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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. And then she said--oh wait, no one's listening...
  2. "I like to think of myself as priceles--Shouldn't we be going by now?" He asked, actively trying to get free from the possibly psychotic mare. It wouldn't be his first encounter with a foal fiddler (it's in the Ask Starchase thread). But he sure as hell didn't want to be caught like this again, assassin or no assassin.
  3. Flux squealed with a high pitch at the sight of the living dummies. She backed herself into a corner and stayed there. " Anything that comes here BURNS!" She huddled in the corner, setting her traps, waiting for some moron stupid enough to trip them. She hated those things, they moved which really creep her out.
  4. Starchase stayed at the back of the group. He didn't particularly strong stomach but he sure wasn't staying out there. His ears dropped at the words 'messed up'. He already felt a little sick even though he hadn't actually seen anything yet. "Ready when you are..." He murmured.
  5. "My name is Starchase, Miss." He sniffled, putting down the spoon by the bowl. Generally, Starchase did not enjoy instant food or any kind escpecially oats but he was absolutely famished! But it did not make him forget his finely honed table manners. He chewed his food in a calmed and composed manner before swallowing unlike a starved pony he is. He had his standards. "I'm sorry if I'm being an inconvenience, Miss. I didn't mean to distract you from your most important work." He gave her the big sorry eyes as he ate. He tried not to sniffle or sneeze as he ate. Even though it was no longer freezing cold, he felt irritable and sleepy. He definately had a cold. A bad one at that. He wished he could snuggle up in a bed with a hot water bottle and a certain piglet. "May I inquire what that is, Miss?" Starchase pointed at the robot. He'd seen robots in school before for science projects and hobbies but nothing like that. He couldn't really make out what it looked like. It reminded him of a toaster, but of course he'd never tell her that.
  6. "Perhaps another few years," He tried to not let it get to him. When I'm mentally prepared for this type of trauma he thought to himself. He drank his juice slowly, trying not to choke himself. "So what brings you to this part of town, Miss?" He tried to think of anything else but the feeling he was getting from her using him as a sort of beanbag chair.
  7. "I would prefer to think he is acting out of the latter--oh! Please don't do tha-" He squirmed beneath her. He felt tempted to shove her off his lap and onto the floor. But being the gentlecolt he was, he didn't. Instead, he asked nicely. "Could you please get off me?"
  8. Flux effortlessly made the dummy combust into flames. "There, good as gone." She clapped her hooves in delight. "Was that good? Or bad? Or?" She nervously looked at her peers, desperate for a hint of approval. Usually when things burned, people were not happy with her.
  9. Starchase felt really really awkward with a mare in his lap. He'd never really talked to a mare before this and now he had one in his lap. She's wasn't heavy or anything. In fact it felt somewhat pleasant. He blushed under her attention, turning a light shade of red. "Nice to meet you, I'm Starchase."
  10. "Er, sure. But isn't that kind of taking advantage of her?" Starchase hesitantly walked over to the mare and approached the wobbly mare. "Miss, I couldn't help but notice you have extraordinarily beautiful eyes that are a striking match for your luxurious mane. May I have the pleasure of your company at our table?"
  11. "I'm not sure about this." For one, he's not of legal drinking age in most parts of Equstria. Secondly, he'd never actually hit on a mare before. The school he attended was exclusively for males. It's female counterpart was down the road but they never got together except for school functions or tournaments. Add in raging hormones... "Ah, screw it, let's go in."
  12. Starchase was getting bored. The town was very small and did not really have much for him to see. It was actually getting rather depressing for him. Being bored usually led to thinking and thinking led to unhappy thoughts. And those led to... somewhere he didn't want to be. Eventually he headed to the train station.
  13. "Um, sure." Well he didn't exactly know what to do. He'd never had so much freedom in his life. Exploration seemed like such a foreign concept to him now. He just walked around and didn't really do much, trying to keep a low profile. The staff must have already noticed his absence by now. The police would have been notified. He was essentially a wanted escapee.
  14. A low drawn out groan came from the door like a monster moaning from the shadows. Starchase pried his eyes open and forced himself to get out of the warm comfy bed. He brushed his teeth and took a quick refreshing shower before he headed out to meet up.
  15. @@Miss Reaper Starchase pleasantly surprised to find his living room intact and not messed up when he had finally managed to cook what he deemed a half decent meal. He carried the plates over to his small dining table, just the right size for two. "Galatea, time for dinner!" He called. At the mention of food, Diamonds bounded over, begging as usual for a scrap or two.
  16. Starchase locked the door,insuring it was properly bolted. He wasn't afraid of no changelings. Just...wary. At least he was out of the woods. Away from school. It was progress none the less. He had been planning for weeks but he never thought it would come to fruitation.
  17. "Okay. War room. Dusk. Got it!" Flux nodded. She didn't exactly know what to do then but she didn't really want to stay with her current company. At least not when they're all together. The fighting really got on her nerves. It was annoying, foalish and just downright stupid.
  18. "Wow, how'd you do that? You're amazing!" He blinked and adjusted his eyes to the light. But sundown was coming. "I think we'd better find a place to stay the night. It's getting late." In truth, he had never been out this late without his parents and it made him somewhat scared.
  19. "Well I am suicidal but that other stuff doesn't exactly sound pleasant." Finishing his apple,he buried it in a shallow hole. He took out a handkerchief and blindfolded himself, making sure he couldn't see. "So are you some sort of werepony?" He asked as they walked.
  20. "Great, you showed up, let's go!" He said, gagging on the smell. So they escaped through the delivery door and did a straight sprint into the woods. The school had held classes and activities in the area so Starchase was well aquaintes with the place. He took them north, not stopping till he was damn sure nobody could track them. "I think we're save for now." He huffed as they came to a halt. "Apple?" Starchase offered him one as he munched on one himself.
  21. "Well, see you then." He shrugged to the empty space. Putting on his winter blazer, he trotted out like he would everyday to dinner hall. Nobody questioned him. He nipped into the kitchen and hid in the cupboard, stuffing himself with the goods and sweets, waiting for a certain someone to appear.
  22. Flux blushed a bit from the attention she got from Steel. She stood aside as they fought over their petty problems, considering herself above that sort of thing. "You all know we've got better things to fights for right?" She rolled her eyes at their childishness.
  23. "Sure, if it's what you want." Starchase smirked. He had actually planned on running away ages ago but couldn't find the right time. He produced a bag under his bed filled with the bare necessities, it was nearly empty. "We still need to pass the kitchen. Mind's well have a bite."
  24. Could you please do my OC and have him wear something formal and swanky? http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starchase-r7595 With shading please.
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