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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. I have much respect for this.  :squee: Even if the rest of my post here goes disregarded, I want it to be known that I like the story set up and I like how selective you are being with who gets approved to be part of this roleplay.


    That being said, I think I have an OC that would fit well with a story like this. Allow me to tell you about my OC named Samurai Equine:



    My character is a pony from Japon, a distant part of Equestia in the far east. Samurai Equine has always been an armored warrior pony that has fought for peace and justice, protecting innocent ponies from extreme dangers with his fire-based magic. He is no stranger to battle, though he isn't perfect either. With his loyalty to Princess Celestia above all other princesses, he usually seeks her permission before handling international affairs. Fire, while impressive, is also not a perfect defense. It's weak against water and ice. Depending on the story, if the shards are scattered to the various ends of Equestria, it's plausible that Samurai could also find a shard. At the very least, if he was included in this story, you'd have a wider international scale to make your story more interesting.


    I'd like to think, as a champion of justice, my character would fit in well with a story like this. He has faced villains before, and he would never wield a weapon with evil intent. At the same time, he may be a warrior, but he is not a blacksmith of any kind. He cannot forge weapons, and he prefers to use sentimental weapons that he has earned. Otherwise, he tends to stick with his own magic and physical abilities. If necessary, I can play any wide range of Japonies NPC's that would be needed. I can play anyone from Samurai's mentor, random Japonies citizens, and even enemies that Samurai has faced. But I'd also make sure none of my characters would pull focus from the main story, main characters, nor would they break any rules.


    If you need references on my roleplay abilities and such, I have people you can contact and I can link to other roleplays I've been in.  :grin2:

    • Brohoof 1
  2. "Flight with artificial wings? I would leap at the first chance! I don't care how tough it is to make it work. I would power through the trails and bare any pains to MAKE it work! Such an endeavor would be most amazing..." Samurai says, getting dreamy-eyed at the thought of flying.


    "...So, Night Eyes, did you say you were going to fly us to the castle? Should I be helping out in any way?" Samurai asks.

  3. "Well, I'm not a smith, so I can't really confirm. But I wouldn't mind learning how. If my fire powers can help forge something, it might help me out when I'm in a pinch." Samurai explains, letting Night Eyes lead the way to Celestia's castle.


    "I do own a suit of armor, but I didn't make it. It was commissioned and made to reflect my personality and style. And I try not to use blades. Between my horn and my fire magic, that's really all I need. But I have used weapons before. They are usually gifts that I get from friends or from those whose trust I've earned. A sword with sentimental value holds more weight than any standard sword." Samurai has been through a lot of battles, but he clearly has his own way of doing things. "...Do you really think that's amazing? Honestly, I think you're amazing. You have wings! Do you know how many ponies dream of being able to fly?"

  4. Samurai had to sadly bid his customers farewell for the day. As for his stall, it all locks up into a large cart. He just has to anchor it and contact one of his Japonies liaisons to come pick it up for him. "The kingdom of Equestria reaches far and wide. Not sure how Japon came to be part of it... Maybe it was always part of the Solar Empire. Strange, but still makes sense when you think about it. Japon is an empire all on it's on, just like the Crystal Kingdom I've heard much about. However, like that very kingdom, Japon is still part of Equestria and still exists under Celestia's reign." Samurai does his best to explain.


    "As for me? It's just something I've always wanted to be. Some ponies are very patriotic and would do anything to protect and serve the land they love, as well it's citizens. I imagine Celestia's royal guard felt the same when they each joined. Still, despite the similarities, being part of the samurai class does have its unique qualities. Our suits of armor are different than what you may have seen. In Japon, our lives tend to center around enrichment and purification. One of the leading forms of magic in Japon is elemental magic. I have become quite skilled in the art of fire magic, for example. Still, our country does foster ponies from all walks of life. I've seen great scientist ponies in Japon as well. You should see the experimental works we have started on robotics." Samurai does his best to explain life as a warrior, but gets distracted thinking about his homeland.

  5. Samurai nods. "Good luck, friends. May we meet again as soon as possible." Samurai leaves to take care of things here. Before he can leave to go have an audience with Princess Celestia, he needs to close up his booth and relocate his merchandise. He won't be needing it where he is going.

