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Undubbed Wubs

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Status Updates posted by Undubbed Wubs

  1. To bed I go, a smile upon my face, helped there by the shining stars of love and hope that are all you ponyfolk. :3

  2. Woe is the social butterfly grounded by the winds of introversion.

    1. Sunshower Raindrops
    2. Sorry


      *lifts up the little social butterfly* :3

  3. 3:50am.. Why, why do I keep waking up? A single snowflake of thought, a reminder of loss, soon becomes an avalanche that buries me in questions and bittersweet memories.

  4. Love your profile pic, very inspiring.

  5. Feast or famine seems to be the order of the week when it comes to social interactions. ^w^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      Does my brownie-less suffering entertain you so? Shall I do a little dance for you? *starts to do a sad little interpretive dance* ~T^T~

    3. Sunshower Raindrops
    4. eowyn3399


      heehee! i nice soft shoe....a-thank ya!

  6. I've gone from 6 friends on facebewk to 30 in the course of a few days. Met them all @ EFNW.

  7. I should beet asleep right now. Goodnight every(huggy)pony.

  8. Going to die of happiness. :D

    1. SeraphStar


      Ooo, sounds like the best way to die (IMO) :) what happened?

    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      Oh, just having a super crazy fun weekend @ EFNW. Cosplaying was.. WAY more rewarding than I ever would have thought. Plus, I actually made some friends.. and we actually hung out! *mind blown*

  9. Wake up at 4am thinking of cosplay gags... can't get back to sleep. ;o;

  10. Day 1 @ EFNW complete.. So much bucking fun. Somehow I.. entered the costume contest.. I'm scared. o.o

    1. Sunshower Raindrops
    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      I'm not in it to win it, I'm in it to not make a total fool of myself on stage. If I can manage that, I'll be happy. x3

    3. SeraphStar


      Awesome!! :3 Good luck and have fun!

  11. I should be doing last minute cosplay stuff, but my dog is sleeping on my chest adorably.

    1. Starflower


      That sounds adorable. <3

    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      It really is... >.< Love the profile piccy btw.

    3. Starflower


      Oh thank you. :) it's seriously one of my favorites.

  12. Should Boneless wear a black bowler hat, as in the show, or should I spiff him up with a silver glittery cowboy hat?

    1. SeraphStar


      I'd say your choice, though the cowboy hat would be interesting.

  13. Self confidence can be a very fragile thing...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kelseymarie805


      It's good to have as much confidence as you can, sky's not the limit when it comes to confidence. As long as you're not cocky about it, there's a big difference between being confident and being cocky.

    3. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      Oh, well I'm.. a bit cocky in some departments, like those areas I excel in.. when it comes to socializing though, I'm still learning to walk.. ^^;

    4. Sudo Krenton
  14. I love that Derpy and Starbutt are neck and neck in the world cup. x3

    1. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      Must vote for derpy. Sunshower and Derps are great friends.

    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      I did so long ago; It's Derpy's day to be a princess. x3

  15. You're all very wonderful in your own ways. ^w^ *hugs*

    1. KoGy
    2. Sunshower Raindrops
    3. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      I gotta say, I wasn't expecting all these hugs. x3 I was expecting more argument, like people saying that they aren't wonderful and such. Ya'll make me proud. :3

  16. Retired or not, Happy b-day! :D

  17. omg, I'm late! Happy Age Unknownth Birthday, Derpy-Hime! :D

    1. Princess Derpy
    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      It's like you were born ready for Non-Pony Identity day, I tell ya hwhwat. Perhaps this is the one day that you take pony form. x3

    3. Princess Derpy

      Princess Derpy

      xD Haha! Could be!

  18. Saw Royksopp in concert tonight. T'was fun. I doubt many have heard of them.

    1. KoGy
    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      LOL, that picture was perfect KoGy. xD

  19. Park Pony Potluck Picnic was fun, plus friendships deepened, yay!

    1. Thunderstreak


      Sounds awesome!

    2. Dead account67902568

      Dead account67902568

      I wanna picnic

      never had one before

    3. SeraphStar


      Congrats! Glad to hear it was fun. :)

  20. Going to a pony potluck picnic with 25'ish other ponyfolk this afternoon. :3

    1. SeraphStar


      Oh wow, that sounds awesome! Have fun! :)

  21. Love dat profile pic.

    1. Vinyl Scratch.

      Vinyl Scratch.

      Tank you, I think it captures her best side :P

  22. I haz con-buddies for EFNW and BronyCan! Yay! :D

    1. Sunshower Raindrops
    2. kelseymarie805


      I agree with Sun on this one!! I wantz to gooooo!!


      Haha oh well congrats!!

  23. It bothers me a little when friends have their status update notifications turned off, but expect others to pay attention to their own.

    1. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      *unbothered now* ^w^

    2. Frostgage


      I've never really understood people who do that. Status updates seem like the biggest reason to add friends.

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