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Samurai Equine

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About Samurai Equine

  • Birthday 1984-10-11

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    Love in your heart, honor in your works, and friendship will save the universe!
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  1. Hello there, my crowd! Welcome to my Weekly Musings: Red Edition. :mellow:

    [I ❤ JAPAN] -- [I ❤ THE COLOR RED] -- [I ❤ CELESTIA]

    Police STOP - Emoticon Point Right Feel free to leave a song request. Your song will eventually be featured in a future Weekly Musings entry! Point Left STOP - Emoticon Police

    I am beginning to think I am the only one who cares if I post these on time or not. I didn't post this on Sunday because... I honestly forgot. Sorry~! 611294.gif At least Pinkie and I have the same excitement for the holidays! Let's talk about the previous week, my crowd.

    bmc.png.dead4df5641294b1d1c51b1da6cdaeeb.png First of all, the biggest thing that happened was one of my uncles had a birthday, and we celebrated it on Sunday. :rarityhat:It's so hard to do a birthday so close to Christmas, but we pull it off every time. Naturally, he accidentally left one of his gifts at my mother's house. He always forgets something. :ButtercupLaugh:

    cel.png.932df6a068796c2120797b896cfae033.png I managed to finish all my holiday shopping and then some, and I even got to return to my favorite coffee shop. Despite removing it from the menu, they still had some pumpkin spice drinks. Not the best version I've ever had, but the price was good at least. I also treated myself to an early Christmas present. They were cheap, so I got myself a set of silicone rings. ... Somehow, after check-out, I lost the red one; the one I wanted most. No idea where it fell. :twilightcutehat: It's okay, though. I can always get more. No big deal. They are a tiny bit snug, but fit just right over my thickest fingers. They don't cut off circulation or anything; and since they are basically rubber, I can stretch them out if necessary.

    bmc.png.dead4df5641294b1d1c51b1da6cdaeeb.png I am sad to learn Ichirou Mizuki, Aniki, a super famous anisong singer, has passed away. I also regret going to Church on Sunday. One of the speakers got way too political (and extremely offensive). Worst of all, they didn't sing any of the Christmas carols, which I was looking forward to the most. They weren't even going to have a formal service on Christmas Sunday, so I thought they'd make up for it, but no. No such luck. Stuff like this makes me not want to return to the Church. I'm all ready Agnostic, so this isn't helping. :mellow:

    cel.png.932df6a068796c2120797b896cfae033.png Black Sun 07: Death Gives Rise To Revenge. K1W9kUu.png This episode is so dense with material, it's crazy. We see how Yukari dies. We see the true origins behind how all this madness started. We see Black Sun finish what he started in the past... Or did he? Black Sun lost his leg twice, so I am willing to bet he'll get it back again. There was a lot of loss in this episode, and I don't just mean Aoi's loss of humanity. I can't even go into the gruesome details without giving away too many spoilers, only to say that was a lot of senseless loss. Too much. And all this loss has lead to a cycle of revenge. Revenge for Yukari. Revenge for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Revenge for Shunsuke. And just like how anger pushed Kotaro to evolve into Kamen Rider Black Sun, anger has finally forced Nobuhiko to evolve into Kamen Rider Shadow Moon; in the most horrifying way.

    bmc.png.dead4df5641294b1d1c51b1da6cdaeeb.png Black Sun 08: Shadow Moon's Rising. K1W9kUu.png Bilgenia is disgraced. Once on top of the world, now we see he is just a lap dog and now the weakest kaijin of them all. Might not even be a complete kaijin. He gets no respect from those he serves, he has no place in the new Golgom, and now he's all alone. If you stand for nothing Bilgenia, what will you fall for? But more then that, this is the rise of Shadow Moon's regime. Finally, he looks like the villain we've been waiting to see. He plans to eradicate all humans and show that kaijin are superior after all. But for now, the Kingstones have been separated. Kotaro/Black Sun has the red one, and Nobuhiko/Shadow Moon has the green one. The matching stones now belong to the matching Riders, and I get a feeling we'll see them evolve one more time.

    cel.png.932df6a068796c2120797b896cfae033.png DonBrothers 40: No Safety Here. osnb5Gt.png From evil terminator to sudden ally, Murasame continues to be fascinating. I really don't want to ship Inu Brother with Sononi. Inu Brother has suddenly been tasked with exterminating the Beastials, but I am pretty sure we all know how that will go. No doubt he'll choke when it comes time to defeat Nastumi's double. MOTW is based on CarRanger, and it actually works this time because the driving instructor actually cares about traffic safety.

    bmc.png.dead4df5641294b1d1c51b1da6cdaeeb.png Geats 14: A Silver-Tongued Fox? ypGkU4g.png I wasn't expecting Geats to be such a smooth talker that PunkJack actually switches sides. However, it may have all been for nothing. Thanks to a new Rider that feels like a combination of Headmasters and Ryuki, Geats has been eliminated. ...Or has he? The rule posted at the end of this episode makes me think his elimination will soon be undone. Also, who knew! Na-Go's servants use to be Kamen Riders as well~! Furthermore, did I just see some dark foreshadowing at the beginning about the Jamato?

    That's all for now, my crowd. B) Take care, and bundle up just in case.

    I love AI generated stuff, and this is the only AI generated Christmas carol that doesn't hilariously goes off the rails in strange directions. It actually could blend in as a real carol. Can you transcribe the lyrics? No one else has so far. This is "Jingle AI Bells - The First Christmas Song completely made by Artificial Intelligence!" by Crypto Bär.


    1. Astralshy


      of course we care :3

      Sry but I have been rather busy lately, but I'm always looking forward to your updates :>

      Yes, I could also manage to get all my todo things done like shopping etc and now  vacation :>

      I'm he passed away. *hugs


      Please all take care!

      Random - not so serious - fun fact:

      I think people are starting to see through my disguise of Astral Soul and will eventually discover my true identity o.o


    2. Rising Dusk
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