  6. Samurai appreciates Night Eyes' offer. "This is why I admire those with flight." Still, it seemed like everyone else was all ready making a plan. "Please, feel free to start the search without me. I always go through official channels before I go on a quest of any kind. If that means I'll just slow you down, then go on ahead. I'll catch up eventually."

  7. Samurai thinks about it. "I want to help, but I fear I might not be able to. As a member of the samurai warrior class, my loyalty is to Princess Celestia first. If she calls on my warrior class, then we would act like another division of the royal guard. I cannot interfere in international Equestrian business unless I have her permission to do so. If she is not available, then I'd need Princess Luna's permission, since she shares equal authority with her sister." Samurai looks at Night Eyes, a little bothered. "Even in a city like this, it would still take too long to get to her castle. If only I had wings like a pegasus..."

  8. Samurai was speechless. He's fought in battles and wars, and seeing Senlin change like that made him battle-ready. He was more than ready to leap in and keep this peaceful cultural exchange from going off the deep end. But seeing Valence turn on that mother-like defensiveness was something he wasn't expecting. It definitely made his job much easier. He didn't have to engage in a possible fight after all.


    "Well, perhaps we could use a peaceful ambassador to help us out. That was amazing!" Samurai says. He then turns to Night Eyes. "Are you okay? Your health is most important right now." Samurai also looks at Senlin, not sure what to say. He came here hoping to make a friend, not to see someone possibly turn into a monster. "You said something about a sister? I'm sorry she is missing, but I can't say I fully understand either... I'm an only child. From the friends I've made on the battlefield, to the friends I've made at the university, all of them could carry their own weight. None of them needed me to protect them. But I am sworn to protect the innocent and uphold justice because I truly believe it's the right thing to do. I come from a warrior class, and if Valence hadn't stepped in when she did..." Samurai stops. That's enough.

  9. Samurai waves his hoof. "Oh no! You misunderstood. It wasn't an attack on the diamond dogs. It was simply about defending others. Sometimes the dogs would come out of hiding, run into populated cities, and harass the citizens that cannot defend themselves. Yes, they want jewels and gems, but they often act like brutes to get it. When that happens, my only goal is to scare them back to their homes, but not to harm them. My people have tried to bargain with them, but they... they..." Samurai can feel his head spin when he hears Valance talk about science stuff. "Wow. Haven't heard a pony talk like that since I was attending my local university." Samurai rubs the back of his head.


    Samurai was about to tell Senlin more about the snow leopards, but then he noticed the little exchange between him and Night Eyes. "...Have I interrupted something important?"

  10. Samurai nods and gives Valence a pamphlete. It's mostly a map to Japon, with some major train and travel routes on how to get there. But there is some general tourist information too. "If you ever want to visit, feel free to do so. I am willing to show new friends around. You might like our karaoke bars. I hear singing activities are popular in the western half of Equestria as well."


    Samurai goes back to listening to Senlin. "Logma... Fascinating." Samurai makes a note of all this in how own notepad. "The creatures from my home land? You might be familiar with some of them. I've often had to scare diamond dogs away from the populated areas. I've ran side-by-side with manticore, befriended a few yokai, and I helped defend Japon during the massive Changeling attack. But my constant enemy has always been the snow leopards. Their snow magic has always been a foil for my fire magic." Samurai explains.


    Val wasn't quite sure how to reply. Did ponies normally give out their blood types as a means of introduction where he was from? What that something she should reciprocate? "Um, well, not from around here, specifically, but I am from Equestria, so there's that," she said, smiling awkwardly.


    Samurai rubs the back of his head. "Well, Japon is also part of Equestria, just far away with our own culture and language. I could teach you some Japonies, if you like." Samurai offers.


    But he barely begun when he heard a familiar voice not too far away. He turned around after some cleaning and found Samurai, the same owner of the stall he just got his kit from, among other products. 

    "Hey, it's you again! Look, thank you for your help and for the fish, but I really insist on paying you for all of your troubles." 


    However, he also looks back at Night Eyes who has been helping a friend. "Really, it's no trouble at all. But if you want to pay me, you can help me better understand western pony culture. Or your own, if that helps." Samurai then turns to Senlin. "I would especially love to learn more about you, if I may. You look like a dragon. Where I come from, I've made friends with a few amazing creatures that many would consider legendary. I've also made enemies with others, but that's beside the point."

