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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. (It's fine, I'm catching up with the rp, it just seems to move really quickly, don't be afraid to move on without me) "Sure!" Flux perked up. She was surprised but nonetheless happy to have some company even for a little while. "What do would you like to do? We've got a bit of time to spare."
  2. (I posted yesterday) "Nope, I'm fine." She sighed as she looked up, face still dark. "There's nothing much at home anyway unless we all need candles for some reason. I've got tons of those." She never wanted to go home unless it was absolutely necessary. "They're all useless." She muttered.
  3. Flux felt somewhat ignored by everypony. She understood there were more urgent issues at hoof but it didn't stop her from sulking like a filly in what she assumed was the 'background'. The idea of peace didn't exactly appeal to her. She would have preferred to live on the edge. Peace was peaceful and it was downright boring at times. She could feel some sort of conspiracy forming in her head but she brushed it off, after all, it isn't possible.
  4. Any one good with Economics? Especially macroeconomics...
  5. "Can we just agree on one plan?" Flux rolled her eyes. "This is as annoying as watching you guys fight before training." She groaned. This sucks she thought, at least we're getting somewhere, hopefully. It was either this, or back to selling candles. She was beginning to question which was worse. Her patience wore thin.
  6. "Sure...Lektra," He blushed lightly. First name basis, he wondered if that meant something. Probably not. "I would be honored." He watched in awe as Sparky dusted the stairs as they descended. He had seen an automated duster but Sparky was really something. "Good Sparky!" He praised the multi functional pet. He was shocked by the state of the basement. The labs at school were always strictly kept neat and tidy, not a nut, bolt or spanner out of place. This was a stark contrast. It was beyond any sort of mess he'd ever seen. He supposed there was a method to this madness. She was on a whole different level after all. "How curious. What is that oven? What does that suppose to do?" It seemed deceptively simple like any other oven but he could tell it wasn't complete as its guts seemed to be on the table. He stood by the inventing table, eyeing the invention. He could feel the soft heated air blown out of the heater, it seemed to have followed them downstairs. He wished it was more widely available. It would make life a lot more convenient.
  7. I'm a hat person so yes, I like fedoras. I have one in the closet
  8. "What? What's happening?" Starchase felt frustrated, it was like they were going in circles. They were never going to get home. Adventure is nice and all but this felt like a nightmare. Dead bodies are no fun. "Where are we going next?" He gave in with a light sigh.
  9. logged in as Jack Harkness to do a quiz in class today, cause the example told me to!

  10. "Thank you for your concern, Miss. I believe I am fine now, thanks to your care. For that I am deeply grateful." Starchase bowed his head slightly, giving a small apologetic smile. He'd never been near mares much, he wasn't sure how to please them, there was always nasty rumors from the seniors about how nasty they could be but this mare seemed alright,she was nice to him. He got up on his wobbly hooves, barely able to stand on his own. "Good...robot? Hello, Sparky." He cooed, he had a feeling it didn't like him. Maybe he'd get one when he got out of school. A real puppy. He was never really good with inanimate objects, like the pet rock whose name shall not be mentioned. He quite liked the little hut with all its funny little machines, not seen anywhere else. He was highly impressed with her level of skill. "Yes, I would like to see your creations, Miss. No doubt they must be astounding like this...Sparky here. I've never seen such advanced mechanical contraptions in all of my travels in Equestria." He hoped she liked him, or he might get kicked out and sent back to boarding.
  11. Starchase felt sick. He wasn't expecting the gruesome sight before him. It sickened him to the core. He wanted to throw up on the crime scene and run back out into the streets. Never had he seen such a bloody sight. Tears unwittingly came to the corner of his eyes. He was even conscious of it till he felt a wetness running down his muzzle. He quickly wiped it away.
  12. Personally, I don't think there is an afterlife. We die, we die. That's all.
  13. Ah that old video, haven't seen it in years!
  14. It's great here. We have tons of sections so you can do whatever you like (but there are the basic rules)
  15. Devloping a new OC and redoing old ones *yay*

  16. Welcome, I'm sure you'll find a place for yourself here, we're not too judge-y. Ps I'm not 10 either.
  17. could you please do my oc? http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starchase-r7595 Go crazy and do whatever you want with him ;-)
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