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Status Updates posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. I just want to say... I have REALLY weird dreams sometimes! :confused:

  2. Ugh... I really wanna vent RN but I can't because I got in trouble for ranting about it... :dry:

  3. I'm sure I didn't ask you this question before, so, on a scale of 1-10, how much would you say that you like MLP: FiM?

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I'd say about a 7 or an 8. Though at this point I haven't really watched all that much of season 9.

  4. It's officially been 2 years since I moved into my current home. Hooray, I guess.

  5. The Drawn Together Movie = 4Chan, the movie. :unamused:

  6. I'm so sick of people threatening to kill me...

  7. I got temporarily suspended from my job because I accidentally bumped into a customer or something and I caused two ladies to fall over apparently. Okay, I'm almost positive that person is exaggerating because 1. I would NEVER do something like that and 2. If that DID happen, I would have surely noticed it and 3. I didn't run AT ALL today. I mean, I'm not at all mad at my bosses because it's not their fault at all. In fact, I'm not mad at anyone. It's just that I've had people exaggerate stories before, you know? But whatever, I'm fine with it. I just hope my mom doesn't get mad at me...

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Temporarily suspended after that little accident? That's absurd! 

  8. I really wish I could create my own MLP animated series... (I know I could probably do a fan made one but the people I would want to do voice work for it are beyond my budget.)

    1. Snow


      Comics are a pretty good start, much easier and you can use them as a storyboard for an animation too should the opportunity ever arise.

  9. I've lost friends over my atheism. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AveryGamerDude


      I just told them I was an atheist

    3. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Looks like they took the topic too seriously. I think amendments must be made as religious topics can drive others apart from each other.

    4. AveryGamerDude


      I tried to change their minds but they refused.

  10. I feel like I'm the only gamer that doesn't hate lootboxes and microtransactions.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I don't hate them if they are done well, the issue there is that companies are greedy and stupid.

    2. AveryGamerDude


      What do you think is an example of good micro transactions and lootboxes?

  11. So I built my dream mansion pretty much in Minecraft. It's not amazing, but I'm happy with the results.2019-08-08_14_15_47.thumb.png.fd397ad913f616804596bfcb91343b1d.png

    1. Xe__or


      Show us the inside :pinkie: 

  12. I'm so sick of gamers' incessant whining that I want to break something. :dry:

  13. Am I the only one who's still looking forward to Sword and Shield?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SolarFlare13


      @AveryGamerDude you're not the only one. :mlp_smug:

      I don't understand WHY everyone is SO upset about the national dex NOT being in the game. CLEARLY, they're working on more important things (the plot / graphics) and all people care about is their favourite Pokemon NOT making the cut!? :confused:

      Seriously, we live in an age where Nintendo can release updates for the game and my gut is telling me they'll eventually release the national dex for Pokemon Sword and Shield in a future update. These are some of the necessary sacrifices Gamefreak has to make in order to release their latest games before the holiday season...

    3. Jackleberry


      I'm still looking forward to it personally. At first I was upset about a lot of things, but after thinking about it, I don't really mind some of the changes like no national dex, since I'm more into the competitive side and Smogon/Showdown is (I believe) going to have a version/mode/whatever with all Pokemon included anyways. The new Pokemon are pretty cool too, IMO.

      My biggest complaint is the removal of megas, which they're replacing with... bigger megas? Also their reasoning behind some of their decisions is really dumb, and it doesn't seem like they're putting in as much effort as they could be into these games. Other than that though, the actual games themselves seem like decent fun.

      I just hope these games are actually challenging in some way, and have proper post-game battle facilities, not just some crappy battle tower thing.

    4. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Don't worry. You're not the only one.

  14. So Trump is planning to pass a concealed carry law. Welp. Looks like I can kiss my ass goodbye.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      The train wreck continues.

  15. Slightly overdue for this but seriously two mass shootings in a row and Republicans are quick to blame video games, yet gamers continue to be a part of and defend this political party.

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Or as Jesse Ventura rightly calls them "the Rebloodlicans." I can't stand all the mainstream Democrats either, personally. Heck, I'm surprised there's 3 candidates that I would willingly support in that race. :dry: Last time around there was literally only one candidate that gave a $#!+.

  16. Sorry for the negative post but seriously I f***ing hate my mom sometimes... :unamused:

  17. Man, Lyra looks so cute in this picture. I now understand why you like her so much @lyrabetes3939 :wub:Screenshot_20190804-024911_Gallery.thumb.jpg.8e2dc0b7aa92722b0e56efe0f994f791.jpg

  18. I just wanna clarify that there's a COLOSSAL difference between being far-right and being right wing. And I do NOT think that all or even most people on the right are far-right. Probably not even a lot of them!

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I mean an example is your average Democratic politician. They aren't far right, they're just a little right of center is all. They're just absurdly authoritarian and corrupt centrists is all... Not like a tea party Republican or my dad that supports state-sponsored terrorism by the US on Muslims, because "they're all that way." It's only radical Sunnis that act like that and anybody with any knowledge of anything would know that... AND SOME PEOPLE WOULD CALL HIM AN SJW! When he's pretty much as close as somebody I won't hate will get to being the right wing version of that... :laugh: 

  19. So another mass shooting happened... and wasn't there already one a few days ago? And I can't 100 percent confirm this, but I think the guy for the latest mass shooting was a racist Trump supporter. What can I say? The modern far-right is easily the most fucking barbarous, cruel, and EVIL ideology to EVER EXIST.

    1. Phosphor


      You can't 100% confirm that, but you're gonna fan the flames anyway?

  20. I kinda just realized now that Hasbro will most likely have stuff for MLP at Comic-Con during G5, and I'm sure that cosplayers will still be around as well. Not to mention that G5 will likely have most of the same characters, just different versions of them. (And this is likely a cringey comparison, but it's kinda like how Deltarune has a lot of the same characters from Undertale, just different versions and new ones.)

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      We'll just have to wait and see what they have in store for us.

  21. Here's a cute picture of Lyra for you. (This was posted only a few days ago so the odds that you have seen this are unlikely.)Lyra_by_AutumnVoyage.thumb.png.308aaa78544686f78fa5101d9865f5cd.png

    1. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      I wanna hug her so much! Thanks for showing me this! :wub:

  22. Would anypony be willing to do a meetup within the next several months? I'm not dangerous, I promise! :(

  23. Just saw the series finale trailer. Didn't get nearly as emotional as I thought I would. Which... I guess is a good thing? I dunno.

  24. So Trump is proposing a bill that'll outlaw flag burning... how are Republicans the pro freedom of speech party again?

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      They're not. Democrats for the most part hate it too.

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      The Trump shitshow continues. If he truly attempts this, that will be hilarious. 

  25. So I’m trying out this mod for Minecraft called “MineColonies”. It seems like a cool mod, but I wish you could see what the building you’re trying to construct is oriented like before you build it. :dry:

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