  12. "Oh, I beg your pardon, I didn't mean to get in the way. I was just doing a bit of magic, that's all," Val said, cheerfully. "Um, what does sumimasen mean? Is that your name? If it is, then it's a pleasure to meet you and my name is Valence," she added with a smile. "You have a booth here at the fair, right? I bet you've seen all kinds of amazing things on your travels, then." Val added, hoping to segue into asking about Senlin.


    "Oh, no! It's not my name. Sumimasen means both 'Excuse me' and 'Forgive me'. My name is Samurai Equine. I'm from Japon and my blood type is O+. Pleasure to meet you. Are you from around here?" Samurai explains. He's been doing a lot of this with each new pony or attendee that he meets. "I forget to speak the native language sometimes. I am doing my best to be bilingual." Samurai also has a translation guide book with him just in case.

  13. @@Samurai Equine


    Night Eyes had returned to the nearby observatory and dropped off his things and his new pet koi at his study. He placed the fish in the sunken portion of the room and filled it with water and some food to sate its hunger while he was away. Without any medicines, he grabbed his saddle bag and rushed back out to the fair to locate the salespony he met earlier. Good thing he was high above the ground when he rushed out. He scoped the grounds and found the red pony from Japon and made his way to him.  


    "Sweet Celestia I found you! Do you happen to have anything that can treat bruises and scars? Someone got into an accident and he needs help! I'll pay!"


    The tri-colored pony seemed a little confused. "Scars? Bruises? Umm..." Ever since Samurai came here, he has been feeling less and less prepared. He was ready to share information on why Japon is great and why more ponies should visit. And yet, customers have been requesting strange things like tree sap. And now Night Eyes is asking for medical help? Nothing about his booth remotely looks like a medical tent! Still, Samurai is not one to turn away from a customer. And he looks among his stuff to see if he can help.


    "Here you go. Free of charge." Samurai gives Night Eyes a general first aid kit that just about anyone can get. Samurai was keeping it around for himself, but if Night Eyes needs it, he is welcome to it. It has things like bandages, salve, a paper mask to cover one's mouth and nose, some pain relievers in pill form, etc. Nothing special and not a lot to choose from since it is a travel-sized kit.


    About that time, Samurai's amount of customers has dropped pretty low. He puts a sign on his booth that says "BACK IN 10 MINUTES" and leaves. "My mission here is to both educate others about Japon, and learn about the rest of Equestria. If the other cultures won't come to me, then I owe it to myself to visit the other vendors here. I probably won't have time for all of them, but if I can learn while I'm here, Celestia will be proud." Samurai thinks to himself.




    After buying and trading some cultural things from other vendors, as well as picking up some food from around Equestria, Samurai accidentally bumps into Valence. "Ah! Forgive me. Sumimasen." Samurai says, bowing apologetically. He can see that she is busy talking to others. He is more than happy to leave or wait his turn, whatever she prefers.

  14. Wow, weeks later, and I STILL haven't done anything?


    Again, I'm not avoiding this RP. Seriously, I'm not. Just as soon as I was about to start replying to the roleplay, allergy season came on strong. I've been sick, and tending to a bunch of stuff. In most cases, I've been tackling other responsibilities, like I mentioned before, and they left me with no time to be here. I know it doesn't mean much, but I swear I have not been avoiding this RP on purpose.


    I'm about to do a bunch of reading to catch up on this RP and I'm going to finally leave a reply. I'll take part in it like I've been meaning to do, but if you want me to step away, I understand. Again, I am DEEPLY sorry about the long, overdue wait. I have never kept other RPs waiting this long. It is very unprofessional of me.  :blush:

  15. Hey! Sorry for mysteriously disappearing like I did. I got caught up in a HUGE whirlwind of activities and other responsibilities that I kept running out of time and energy for this place. Sometimes the roleplay would completely slip from my mind.  :adorkable:


    So, is this still going on? I hope I haven't missed too much.

  16. @@Samurai Equine


    A tank of koi? Well, just one but that empty ditch in Night Eyes' room could find some use. A little cleaning up and that empty section of his room could be a new home for the fish. The pegasus looked and a bright colored fish caught his eye. 


    "I think this black and orange one could help brighten my study. I'll take him... or her. Is it a he or a she? I can't tell." 


