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Everything posted by Rene

  1. My OCs are on all different sides. I have too many of them... But I would probably be chaotic evil. Just sounds fun I guess. Also I like being able to confused people while knowing what's going on myself. Also I just like evil.
  2. I've made a sorta superhero character. He can turn his nervous system on and off. Unfortunately it affected his brain and now he thinks he's a dog. I would probably like the ability to read in the dark. Not see in the dark. Read in the dark. I like reading. At least I'd never bump into sings as long as they had words on them...
  3. Hmm... Well what I do surely counts as fantasy, but in the sense your talking about maybe not so much. What I do in the car, before I sleep, and in any spare time, is imagine one of my OCs and go through stories from their point of view in my head. My favorite MLP:FIM OCs always seem to be in trouble on some level how ever. I mean my fave over all is a thief! What's up with that?
  4. Sounds good. He's in! Good. Also adding him.
  5. All of Equestria, To meet Discord, A world made of Jell-O. That's pretty much it. And if I get the first, than I could get the second, and he could give me the last so...
  6. So as long as the fact that Celestia and Luna aren't there won't effect him, he's in the clear. I'd just like for you to confirm it please.
  7. Seems a little too soldier like, no offence, I was thinking that the noble should be more like Blueblood. Though who would want to play someone like him I have no clue.
  8. That's good as long as he fits the begger role, I'll add him. Great! Perfect! Sounds like that could've happened... But if so the princesses have been gone for at least three years, long enough for friendship and harmony to pretty much disappear.
  9. Sad??? Why sad??? This topic alone is going to make me cry!!! Just kidding! I would love a sad episode! Don't expect me to cry though, I've read hundreds of books and so far only two of them have managed to make me cry. Also, only call me Twilight if you can't resist.
  10. Frozen... FOREVER!!! I mean really who can resist Anna?
  11. ( changeling hmm... I advise that you look at this, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/alianora-r6762 Forget the stuff about Ponyville and Cockatrices however.) "Nice to meet you too, Blaze Wing." She couldn't place it, but Alianora thought something was off about Blaze Wing. She could just be paranoid though. He seem normal enough, as well as at ease in the school, while she wanted to run out of there as fast as she could.
  12. Once you post the link I'll look and the answer will probably be yes. Sure, if you have a character. Hmm... I don't know what happened to Celestia in this plot but some thing did. Work that out and sure! I don't mind him being a changeling, changelings are cool! If you're going to use who ever he is though could you please give me some more detail? Sorry if took me so long to reply, spent the night at a friends.
  13. So the setting at first is Canterlot. The once shining capitol of Equestria is now crumbling around itself. Everypony is argueing all day long, the magic of friendship has been forgotten. Princess Twilight is trying to bring it back. We're going to need: A poet/ Metrofy, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pendleton-ink-r6800 A dancer/Me, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tambourine-r6780 A soldier/ Sakuya Izayoi, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/equinox-sin-r3019 An elder/ mirrorwing, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649 A foal/ Swinton, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/firlarch-piscotts-r6798 A noble/ A begger/ Gearheart, A changeling named Gearheart. Planning out who is who and what exactly happens here. New, so sorry if I did something wrong.
  14. Rene


  15. (Not sure whether I should wait for Felicia or not. Is there a posting order? Oh, well.) "N no, nothings wrong, I j just, am a little shy that's all. I'm Alianora by the way. You?" She was glad she was able to come up with a lie that quickly. The ponies all seem nice enough for now but then again they though she was of their own kind. (Really bad at typing stuttering.)
  16. (Sorry, my computer wasn't working properly. It is now though.) "Uh... My name's Alianora and I'm 14. I wasn't interrupting anything was I?" She said nervously. She glanced at the red stallion. THen back to the floor. If just being around two other ponies made her this nervous how would she ever be able to stay under cover?
  17. I'm so sorry for quiting on you like that. My computer wasn't letting me reload any pages so I eventually gave up trying. It's working now but you're probably not on. Once again, I'm sorry!
  18. (Not sure if I'm doing this right, but here i go!) Alianora looked around as she approached the high school, she had never been with so many other ponies before. She had to act like she belonged. She guessed that the first step to doing that would be to enroll in the school. But how? She saw a sign that said principal's office. Maybe that's where she should go? She walked in the room and saw two other ponies. "Hello? Is this where I enroll?" She asked.
  19. Ignored? I'm so sorry! What did I do wrong and what can I do to make up?
  20. I'm not getting reply so I guess i'll put the link here. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/alianora-r6762 Forget all the Ponyville backstory stuff for this please. And the cockatrice honey things. Also sorry if I'm rather impatiant. Oops! Guess I sould check more often!
  21. So I'm a little confused, where exactly am i supposed to put my pony's info?
  22. Thanks a lot!!! I'm gonna start putting the second part on the computer too.
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