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Samurai Equine

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Posts posted by Samurai Equine

  1. (Assuming there is no species barrier, and our ages are nearly or exactly the same...)

    I think the closest one I'd want to date for an extended amount of time would be Rarity. She has the right level of energy, she won my heart with her Noire style, and I really connect with her desire to be as generous as possible despite how many might think otherwise of her. To me, she really is the most balanced. I don't know if she'd give me a chance since I'm not famous or high-society, but if she wanted to try dating me, I wouldn't be against it. :grin:

    Twilight is nice, but even I need a break from studying.
    I love how much Pinkie wants to bring joy into everypony's life, but not even I have that much energy to give 24/7.
    Fluttershy would probably be sweet and kind, but I would prefer to date someone that's just a bit more outgoing.
    Dash is way too outgoing for me. I like sports, but only occasionally, and I don't have any dreams or aspirations similar to hers.
    I come from the countryside, and while I probably do have a lot in common with AJ, I didn't grow up on a farm nor am I passionate about that kind of lifestyle, so I doubt it could work out.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Hello! I have a question for Officer Hopps.

    How high can you jump? (Also, is it okay to ask that, or should I apologize? I'm only familiar with Equine and Echidna culture. I've never interacted with a rabbit before! I wouldn't want to make any faux pas on my first question... :wacko: )

    • Brohoof 2
  3. お元気ですか?

    Do you enjoy any anime, manga, or tokusatsu? I find, internationally speaking, Dai Kaiju is usually the easiest to get into. Personally, I'm a bigger fan of the Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman. Feel free to call me an otaku or weeb, makes no difference to me. :mlp_smile:

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Personally, I'm indifferent about long distance relationships.

    I use to do it a few times when I was younger. Some lasted, some ended so fast that you might as well call it a fling. I'm basically done with it now. I think I'd rather try and make a relationship with someone IRL (or if it does happen online, there needs to be a high chance of us getting together in IRL, or at least visiting each other very often IRL).

    I'm not as young as I use to be. I wouldn't say old (I'm in my 30's), but I've noticed in my age that long-distance relationships and online dating is more for the younger crowd than it is for people like me. But if it's something you want to do, and it's working for you, then more power to you. :proud:

    • Brohoof 1
  5. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony

    How did you find MLP Forums?

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony

    Hello everyone! :ticking: (Do fans still say "Everypony"?) 久し振り!!

    I am not a new member to the forums. I am actually a returning member. As far as I can tell, I stepped away about 3 years ago. I got busy with things happening in my own life, but I never meant to step away for such a long time...

    It's a little sad to know that some of the friends I made here a few years ago have left and (from what I can tell) deleted their accounts. Others are still here, but I don't know if they are still active or not. Was hoping maybe one of them would have reached out to me after all this time, but I won't hold it against anyone. We all have our own personal lives to live.

    But putting all that aside, I am back because I want to be around my fellow bronies, pegasisters, and MLP fans as we bid farewell to G4. I meant to return during the mid-season hiatus, but that ended faster than I thought it would! But I'm back, ready for action, and I'm watching that final countdown with everyone! :yay:

    (So much to do, so little time! Should I praise some fanart, got to the roleplay section, find a forum game, see what's changed since I've been away...? Help! I need a friend!)


    • Brohoof 1
  6. Samurai would be really impressed if he wasn't trying so hard to contain his own excess fire magic. However, once they are high enough, Samurai takes aim and releases the fire in a fast, powerful stream! The result is just as he predicted, rocket propulsion! However, it will be up to Night Eyes to navigate the flight with his wings and keep his eyes sharp; because right now, they are traveling at speeds faster than the average train. This should make reaching the castle really fast! "Speed zenkai!!!"

  7. Samurai nods at Night Eye's explanation. "I understand. But if this works, we shouldn't have to worry about your physical abilities for too long."


    Samurai takes a quick moment to look around. He finds fire sources from various locations; a fire pit, a juggler with lit torch sticks, and a large grill from one of the food vendors. Samurai concentrates and begins to gather up his magic. His horn glows as a flame appears at the tip. Next, the fire from those three locations flies towards Samurai's horn until they have gone out. Once collected, the fire over Samurai's horn has tripled in size! But it goes down and gets reabsorbed into his being. However, Samurai doesn't look so good doing it. Every part of his body is clenched; he is shaking and desperately trying to hold in the excess fire power. Even his face has an expression of pure strain.