    "Fine choice!" Samurai lifts the bowl and examines the koi fish inside it. "Hmm... Female, I think." Samurai gives it to Night Eyes, as well as a shaker tube of food. "Just follow the directions on the can. It will tell you how much and how often to feed your koi. And from what I've been told, you can buy more food locally." Samurai explains.

  17. @@Samurai Equine


    "I guess this could work. Here you go, 7 bits as you dictated." 


    Night Eyes rummaged through a small pouch in his satchel and handed the exact amount towards Samurai. Now the matter turns to where Gem and Travelture are. 



    Samurai accepts the payment. "Thank you. And feel free to pick a free Koi Fish! It comes with a month's supply of food, all on the house." Samurai says, the transaction nearly complete. Maybe after this, Samurai will take a short break from his own stand to explore the rest of the cultural fair.

  18. @@Samurai Equine


    If he had known there was much to do outside of the observatory, he would've leapt at the chance to do so. Night Eyes wondered why he was cooped up on his work for so long but he would always resort to his knee-jerk response of "having to live up to expectations" or "not squandering the opportunities given to him." He reached for his bits in glee but thought about his purchase, or what he would be purchasing.


    "Just before we make this transaction, is there anything special about the cherry blossom tree sap? Or if not, what could tree sap be used for? I'm picking this up for someone else but I'm curious."




    @@Samurai Equine


    It was heartwarming for Senlin to know someone was out here to see the world. Lin certainly wanted that as well and now here he is living out his sister's desire. Though it still pains him since he isn't able to share what he sees with his sister and he knows that when they return to their forest, they will very likely be made an outcasts. The elders will not take kindly to his sudden disappearance and their unanticippated homecoming.


    "I'm sure Nova will love to be here. It isn't often the world comes to one place and gives everyone something special to see and give them something to take home. Come, let us walk. Is there anything you come here for specifically or are you here to see the sights?"


    Senlin smiled and nodded towards Samurai as he had one more look at his wares, passing by a pegasus asking about tree sap. "I might come back later."


    Samurai waves at Senlin, recognizing him from earlier. Still, he needs to focus on Night Eyes. "Well, if there is anything magical about this tree sap, it probably will only help you if you have ties to elemental magic. In Japon, gifted unicorns tend to excel in such magic. For example, I excel in fire magic. If I may demonstrate..."


    Samurai walks to a more open area near his booth, big enough for any passer-bys to see. "Flaming Horn ATTACK!!!" Aiming his horn to the sky, it shoots of a pretty tall blast of fire before calming down to a small, constant flame at the tip of his horn. Samurai makes this fire dance around in a show-worthy way before it finally goes out.


    Samurai returns to his booth and to Night Eyes. "I hope you enjoyed that. That's all the information I have. I would need to contact the shogunate in my home land for more information."

  19. @@Samurai Equine


    The pegasus now faced the vendor, Samurai, with one less issue to worry about. 


    "I'm not quite sure if weapons are really what I had in mind when I first came here. Like I said, tree sap that has some magic properties in it, the kind that detects changelings, is what I'm looking for. Forgive me if this isn't going anywhere but I really don't know what kind of plant's sap could do that. Oh, and I'd like some writing tools, maybe a quill and inkwell."


    "Sounds like a rumor to me. I've never really seen Japonese tree sap with magical properties before. Maybe the shogunate knows something about that... But if you want tree sap, Cherry Blossom tree sap is all I have." He pulls out another vile for Night Eyes.


    "Ink well? Quill? We don't use those in Japon. We use these." Samurai also pulls out a calligraphy set consisting of a paint brush, an inkstick, an inkstone, a few scrap pieces of mullberry paper, and a set of instructions. "This is a standard starting kit for anyone interested in learning Japonese calligraphy. There are advanced and professional sets, as well as inksticks that come in different colors. The calligraphy set is 5 bits, the tree sap is 2 bits. That comes to a total of 7 bits."

  20. @@EQ_Theta, before he makes it too the shop

    cresent turned seeing the curious pony "Japon? never herd of the place is it outside of equestrian, if so I cant help you out on that, but I do have something that might help you out next tie your in the everfree forest"


    Cresent slung his bag to the ground opening it up and using his wings to pull out a one of his maps he copied and held it to the pony with his wing "here you go this will show you one of the few exists iv found in case your lost" said the bat pony smelling.


