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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. "How do you come up with all these? They're simply fascinating!" He asked curiously while slightly shrinking back from it as the hand did surprise him more than it scared it. He watched Sparky dispose of the papers in the corner of his eye. Why was he not surprised. The mechanical pet could do seemingly anything and everything. "You could be the richest mare in all of Equestria if you ever mass marketed these. It would make a world of difference. But what's the fun in that. I suppose a creation is a more personal object, no?" He cracked a smile. One could never put a price tag on art. In a way, these somewhat kooky inventions were a work of art, there were no defined borders when it came to it. Granted it is not a gallery piece by any means but it did carry itself with much sophistication. "Your folks must be awfully proud of you!" He laughed lightly but gave a quick sniffle and a cleared his throat. His head had cleared up significantly since he woke up. He felt like he had a clearer head than before and he wanted to know more, about the inventions and her.
  2. Flux woke up to the sounds of a 'discussion'. It was really getting on her nerves. If she wanted to hear ponies argue with each other she would have just stayed home. Unity she scoffed mentally have they never heard of working together?! She roamed around the halls aimlessly, moping. She was honestly starting to hate the place.
  3. "No-" She was cut off by her own laughter as she was tickled brutally and mercilessly by the furry feather. The feathers lightly kissed her face, making her very ticklish. She couldn't help but laugh as she was tickled. "They really are quite soft!" She huffed the feathers away from her mouth only to get a mouthful.
  4. YAY! Just became a butterfly!

    1. bambiki


      dont be silly no you didnt your just tripping on acid


    2. LordSwinton


      Actually I was dreaming... Yay Chinese Philosophy by a guy who was on opium!

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      YAY =)=)=)=) Congrats =)=)=)=)

  5. Flux welcomed the company beside her, glad that at least sonepony would voluntarily sit next to her. She curiously touches the tips of his feathered wings as he stretches them. It was soft to the touch like a rabbit's fur or the down from an owl. She marveled at his wingspan, she'd never touched one before.
  6. (I just woke up, sorry if I'm late) Adam looked like an idiot standing at the door. He scanned the area, spying a particularly large group at a table. They seemed to be chatting in an engaging conversation. He mustered up his courage to walk over and said a small hello.
  7. -6.5 hahaha BTW the mane is actually darker in some pictures, consistency issues lolz
  8. LordSwinton

    gaming Persona 5

    I can't wait for it to come out.
  9. Flux was surprised to suddenly see Flair in the dinning room. And even more surprised to see the hallways completely burnt. "Wow! You did that? How are we going to get out now?" She wailed on about. But she was somewhat delight to see somebody care for once.
  10. Adam carefully stepped out of the car,kissing his mother goodbye as she went on about her usual motherly advice for the last time. He gently pushed the door open and went in. The little cafe made him feel surprisingly foreign. Only a county away and he felt like he was in a different country. One look and he knew people could tell he was one of 'those people'. The class difference made him feel very self conscious. He just stood there looking very lost.
  11. "That's convenient." Flux stared at the floor. She inspected it closely, poking the broken bits with the tip of her hoof. It was sharp and she accidentally cut herself. She gave a yelp and retracted her hoof, sucking on it tenderly and nursed it to her chest. It was only a small cut, nothing major but she acted rather dramatically but left it alone.
  12. "Hi!" Flux blushed and gigled, not expecting him to notice her, let alone talk to her. She could see the light condensation forming on the the glass of the high windows. "What's it like out there?" She asked dreamily. She half wished she could jump out the balcony and join him.
  13. Flux pushed food around the plate, moping. She didn't have any appetite to eat. She stared out the window like a fairytale princess waiting for a prince. She scoffed as the though entered her. Ironically, she did see the prince. Not hers but still a prince is a prince. She gave a small wave, doubting he'd see it anyway.
  14. The pony has a bit too much red in it it's too strong. Red and black is a tad bit overused but if you like it it's fine. The shaggy hooves look a bit out of place.
  15. This is Gospel by Panic At the Disco Cause these words are knives and often leave scars The fear of falling apart Ordinary Love by U2 The sea throws rock together but time leaves us polished stones We can't fall any further If we can't feel ordinary love And we cannot reach any higher If we can't deal with ordinary love
  16. Judging from the new picture, maroon perhaps? Actually, how concentrated is the green in her coat? It's a bit hard to tell. And sorry bout the sketch, did it on my phone.
  17. Flux quietly got to work alone. She figured it couldn't be that hard. But after a dozen atempts and failed pieces of scrap metal. She settled for the one she took on the wall instead. She decided less is more anyway. She swooshed it around as she walked out.
  18. I was thinking something little bit orange for colour, mainly blue or purple or gold or emerald maybe, a warmer colour I guess. White usually works for frills and hems but it may not look too nice since her coat is a rather light colour, I can't really tell without doing a sketch. If you have something like bows and whatnot I'd suggest a more eye catching colour and you might want it to match her eyes. I'd say something silver would fit in well. I could see her in something silk/satin but I think I'm going too far. Hope that helped you.
  19. I grew up listening to The Beatles so naturally I'd pick The Beatles over anything.
  20. "Ooh!" Flux squealed in utter delight. She went around the room like a breeze, picking up weapons, inspecting them. But she had absolutely no idea what she wanted. The choices nearly overwhelmed her. "I think I'll take this one." She grabbed a dagger off its rack. It was plain and simple. Nothing fancy. She squished it around the air with her magic, stabbing the air. "Thanks." She walked over to the smithing area, inspecting the tools.
  21. "Weapon?" Flux's eyes lit up like fireworks. "I would be honored to." She gave a small nod, clearly delighted. "I've never had one before." She bit her lower lip as she quivered with delight. She would consider that one awesome fringe benefit, one of the perks of joint the army. And they said she couldn't handle it.
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