    "Okay, Night Eyes! If we're gonna go, let's go!" Samurai says with strain and impatience in his voice. He really can't hold such large amounts of excess fire power. It seems the sooner he can expend it, the better.

  8. Caster Forge'Iron is the OC i'm going to be using haha (the guy on my profile pic) he's not in japon though?? of course he could be visiting as he's not in the story yet. also ask for as much direction as you need though I don't think Equestria has mobile phones?? I may be wrong but it would leave spikes job a bit redundant. 


    It's just a very minor plot device. Other archeologists and scientists can contact each other through letters and traditional means.


    I tend to write Japon as a mix of modern and feudal era Japan. And since Japan can often be ahead of the curve with technology, I thought phones might fit just for Japon. But I can write it out completely, if you like.  :fluttershy:

  9. (EDITED on request)


    Meanwhile, in a distant part of Equestria's Solar Empire, about as far to the east as you can go to a place called Japon...


    A frightening roar bellows through the open fields!

    A herd of qilin run back to the forests they came from. Making sure they have left is an armored, tri-colored pony and a manticore. Obviously, it was the manticore who was roaring loudly. Once gone, the armored pony nods and turns to the manticore. "That should settle it. You shouldn't have any more problems with qilins trying to steal your homes anymore." The samurai pony bows respectfully. Pleased, the two of them part ways.


    As he makes his way through the woods, the samurai pony notices that part of his chest armor has been damaged. "Hmm... That's not good. The smith that forged this armor is on vacation. Won't be back for a good while Maybe I can hire some other pony to fix it. It's a little insulting, but this really can't wait..."


    While he makes his way back to the city, he notices something in the woods. A glimmer from an abandoned cave catches his eye. Moving in closer, the samurai pony looks inside the cave. Deep, deep inside, past the rocks and cobwebs, past many things within this cave, it looks like there is something discarded within. "Hmm... Where have I seen that kind of shape before? ... Maybe it's some kind of relic? Only one way to find out." Pulling out a small camera and some papers from his armor, the samurai pony aims and snaps a picture of the strange artifact. As the picture develops, he begins writing a letter to go with it.


    While he is there, the samurai pony decides to cover up the cave and make it look less noticeable. He closes the cave with vines and discarded wood. One of the papers he pulled out was a foldable map, which he marks the location of the cave on. He puts the map away to keep for himself. That's all he can do for now. Just beyond the next ridge is the big city. Light, sounds, and a hustle and bustle of eastern culture mixed with some western influences. And of course, the first thing he does is find a post box just on the outskirts of the city. Once there, he takes the picture and the letter he wrote, and properly mails them to a chain of correspondents. "There. Now the best archaeologists in Equestria will know about it. It's in their hands now."

  10. By my reckoning, Galamane, Randimaxis, and I have all said you can join, which means you're in!  :D Feel free to start posting whenever you feel like it.


    For your first post, I'd recommend... Going to see Caster Forge'Iron about repairing one of your swords.  :twi:


    Sorry for not responding sooner. Got busy with other things the last few days.  :)


    Forgive me for asking, but who is Caster Forge'Iron? I want to get started, but like I said, my OC doesn't actually own any swords himself. He might visit Caster to get his armor fixed, but if he is not located in Japon, how would he know about him? I hope I'm not asking for too much direction.  :adorkable: I'll go ahead and make a first post, but if I need to change it, I'll go ahead and edit it.

  11. You are a fine warrior by the sound's of it but i'm trying to say that every bandit is also a person with there own talents and may be as skilled or more skilled then you. even if it is unlikely it's not a risk you can take in a situation that involves civilians like this. I mean did you ever wander why such a small group need's that much food when there only a week an a half away from a town! (think about it. what situation can you think of where they would need so much?) 




    But as long as you try and keep you actions believable in a real would scenario (despite it being Equestria) you can have my vote (sorta like the fights from the last Samurai or Gladiator movies and less like Naruto,Bleach,One Punch Man etc) 


    I don't doubt there are other characters who could beat my character in battle. I allow plenty of lee way for that to happen without making him too weak. But you do prove a point I wasn't thinking about, the bandit's motivation. I guess in my OC's defense, diplomacy is not his strongest suit (that'd be like asking Rainbow Dash to be negotiator). He can sometimes get tunnel vision and focus only on what is most important. Talking reason with a foe usually doesn't come until after they have surrendered, provided they haven't run away. Samurai likes to help everyone, but like any character, he has faults. Sometimes he charges in without thinking the situation through completely. Sometimes he has to be inspired or challenged by others to change the way he handles a situation.  :twi: Hope that has been enough to earn your approval.