    "oh my apology's names cresent mr..." he asked the pony


    "Japon? Oh, well, we're definitely allied with the Solar Empire. We are mostly ponies after all. But we've had a few troubles with Changelings, Snow leopards, and other strange creatures that cause havoc. Of course, it's nowhere near as bad as what Princess Twilight and her friends have faced." Samurai explains. "And my handle is Samurai Equine. It's a pleasure."


    @@Samurai Equine

    Now the dumbstruck feeling hit him. He didn't know what kind of tree sap he was looking for and he might not find Gem where he left him. The ineptness finally began to sink in and it left Night Eyes paralyzed. Whether it was out of fear or confusion, only he could say but the words were lost with so many thoughts racing through his mind. 


    "Oh.... well, uh... this is really embarrassing. I really don't know what kind of tree's sap I'm looking for. Anything you have that could be used in weapon enchantments? Probably something used to detect changelings?"





    "Oh, if you are looking for something for practical combat use, you might want to meet with me in private a little later. I prefer not to bring that kind of stuff into a peaceful culture exchange, but I do have my resources. Japonese magic is very different from Western Equestrian Magic. I could show you some amazing things." Samurai explains.


    at the shop

    @@Samurai Equine,


    as night eyes asked the desk pony cresent was browsing over his sholder looking for something that yelled Emerald to him, he only hoped if he did see something its something she didn't already have...


    "Is there anything else I can interest you in?" Samurai asks, curiously.


    "Cherry Blossom tree sap is the most stable so that would be nice......but umm...." he turned to the seller "ummmm.....Are these things alive?................I've been looking for a pet for a while and they look cute" He smiled and brushed his hoof "Also how much would it cost to keep?" He then proceeded to reach to get some bits for the tree sap


    Samurai pulls out a vile of Cherry Blossom sap. "Saved this stuff from the last Spring Festival. It should be very potent. That'll be 2 bits." Samurai looks at his fish. "Oh! The Koi Fish? Why yes! A free Koi Fish for any pony who wants one. They come with a month's worth of food. You might be able to buy more food locally. Feel free to pick one in your favorite color. And if you don't want the fancy fish bowl they come in, I can put it in a plastic bag for you. I know other ponies like to use their own ponds or fish tanks." Samurai says.

  21. @@Samurai Equine,



    It was just as unexpected as the events of the day had been; the one stall he needed to look for was just right close by, though there was a lingering feeling that the pony he had approached might have been rubbed off the wrong way with the speed at which the events were unfolding before Night Eyes. Ineptness in the social situation he was in was all that was needed to bring him to anxiety and dropping his chipper, outgoing demeanor for the more reserved self he hid underneath his skin. As for the one he approached, all that was left to do was to swallow what would come next from him, if he chose to confront him. 


    "Uh... this is certainly nice of you. I'm looking for tree sap, if you have some. Oh and also something nice to give as a gift. You certainly know your country very well. Is there anything you can suggest?" 



    "You seem to optimistic.........Actually I was looking for some Japon tree sap......I- What is this?" He walks up to what to him seem like moving little balls "Are these alive?" he proceeds to look at the shop keeper....... *He matters (If these things are alive they sure are cute.......I have wanted to get a pet for a while now......Sometimes I get kinda lonely when I study and I think a pet is just what I need)


    Seems as soon he gets one customer not interested in food, Samurai gets another. "Oh! Uh... One at a time, please! ...Tree sap? That's an unusual request. But I'll see what I can do!" Samurai brought an inventory of items. He was going to do his best to please any kind of customer! "...Quick question for the both of you. Did you want sap from a Cherry Blossom tree or some other tree? We have unique crops that mostly grow in Japon only."

    • Brohoof 1
  22. @@Samurai Equine


    Let's try to avoid RP'ing another person's character. Night Eyes would be able to reach your character's location so no need to rush things until they happen. No harm done but please be careful next time.


    Sorry. You mentioned he was looking for Japonese items, and it didn't look like anyone was responding that. I thought that was my invite to reply directly. I completely misread what you were going for. Was not at all trying to take control of your character, just thought I was following your direction. Completely my mistake.  :please:

    • Brohoof 1
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