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Status Updates posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. The list of all the people I can trust is so small, it's unbelievable. It's a shock that I'm still alive...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      Only if they are in serious danger from you. If you are not a threat to people, they won’t be a threat to you. Now I’m not a doctor, but you sound like you might suffer from some kind of paranoia issue. Have you ever talked to a mental health professional about how you feel?

    3. AveryGamerDude


      @ShadOBabe Maybe I am paranoid, but I don't really care. I just don't feel safe knowing that there are people and organizations on this planet that can have me erased any time they want...

    4. ShadOBabe


      Again, that’s not healthy. I would recommend talking to someone about that. They’re are certain groups in the world that would cut off my head if they could, but I’m not going to let nebulous @$$holes interfere in my quality of life.

  2. I feel like I'm the only one who likes chihuahuas...

    1. CheeryFox


      I know my sister loves 'em. But I think they're OK.

  3. I heard the VAs of MLP swearing in their characters' voices... My life is now complete. :D

  4. I'm excited to make my MLP fanfic, but I'm afraid that if people don't like it because it's "unoriginal" or "badly written", then people will probably dislike it because it's "too dark and edgy".

    1. PiratePony


      Just write it. People will like it and people will dislike it. Don't let it stop you.

    2. AveryGamerDude


      @PiratePony I mean I know that there are going to be people who dislike it no matter what, I just care if the majority likes it.

  5. Am I the only one who likes Family Guy? Or at least, the first 7-9 seasons? Yeah? Okay... :sunny:

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      I still like Family Guy but not with its recent seasons. The classics are always better.

    2. AveryGamerDude


      @Photon Jet I mean yeah, I can understand not liking the more recent ones, but how can people not like the first 6, 7, 8, or maybe 9 seasons?

  6. I honestly don't like being around the mentally challenged, because I feel like being around them lowers my mental acuity... :sunny:

  7. This is just my humble opinion, but I feel like a lot of the criticisms with Fallout 4 aren't very valid. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and all that, but I just don't think people's reasons aren't very good... :dry:

  8. Honestly I don't think anecdotal evidence is sufficient to prove a point, even if a seemingly large portion of people have the same experience.

    1. Megas


      No she isn't, I'll tell you who is


      It's Spiderman





    2. Megas


      Whoops. Just realized I replied to the wrong Status update :p

  9. I think the reason I feel so insecure about myself is because even if I think someone is contemptible, I don't think that makes their opinions/criticisms less valid... :sunny:

  10. 20191103_192706.thumb.jpg.7b8a4411c0623ea335808a8d817784d5.jpg

    Hey, look! I made Cook-Cook's Fiend Stew! :D

  11. Aw, Twilight... you're so cute... even when you swear! :laugh:2d6.thumb.png.cadd7b70adf31c8f7bd23b7eca316e1c.png

  12. I'm one of very few people who doesn't like Rick and Morty... :dry:

  13. I'm not saying that this is the case, but I feel like I'm the only one who thinks that suicide isn't funny... :dry:

  14. Happy Nightmare Night, suckaz! :D

  15. Hey, dude. I figured you might like this, considering you aren't a big fan of Ben Shapiro. (I dunno what you think of The Amazing Atheist, though.)


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      This is the video that prompted my status from earlier. Already was well aware of Ben's near unrivaled stupidity for a long time, but this is somehow a new low.

    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi What even is a low for him? I mean he called a conservative British news anchor a far left commie on live air simply for questioning the nonsense coming out of Shapiro's mouth.

    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      What'd Benny boy say this time, and what's it got to do with second best Beatle?

  16. I'm gonna be totally honest here... Todd Howard is one of the people I'd LEAST expect to say "It just works". But on the bright side, I judge a developer off of the games it makes, not what stupid crap a CEO says, and thank god it wasn't the CEO of 343 Industries... :sunny:

  17. Great... my mom took the damn router away for something my brother did... :dry:

  18. I wanna obsess over my favorite MLP characters, but I can't without sounding like the biggest weeaboo on planet Weaboo... :blush:

  19. Look what I saw at Walgreens! :ticking:


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Those aren't green walls! I feel jipped. >:| 

      Still though, nice cards. :P The art style isn't bad.

    2. Castle Bleck
  20. Bloo looks like the Joker. :laugh:Screenshot_20191028-202739_YouTube.thumb.jpg.905973b893c1b2e7f247fbf44a893c42.jpg

    1. ShadOBabe


      Here’s Harley Quinn!


  21. I just learned that my grandpa is the last one of his siblings who's still living, and he's not even that old... that makes me so sad... :(

  22. I honestly feel like I'm the only guy who thinks that gameplay is the most important aspect of a video game. :blush:

    1. Once In A Blue Moon

      Once In A Blue Moon

      I'd usually say that it's the most important part, although not always, and it often won't carry a game by itself; my fondness for Paradox grand strategy games does rely on presentation, theme and dynamic story telling to make them more just spreadsheet games.

      I suppose in some cases, such as Thomas Was Alone, the story is the key driver (although even there it's woven into the mechanics, which is the best of both worlds), but looking through my Steam library I would definitely say that for most of them it's all about the gameplay.

  23. I love your new profile pic. :laugh:

  24. Elaborating further on the "misunderstanding" post I made yesterday, the reason I'm asking that is because some prick on the far right said that I have an IQ of about 90 is because something he said was pretty vague and I didn't understand what he meant... Does that really mean I have an IQ of about 90?

    1. PiratePony


      He was just trying to insult you. Don't worry about it 

    2. AveryGamerDude
    3. PiratePony


      You've now been worrying about it for a couple days, and if you keep lingering on it, he "won." He probably hasn't thought of that since and moved on to the next person to pester. 

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