    And sorry for not posting any sooner. Been a little busy for the past few days.

  12. This may be but as the convoy itself was surrounded so trying to get 6 to fight you at once would be very difficult without getting some civilians in the way...(being a relatively large group)


    Now I find this one very odd as I was under the impression that all "Samurai" always carry two swords (a Katana and a shorter one I can't remember the name of) everywhere they go as it was a sign of honor and that they will help those in need? (and they considered it as valuable as there own life, which is why it was added specifically to the scenario) 


    They may have but never underestimate your own enemy...as some of the most famous Ronin (Masterless or dishonored Samurai) turn into mercenary and bandit's though not many it is the job of a samurai to show respect to all especially thy enemy as you know not of what they are capable of.


    Remember how I mentioned adjustments?

    I always thought weapons don't have that much place in the MLP universe (though I guess it can be argued the other way). Making Samurai's horn act like a sword is one of those adjustments I insisted on. The idea is there but it fits a kid friendly atmosphere. Historical samurai have also killed many of their enemies, but I try to avoid that unless the one hosting the RP wants something darker. If he can, Samurai Equine will use non-lethal methods to scare his enemies away. Think of most fire types in the Pokemon anime. You can get burned, charred, and badly hurt; but you probably won't die from the attacks. If he ever wields a sword (which he is also trained for), it's because he earned it from someone or somepony else. For example, maybe he is protecting a village of Breezies, and they give him a sword that the village has forged. He might use that to defeat whatever evil is haunting the Breezies. Samurai Equine is the kind of stallion who builds bonds with others and really likes that kind of sentimentality.


    As for a more specific example of Samurai's fighting prowess... I mentioned he is athletic and agile, even with armor on. He might find a way to distract them, maybe slowly take out a piece of gold, only to throw it in one of the bandit's face! Using that distraction, he would leap over the convoy, grab one of the charging bandits, and throw him into 2 of the others. From there, he would switch to physical and magical combat while keeping his surroundings in mind. With one of his limited number of spells, he can make his horn rapidly extend and retract, allowing him to stab and pierce enemies from a distance away (think of Goku's Power Pole from Dragon Ball). With his fire magic, he can leave enemies stunned with severe burns. He might even combine some of his magical attacks, turning his fire into projectiles that hit enemies from a distance. As I mentioned, Samurai is kind of a dynamo in this regard.


    Also, keep in mind that most samurai became ronin during the turn of the century when Japan started opening it's boarders, changing the way the government rules the land, and changing the laws so that it was practically illegal to be a samurai. With the warrior class out of a job and no longer in favor with the Emperor, they had to find a job by any means. Some became bandits out of desperation, some tried to assimilate and work for the government without swords, some hid their samurai past and tried to live normal lives... It was not a good time to be a samurai, and that's not the era I am using to model my character after.  :rarity:

  13. Okay, as a staff member who actually reviews EqE for EXACTLY that reason, you have officially wowed me.  I vote yes


    (Liked the rest of it too, though I was simply looking for a general description of one; not actually your OC, just the scene.  It's fine, though - the rest of your answer, to my question and Trotter's, told me what I wanted to know.)


    Ah. I misunderstood. Silly me.  :lol: Well, in Japon, the more luxurious and high end homes are built a little different than the western idea of a home. While a back and front yard may be present; the garden is usually placed in the center of the house. In fact, houses are usually built around the garden itself so that the garden can be a focal point. Each garden can be different depending on what the owners want. There could be fountain, koi pond, various different kinds of plants (such as bonsai trees and such), or even a rock & sand garden. I don't think you'll find many that have an actual cherry blossom tree in the garden, but anything is possible.

  14. "Would love to see it, or meet the science team responsible." Samurai likes the offer. Still, he thinks about the traveling time. The less time spent, the better... It would be silly if Night Eyes tried to carry Samurai on his back. However... "There are other ways to speed up the travel process. Teleportation is not my strongest asset, however, I can do it for a limited number of times. But since I would be teleporting the BOTH of us, I think I'd only be able to perform the spell twice. After the second time, I would be exhausted. I would need time to recover, with plenty of sleep and maybe some food." Samurai explains.


