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Status Updates posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. I wish getting bullets in Fallout 76 wasn't so tedious... :dry:

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Or playing it in general weren't so tedious.



    2. AveryGamerDude


      @Spider Demon I've actually been having a great time with it. (Shocking, I know. :laugh:) But I get why people don't like it.

  2. Does misunderstanding some things mean you're stupid? :sunny:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      If you admit to it, then of course not. Misunderstanding happens~

    3. AveryGamerDude


      @AlastorEh, that's not exactly what I meant.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      Would you mind elaborating?

  3. Saw Joker today. I thought it was great. It was dark, powerful, and fascinating. I thought it really accurately portrayed the problems I have with society. But what really scares me is that I somewhat relate to the character Arthur Fleck, and I'm afraid that one day I will become the Joker... (Not literally, but pretty much like the Joker...) :sunny:

  4. Does being forgetful about certain things mean you're stupid? :(

  5. I'm so sick of feeling insecure about myself... :(

  6. Oh man... my mom said that if I don't go to college by November 1st, she's kicking me out of the house. What am I gonna do? :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      LOLWUT? SJWs aren't the only people that go to college. You kind of need some kind of further education in today's job market to catch the eyes of employers. I'm as far from SJW as possible, and I got a degree.

      And more importantly, who cares what strangers think of you? If some weirdo has a problem with you furthering your education, then honestly that person's opinion is pretty worthless.

      Now I WILL say that most colleges are rife with political nonsense. But you don't have to deal with it. I never had a single professor that tried any indoctrination crap with me. But even if you DO run into a professor like that, you report their rears, because that is unethical as all getout.

    3. Pentium100


      I do not live in the USA, so my information is likely incorrect, but don't the SJWs accumulate in useless programs like "gender studies" and similar?

      Go for engineering or programming and there should be fewer SJWs.

    4. Miss


      Wait, so you're scared of being considering an SJW? Like, that doesn't sound like something to be worried about at all. 

      Still I feel for you in your situation that you have to go to college otherwise being kicked out option. 


  7. I need to listen to more music from Homestuck because it makes me wanna write more fanfiction. :sealed:

  8. Hey... can I... like... talk to someone?

  9. I hope MLP: FiM makes a comeback someday, because pretty much everything that ended a while ago did. :)

  10. I really need the days to pass by so I can find out if I got the job... any ideas?

    1. PiratePony


      Any questions??

  11. Can I talk with someone? I'm super depressed... :(

  12. Forgive me for the negative post, but I would rather have no life at all than a flawed one.

    1. ShadOBabe


      I don’t want to ruin your platform if you’re just trying to vent, however, literally everyone has a “flawed” life in some way.

    2. AveryGamerDude


      You're not ruining my platform. I already knew that no one has a "perfect" life, at least by my definition, but that doesn't mean that my life is worth living in my book. Hell, I think that just makes it worse.

  13. I'd vent about how I'm not a good person, but I don't want to get into trouble... :sunny:

  14. It's been 2 years since I saw the MLP movie in theaters. I'm sad now. :(

  15. Honestly I think I like the cheesiness of anime now. :laugh:

  16. I looked up "gimmicky" in the dictionary and all I found was a picture of Shedinja. :umad:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AveryGamerDude


      :orly: That's why he's banned, and I'm glad he is.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      But Shedinja is gimmicky and frankly absurdly counterable. It has five weaknesses, abysmal speed, and of course 1 HP. And it's base stat total is lower than f***ing Zubat's.

    4. AveryGamerDude


      I'm glad you agree that Shedinja is the most gimmicky Pokemon in existence. :LunaMCM:

  17. I'm working on my HiE fanfic again. I'm just wondering how the ponies would react to a human... :confused:

  18. Believe me when I say that EVERY fanbase has its bad side. Like Fallout, for example. My least favorite part of the fanbase is probably the hyper elitist group that only likes the first 2 Fallouts, and anything after that sucks. They're a lot like the super nostalgic gaming fanboys that only like games that are 8-bit and made for Nintendo. Then, there's the group of Fallout fanboys that like the 3D Fallout games, but not 4 or 76, and they think anyone who likes 4 or 76 isn't a "real" Fallout fan. One of my friends falls into this category, definitely. I remember I said that I thought 4 was better than 3, and he said "No, it isn't." I know he wasn't trying to sound rude, but he kinda did now that I think of it. No offense to him, though. I would talk about the Elder Scrolls, but the kind of toxic parts of the Elder Scrolls aren't nearly as toxic as the toxic parts of Fallout.

    1. hush


      Well. We got here non clopers. So there is something wrong with mlp fanbase too.

    2. AveryGamerDude


      @hush Well, obviously. In my post, I said: 


      Believe me when I say that EVERY fanbase has its bad side.

      Though I don't think liking kinky MLP stuff is an inherently bad thing.

  19. Honestly if you think someone is a terrorist just because of their skin color, then you are, by definition, a racist. :unamused:

  20. A new Hunger Games book has been announced. It's a prequel. I can't wait! :ticking:

  21. Watched videos on Baldi's Basics for the first time. I don't think it's really the kind of game for me. But I have to say, I like the broom character. When it says "GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP!!" it reminds of Fluttershy from Pony.mov :laugh:

  22. Oh man... my interview is in 15 minutes... I hope I get the job... :sunny:

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      Hope you get the job!

    2. AveryGamerDude


      @Photon Jet They said they would get back to me. Hopefully I got the job.

  23. I love the Fallout franchise as much as the next guy, but I think New Vegas is a little overrated...

  24. Welcome to the Ozarks! :ticking:

    20190928_114338.thumb.jpg.928ee0cde3ed79770c519e1d8e0f03ad.jpg (P.S. This is barely scratching the surface. There are mountains around here that are WAY bigger than that! :sealed:)

  25. I don't mean to brag, but by the time my MLP fanfic is finished, its sheer complexity would put Homestuck to shame.

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