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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. Flux triedo to move around in her new armor. It was a lot heavier than she expected. She was better in setting trap spells than actual direct combat. It would need some taking used to with the armor on. On one hoof, she didn't like being burdened with its weight but on the other, she didn't want to get injured.
  2. "Well it really depends on what you want." Star chase rolled his eyes like it was something super obvious. "Bits? Gems? You know you broke into one of the most expensive boarding schools in the whole of Equestria right? You're not the first to threaten my life. So. Name. Your. Price. "
  3. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Lessons end exactly ten minutes from now. The hallways will be flooded with ponies. Do you think nobody's going to notice you? Security increases during free moving hours. I don't know how you got in, but you won't be getting out." Starchase was actually more excited than scared. The adrenaline was getting to him. "And we can pass by the kitchen if you want."
  4. "Dorm. Nobody's about at this time, French classes." Starchase replied in a hushed tone. They passed through the garden and cut though a small alley leading to a back door of a red brick building. He swipes his card and holds the door open with his magic for the stranger. They dart into his room, the one in the corner. He locks the door. "I need you to take me out of here or I can and will shout for the house master."
  5. "You're not from here." He stated it as a fact. "You shouldn't be here." He stared at the stranger, not sure what to do. "You can't stay out here, you'll get caught. Some of the greatest minds of Equestrian attend here. But they're all in extra classes. So the close should be clear." Starchase took the lead, motioning the stranger to follow.
  6. He ran. Faster than the wind, he intended to run back to his dorm and maybe report it to the house master. He ran blindly until he crashed into a cloaked pony. (You) "Sorry" He apologized as he brushed himself off. "Who are you?!" He questioned, rather alarmed, there usually weren't many strangers on campus.
  7. OOC http://mlpforums.com/topic/119112-1x1-with-mindfracture/?p=3412902 It was a windy autumn evening. The dry leaves blew in the wind and crunched underhoof as Starchase strolled around the school grounds. A rustling in the bushes attracted him. He curiously peeked into the thick hedge. A squirrel? A fallen bird? A pair of green eyes greeted him. It was no woodland creature. He stood there,paralyzed.
  8. She's very nice. Love the gradient on her hooves.
  9. Hope to see you in the Role play World soon, I hang around there a lot so we might RP together one day.
  10. Do you think the ponies today appreciate the ancient world enough?
  11. The ringing box made Starchase shrink back into his hood. He watched curiously as Blackstone picked it up and talked into it. Must be some sort of future invention he though. Putting his hood back up, he followed Blackstone as he trotted out the door, not wanting to be left behind.
  12. I must admit the story has became very fusratingly hard to follow in recent times. And I was a little disappointed with the 50th anniversary episode, it was okay but the Christmas special was kinda...bad. But overall I'd say it's not bad, just okay, I suppose.
  13. Flux calmly step forward to receive her armor. She had never donned a warrior's garb before though she had seen armored guards patrolling around the city before. She could imagine herself all regal, proud and grand, standing beside the mightiest heroes of Equestria.
  14. Starchase felt like he had died and gone to heaven. He could feel warmth enveloping him like a cacoon. It felt so good he didn't even want to get up. Twitching his nose, he smelt food. Still rather reluctant to actually wake up, he shifted about. Then he noticed the bed was a bit...off. It felt so awfully hard it was like sleeping on the hard wood floor in his dorm. This irked him. He was used to sleeping on his rather spingy but comfortable bed with his feather filled pillow and stuffed piglet. Not that he would ever admit to the last one. Hamlet was to remain a secret. Only 3 ponies knew about it, his parents and the housemaid. 4 if you count the classmate that walked in one him once. Fluttering his eyelids, he cracked open an eye, still blurry. Almost immediately, both his blurry eyes were wide open. He couldn't believe them. He really had died and gone to who knows where. In front of him sat a golden mare? He was still adjusting to the light but he couldid feel the heat radiating from her like the sun. He had a stupidly content look on his face like an idiot.
  15. "You honestly think we can save Equestria?" Starchase asked curiously. The topic never bothered him but it just never seemed like a plausible thing they could do. They weren't exceptionally talented or anything. He didn't even know these ponies! "Where do we even start?"
  16. Flux walked to the right of the stage with her headad held high. She was proud of where she was today. It sure beat working at the shop she shrugged mentally as she took her place. Never had she been so excited in her life. She readied herself, barely containing her excitement .
  17. Could you do my oc? Ref: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starchase-r7595 Base:http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/158/7/8/scared_pony_base_by_wieniesrule-d52l4hx.png
  18. "Could I please stay till the storm blows over? I promise I won't be a nuisance. Please?" He stammered, lips peeling, cracked and bleeding, doing his best pleading eyes though there wasn't a need to, he was already quite a sight to behold. "My name is Starchase." The breeze of heat returned sensation to his hooves little by little. Though it did feel weird having an automatic broom sweep around him and answering to a robot, he wasn't about to complain. The warmth of the room was a pleasant temperature, as if nature had decided to reward him for dragging himself miles through the snow. It was then he realized he was exhausted. He hasn't had a proper meal for days. The adrenaline was leaving him. He felt himself crashing to the ground, his hooves failing him. "Sorry" He mumbled, trying valiantly to pick himself up. He gave up and sat on the floor. He felt dizzy and nauseous as though the room was spinning wildly out of control. It became hard for him to even hold his head up. He could feel black spots invading his vision, an unwelcomed sight. He didn't know what happened next as he suddenly blacked out.
  19. Love her mane and expressions, especially the angry one
  20. @@bronislav84 OOC:http://mlpforums.com/topic/118732-1x1-with-bronislav84/ It was a bitterly cold winter. The land was blanketed with thick inches of pure white snow. The wind howled liked a wild timberwolf. Everypony stayed in their cozy home, keeping their oives toasty. None dared to venture out into the cold. The town was empty, not a soul to be seen. In the outskirts of town, a pony too old to be a colt, too young to be a stallion was trudging through the snow, braving the harsh winter weather. Having ran away from school and stole onto a train, he was miles and miles from home and all in his own with no familiar faces and no one to turn to. In the distance, he spotted a hut with his blurry vision. Joy leapt in his heart. Shelter, he thought, I need shelter. This motivated him to move faster though he had begun to loose sensation in his hooves and they were wobbly and unstable like a plate of jelly, barely able to support him. He dragged himself to the doorstep and knocked the door repetitively, banging it harder and harder each time, desperately waiting for an answer.
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