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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. wow, more than I expected. Yay I'm closed for now, working on a vector right now! My Inkscape keeps crashing but I've finally done it! Mention button not working Thanks, that means a lot to me! Does anypony mind if I post the finished requests on my DA? Credit will be given of course.
  2. Ponify the Pokémon? I shall try! (and possibly fail)
  3. I shall try my best! (Don't get your hopes high :comeatus: ) Tried to fix the link. Okay a duck!
  4. It's not really a shop if I'm not getting paid I can do some doodles and traditional art. So if you don't specify want you want, I get to choose. stuff I've done (haven't updated it much but I'm pointless anyway): http://arswinton.deviantart.com/gallery/ (Please don't request when I am closed, just wait till I am open, requests made after closing shall be ignored from now on) I don't have a drawing tablet and I can't afford one. A lot of things have to be freehand with a mouse. So please understand if I'm unable to do your OC. Dear people, before requesting, please remember that I have a life, and a wonky hand me down 2008 original macbook to work on that I can't afford to fix or replace. When progress is delayed, I try to do a piece of traditional art as a token of apology. My art is free. My time and the electricity taken to run a MacBook is not. YOU ARE NOT PAYING ME NOR HELPING ME PUT BREAD AND BUTTER ON THE TABLE. THEREFORE ANYBODY WHO ACTS LIKE AN ENTITLED SNOB SHALL BE IGNORED (I deal with enough horrible people in real life already) Have fun requesting, don't be afraid to ask for minor changes if you're not satisfied
  5. Is there a word for fear of using public computers?

  6. I requested a while back but if you'd still like to do it here:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starchase-r7595
  7. Oh that's so cute! I love you!
  8. If you think he'd like it, introduce him to the forums. I don't see why not. If you don't think he's ready, then take your time.
  9. It's not April 1st today...

  10. (Sorry I'm not posting frequent enough lately, life is eating up a lot of my time but I do read the post, if anybody needs me, please press mention button) After the whole commotion, Flux went straight out the door. She was freaked out by the whole incident. Though things had apparently died down, she still held a heavy heart. She slumped onto the wall opposite the door and sat there, head in her hooves.
  11. Everything I touch dies :(

  12. Flux was feeling a funky vibe in the room and she could tell she wasn't the only one. "I have a horrible feeling about this." She whispered under her breath to every pony but no pony in particular. Her ears flattened themselves in response. She felt spooked.
  13. (Those kinda are what I watch TV when I do... Those and Grand Design since it's always on TV)
  14. Um, I don't watch much TV but here goes: Sherclop Doctor Whooves Wallander Torchwood Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares
  15. In case anypony is wondering, I am very much alive and well and more than capable of answering questions...
  16. Requesting at Request Shops make me feel guilty. Perhaps I should open one

  17. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starchase-r7595 a heroic pose or anything that you think is nice will be fine
  18. (I have a very, very foggy idea of what Dashian is saying) "Me?Squire?" She wasn't sure if she wasn't suppose to feel honored or not. It sounded like a compliment but she felt more offended than flattered. "I'm sorry if I've been mistaken. I'll leave if I'm not wanted here." She said, hurt and somewhat cross.
  19. Starchase was young, graduated and sadly or rather happily unemployed. He was roaming aimlessly around the streets of Canterlot after a good play. He was passing by the billboards when a certain flyer caught his eye among the many ads stuck and pinned there. He stopped and gave it a quick read. Investigation? It sounded just like his sort of thing. The suspense, mystery and drama! Oh and it was in Ponyville. Bummer. He just walk off home. But thoughts of it did not leave him, they swamped him. The idea was too appealing to him. Tossing and turning in bed, he sprang out, packed his bags and headed off to the station the catch the late train with dog and goldfish in tow.
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