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Status Updates posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. Honestly, one thing that depresses me when I think about it is that I'm not exactly a good person by most people's standards.

  2. Good freaking lord. What's taking the next Fallout 4 update so long to go live? :dry:

  3. Oh my god. You guys. I got an email back from Gamestop, and I'm scheduled an interview next week. Wish me luck! :ticking:

    1. CypherHoof


      fingers crossed for you...

    2. AveryGamerDude
    3. Monsoon


      Good luck, mate.

  4. Google Trends: The state that searched Christianity the most in the past 12 months is Arkansas!

    Me: :orly:

    (P.S. I don't really care and it doesn't really bother me, I just wasn't surprised. :laugh:)

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDude I see different. :confused:Screenshot_4.thumb.png.9fcf57922be78a66405e4a7d0f8644f9.png

      Indiana's first from what I see. Arkansas was 7th, Texas was a surprisingly low 11th.

    2. CypherHoof


      And yet, Google teaches more people wish to convert to PDF than christianity :)

    3. AveryGamerDude


      @Angus Delaney I noticed that you looked up just "christianity" on Google Trends rather than "Christianity - Religion" like I did. And funnily enough, when I looked at it again, Tennessee was ABOVE Arkansas. (Though they're both at 100.)


      But I swear that Arkansas was above Tennessee last time I looked. :please:

  5. I honestly don't get why people whine about CoD fanboys all the time. No joke, I went WAAAAAY out of my way to find some but I just couldn't. Ergo, I think it's quite clear that CoD fanboys are an extremely small minority of the gaming community.

  6. I'm thinking on asking for help in life advice, but I really don't wanna get in trouble... :(

  7. Nintendo turned 130 years old today. CHIGGA CHIGGA NINTENDO!! :ticking:

  8. Guys, I just want to say that if you want to talk with me about my... problems... I apologize in advance if I act difficult. I just... am always afraid, sad, and/or bitter, and there are some things that I just won't be open minded about.

  9. I wish there were people here besides CuteyCindyHoney that enjoy 80s/90s anime as much as me... :mellow:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AveryGamerDude


      @StarrySkyDash I doubt that you ONLY watch 90s anime

    3. Prospekt


      I really like a lot of 90s anime along with a few series from the 80s.

    4. Coffee


      Well No, i just like certain animes a little bit, here and there

  10. I'm sorry for the negative post, but honestly... I don't wanna live if that means I have to live in the same plane of existence as the people who tried to ruin my life.

    1. AveryGamerDude


      @Bas I'm glad at least someone cares. I just wish more people did...

    2. AveryGamerDude


      What's your discord?

  11. I'm probably the only one left on the internet who still likes Cuphead... :sunny:

    1. JonasDarkmane



      Just the other day, my mate at work told me that his most favorite game of all time was Cuphead and he still plays it massively. He even blasted the music from the game while we were working through the day. You are not alone. 

    2. AveryGamerDude


      @Sassy the Sasquatch Well, when I say things like that, I don't mean it literally. I meant that I'm one of very few people who still likes it.

    3. JonasDarkmane


      A hyperbolic statement, I get ya. I can be a bit facevalue. 

  12. So I looked up results on "video game" on Google Trends for the past 12 months, and my home state was number one. For the record, I'm really proud. :ticking:


  13. I swear, the amount of people I trust is so minuscule, that I don't think ANYWHERE on the planet is safe... :sunny:

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      You can trust us as we're your friends. Friends always look out for each other.

    2. AveryGamerDude


      @Photon Jet Of course I trust you guys. But the users of MLP forums are a really low number compared to the rest of the world's population...

    3. ShadOBabe


      Remember, the MLP Forums users are exactly the same as any other human on earth. All races, all political stances, all religions... We just have a similar common interest... OR not. Some people here aren't even into MLP anymore.

  14. So Farfetch'd is getting an evolution. I'm honestly glad, because it REALLY needed a buff.

  15. It's seriously baffling that 1% of a certain political party makes up 99.9% of the internet.

  16. I looked at "anime" in Google Trends, and my home state, Arkansas, was ranked number 5 in search traffic for it in the past 5 years, but only in the top 10 for the past week. But still, that's pretty good. I'm so proud. :ticking:

  17. I know that this sounds corny, but if I could change one event in history, I would change the song "Country Roads" by John Denver to be about Arkansas instead of West Virginia. (Though to be fair, you can technically do that now, because all you would have to do is change a few of the lyrics... But that doesn't change the fact that the song was originally about West Virginia. RIP.)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AveryGamerDude


      @Twisted Cyclone I feel stupid for asking this, but what do you mean? (I know what the Boston and Ozark Mountains are, obviously. :P I just don't know what you mean by "Ozark/Boston Mountain High".)

    3. Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      Twisted Cyclone 🚓

      Just change the lyrics of Rocky Mountain High, another song by him.

    4. AveryGamerDude


      @Twisted Cyclone Ohhh I see. Sadly, I don't know many John Denver songs. :( (But Arkansas already has a state song, though I don't think it's as good as "Country Roads".)

  18. I know that this is random, but I just want to say that proving guilt of murder is nearly impossible without establishing a motive.

    1. Latecomer


      Not if they're caught red-handed.

    2. AveryGamerDude


      @Latecomer Well, yes, that's one thing. But I'm talking about cases in which there is no real decisive evidence against them.

    3. Latecomer


      Isn't that true of any crime?

  19. Finally found a jungle biome in Minecraft, 6300 blocks away from my home.

    1. Rikifive


      Oh yeah, that happens. :mlp_icwudt:

  20. Once I get a new job, I'm going to buy a lottery ticket every now and again, because I don't think I'm going to leave home anytime soon unless I win the lottery. I know that sounds weird but... come on! :dash:

  21. I remember when I was in middle school, I got ISS for punching a kid in the face because he called me gay, and the principal didn't think that was a good reason. Whatever, man. Fuck him. It's a perfectly good reason in my book. If I was the principal of a school, if a kid punched one kid in the face because he called him gay, I wouldn't do anything, because if you're gonna be a waste of life, you deserve to get punched.

  22. I think another reason my fanfic wouldn't be very good is because of how... extremely complicated it would be. :wacko:

  23. I REALLY wanna go to Disney World again...

  24. I wish I didn't have so many insecurities about myself... :sunny:

  25. Why is it perfectly okay and legal for people to threaten me but if I consider on trying to defend myself, it's a felony? :dry:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      It being legal to threaten you harm and it being illegal for you to defend yourself. 

    3. AveryGamerDude


      @Sassy the Sasquatch Well it must be because I've gotten threats of death so many times, and I'm pretty sure if I found out where they lived and killed them, I would face charges.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      A threat does not give you the right to do something worse which is doing the actual deed. 

      There is a clean line of what is worse. 

      If you found out who the individuals were, you could contact the police and things could be settled the legal route, by the rules. 

      Proposing to actually kill them is not winning you any favors nor giving you the moral highground. 

      I recommend that you do not meet extremism with extremism. 

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