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Status Updates posted by Gizmo

  1. Gets called a Homo for beng a brony at work by a 14 year old at work, walks ways from him like this. http://gifs.gifbin.com/052009/1242032359_haters-gonna-hate.gif

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mephala


      OMG I love yo' boss. He sounds awesome. :D

      I bet he's a brony and just couldn't tolerate the hate ;)

    3. Gizmo


      Lol no, but his son *My best friend* is and he watches it once in a great while, but he doesn't like to call him self one because he feels it's a title for those that are truly dedicated to it, and for him his dedication is to starwars and anime lol and yes I do call him BossMan-san. :P

    4. Mephala


      Oh, haha. (I can accept it because SW and anime are amazing.)

      I want your boss XD

  2. GGGUUURRRAAANNNAAAAA I love my witchdoctor. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gizmo


      Lol I seriously thought that too after I posted this XD

    3. Storm Spark

      Storm Spark

      That song was going through my head while watching this series:

    4. Storm Spark

      Storm Spark

      Oops, it was this video actually:

  3. Going to play some late night League of Legends add me if you wanna join up with me :) my summoner name is: iSlapMILFs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gizmo


      Haha thanks XD It was originally just gonna be a smurf account, but the more i played with it, the more people wanted to add me just cause of the name XD so I ended up sticking with it.


      I'm in NA server btw >.<

    3. Jokarr


      i would join but my account got hacked or somethin. i cant log on or anything.sorry bro

    4. Nightfall


      Requested... accept, and let's go!


  4. Gonna play some LoL/TF2 for a bit :]

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spider Man

      Spider Man



    3. Spider Man

      Spider Man



    4. Gizmo


      Alright im down :3 i was playing LoL :P


  5. Good mor... Afternoon. :x lol

  6. good night everyone. <3

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Good night Gizmo!

  7. Goodnight everypony! Hope you all had a great weekend at the Wedding and Reception! ^-^

  8. Goodnight everypony! much love from me and my new Rarity&Twilight plushies<3

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay


    2. Nightfall


      u haz plushiz? i can haz...?

  9. Goodnight everypony~

  10. Google Chrome, I no like you no more.Why can't you be more like Firefox and stop slowing down my computer

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gizmo


      I don't run plugins on Firefox, and I already said exactly what they said, My dinosaur has limited RAM... Making chrome a terrible choice for the computer I'm using this moment.lol As for why I'm using this computer? I only had 1 license for Microsoft Office '08 and I'm typing something up right now... procrastinating as well...

    3. Bohtty


      You can use google documents. I actually prefer it to word.

    4. Gizmo


      I do too, but I feel like I'm wasting 40 bucks if i just let Office sit there... plus when typing I like a wider keyboard more than my laptop one, and I don't feel like messing with the cluster of cords to take my keyboard off my desktop just to plug it into my laptop for an hour or so then go back and plug it back into my desktop.

  11. Gosh dang it... the KB size of the Rarity.gif I want to use is slightly above 100kb... :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gizmo


      @chiggens Ezynel did for me, but if it goes anysmaller it loses it's effect :x

    3. Typhoid Libby

      Typhoid Libby

      Rarity is not known for being modest.

    4. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Send it to me in a PM, I may be able to make it smaller...

  12. Had an asthma attack for the first time in 8 years... The doctor told me it's because my allergies are really bad this year :(

    1. just let me *poof*
    2. Gizmo


      Yeah... It scared me cause it just hit me while I was walking from my Art class to my Anatomy class :/

  13. Happy Birthday William Shakespeare! Your works of drama have inspired the most influential writers, novelist, and actors of today! The world would not be what it was today if it weren't for your words and amazing plays. :)

    1. MasterCombine


      Brohoof to Shakespeare

  14. Happy Birthday! ~ now get to voice acting! lol jk <3

    1. chef sanders

      chef sanders

      Haha thanks man. Sorry about the delay in recording; I just finished a major research project and should be more available now. :3

  15. Haven't listened to Dethklok in forever, so many memories /)(^ 3 ^)(\

  16. Hmm, would anyone be opposed to a forum ARG?

    1. Tom The Diamond

      Tom The Diamond

      You mean the forums are gonna be Pirates?


      Cool, I call the peg-legs and eye-patches!

  17. HUFNJEDKSHNJWK Terraria all day with NC and Zoop~ <3

  18. I feel like I'm forgetting something...

  19. I just read a ClopFic on accident thinking it was about a human entering Equestria... I didn't think it was about him literary entering Equestrians... Now I know to learn to read comments before jumping in reading just because of the title -.-"... Yet I'll have to admit between the "FunTime" The story was pretty well written... I feel ashamed just to say that for some reason...

    1. Tyger
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      I read one about a guy going to Equestria and they had a slumber party and he made out with Rainbow Dash in the closet. It was hilarious XD

  20. I think I might live stream a game today, it'll either be, LoL, Borderlands, TF2, or DOTA 2, any one have any thoughts on which it should be?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nightfall


      LoL mos' def.


    3. FLARE


      If its borderlands... I might be able to play co-op with you (keep in mind, because I only recently got the game, I never bothered to play co-op in fear of sucking so much)

    4. Gizmo


      Borderlands isn't TOO hard in co-op, but it raises the difficulty of enemy's a bit for each person in your team, and the money/item drop rate goes up quite a bit. But it seems like i might do a couple rounds of LoL first then borderlands :P

  21. I wish I had someone to play SK with... :'(

    1. Aureity


      *hugs* It's okay :c

  22. I'm hungry, but I don't know what to eat... :<

    1. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      Try Schrödinger's cake, if you leave it in the box, you can eat it and have it too!

  23. I'm so sleepy but I have to stay up till midnight >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gizmo


      I stay up every year till midnight for my birthday, been doing it since I was 8 :P And this will be the 10th year so I don't wanna break the "tradition" so to speak lol

    3. Nightfall


      Happy birthday, Gizmo! :D

    4. Gizmo


      Thanks ^-^ <3

  24. I've sadly addicted myself to Waifu MLP HiE fan fics D:

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