altered. So maybe he is real where you live. I'd reccomend keeping Royal Guards on high alert for any MARES.
  7. Ok, the "Silent Cartographer" scared the hay outta me. IDK why but it did.

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Halo: CE is awesome!!!!!!!

  8. Leave me be, I already have enough problems in my life Don't say anything more
  9. BEWARE: I will easily snipe you with the DMR in Halo: Reach from the other side of the map!

  10. BEWARE: I will easily snipe you with the DMR in Halo: Reach from the other side of the map!

  11. You guys know I'm human, and my username is just to combine MLP and Halo, but I still keep in Contact with ponies :D

  12. 1. I don't. End of story.2. It's just a really good game.
  13. Are you, Applejack, borrowing Auriety's account to answer all these questions?
  14. BEGIN TRANSMISSION: Alright, MARES! If you want to ask me, the Master Pony anything, do it here. NOWHERE ELSE! Not New Alexandria, not The Pillar of Autumn, ONLY HERE! No get to it, MARES! On another note: MARE is an equivelant to a Spartan ENDTRANSMISSION
  15. 1. When you said "Fast as a Bullet", isn't that odd because firearms are illegal in Ponyville? 2. Can I haz hug?
  16. Eeyup. But they put "Big Lebowski" references in there, a movie that couldn't have too many curses in it!
  17. I bet they have only spears, because what else would they be able to hold? Cannons, yes, but the soldier ponies are running the risk of dropping an artillery shell on their buddy's hoof, and that would be complete chaos. And firearms are illegal in Ponyville. So let's just see what happens to Ponyville once the Covenant attacks Earth...
  18. Wouldn't it be cool if there were some video game references in MLP? Like maybe Dash reading Daring Doo outloud and she mentions something about "The Land of Onyx" (Onyx is a Covenant occupied Planet from Halo) or they put Master Pony in the backround? Or maybe introduce a new pony in an episode whoes name is Emile! Anypony have any more ideas? ENS TRANSMISSION TYPO: END TRANSMISSION
  19. Alright bronies, listen up! I have a forum game for you... POST RANDOM PICS OF MLP CHARACTERS IN SPARTAN ARMOR OR OPERATING HALO VEHICLES/TECH!!! Sounds fun, right? Rules: Has to be ALL ponies, no humans in the pictures allowed. Motivational or Epic Fail pics don't count You may take from internet or draw, I don't care. Alright bronies, let's see what you got! Now I want to hear those hooves clopping the keyboard searching/drawing pics, or I'll hand you over to the Discord (Covenant). END TRANSMISSION
  20. So due to my obsession with Halo I am writing an MLP/Halo fanfic. The story starts out with the new member of Mane Team meeting her squadmates. Dash (1) Pink (2) Rarity (3) Jack (4) and Shy (5) with Sparkplug (6) being the main character. There are many puns in this, like Winter Contingency being Winter Wrap Up and MJOLNIR armor being HOOf armor, and my favorite, ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) being PONI (Pony Office of Naval Intelligence). So I will be copy/pasting each part of it onto a new topic for you to read. END TRANSMISSION
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