    "There is another option. It's not a great option. It really is a test of my physical endurance. I can absorb fire from outside sources and add it to my own natural reserves of fire magic. Camp fires, lamps, lit torches, etc. If you were to give me a lift, I might be able to use my magic to give us an extra boost of acceleration. I would still need to take a break afterwords and re-energize, but it would not be nearly as bad as using two Teleportation spells in a row." And thus, Options A and B are fully explained. The only third option is to keep traveling by land.

  15. Sorry for the delay of a few days, everyone!  :please: Internet server problems.


    Hmmmmm... describe a scene to me: The lone Samurai, meditating in a zen garden.  


    If you'll further humour me, I'll also stipulate that this samurai shouldn't speak, nor should we hear his thoughts.   The name is unimportant; paint me a scene with words.  Wow me... and my vote is yours.


    (Actually, you've probably got my vote anyway, simply based on your background and the RP possibilities you'd present.)


    I hesitate using the word Zen in a My Little Pony universe, because Zen is linked to Buddhism, and I hate to entertain religion in a universe that doesn't necessarily have any or need any. I don't mind incorporating various monsters and demons of legend because they would fit, but religion is one thing I gotta be careful of. After all, my character does not come from Japan, but rather Japon, the ponified version of Japan. Sorry to nitpick, just wanted to point out that there would be some differences and adjustments.  :)


    While meditation is one way to sharpen the mind and harness one's spirituality, Samurai Equine is not a pony who would focus on that for very long. The closest thing he might do, in terms of meditation, is try to sharpen or improve his elemental magic. And since Fire is the magic he has mastered, a beautiful garden is not the right place for that; a beach might be better. For him, actions speak louder than words! If there are no other pressing matters to attend to, he might sharpen his combat and weapon-handling skills, practice the art of Japonies writing, help tend to the Cherry Blossom trees, or even practice some traditional Japonies music such as Shigin, Wagakki, or Enka. On a rare occasion, he might even be willing to take part in a Kabuki theater play.


    Was there something specific you were looking for?  :twi:


    @Samurai Equine aka "Samurai Equine" (I know it's the same but still)


    you are asked to guard a Convoy of about 18 or so across a frozen tundra and accept. your trip has gone to plan so far but when you are leaving a mountain pass the convoy get's surrounded by thief's and murders (8 in total) and they ask for all food and valuables (including your family sword) and they leave everyone be or if you say no they will kill everyone. 


    So what will "Equine" do?


    here's so context on the situation.


    There are 18 of you's but only you and another guard can fight and even if you can win you can't protect all the convoy at once as you are surrounded.


    you are about 10 days away from your destination so the lack of food will be bad but not dangerous plus you are in the wild so there is still some things you could eat if you must.


    7 members of the convoy are children and there are no pegasi.


    your mission is to get the people safely to the destination not to bring any specific items.


    the only valuables in the convoy is a bit of gold and everyone personal belongings.


    the bandits are well armed and the only proof you have that they will leave you in peace if you cooperate is there word


    Please forgive me, I like to make my own recap before I answer hypotheticals...


    Protect a convoy of 18 members. 7 are children, one is a guard, the others have no self-defense skills. The bandits, a team of 8, ambush us on the mountain and they want our food, our valuables, my sword, and our compliance. There is no guarantee they will leave us alone other than their word. Is that correct? If so, here is my answer...


    Samurai Equine has fought villainous rouges like these before many times, and despite looking like he is weighed down, Samurai has built up an endurance to using his armor. He is actually quite nimble and athlete in his armor, which is actually lighter than knight or royal guard armor. Samurai knows that evil never upholds its promises; furthermore Samurai doesn't actually use or carry a sword regularly since his horn tends to be enough of a sword for him to use. With a combination of his honed speed, agility, and fire magic; Samurai would have no problem fending off the majority of these combatants. For you see, the samurai class is not too different from the famous knights. With war-time combat experience and a refined training regiment on his side; his theatrical, daredevil-like fighting style should be able to over power most bandits despite their numbers. He might even leave 2 for the other guard joining him. And if he can, he will spare them. He'd rather send them running in fear and pain than to actually take a life, but he will if he absolutely must. (I hope this is NOT that kind of RP though...)


    However! On the grounds that Samurai has still been underestimated (which can definitely happen, I am not trying to make him a Gary Stu, I am trying to model him after the best of historical samurai), Samurai always has a few desperation moves at hand. One of which would be to throw the valuables (and maybe half or more of the food) down the mountainside. Now the ball is in their court. Do they chase after the valuables, or keep fighting? Knowing the bandits, they'll make only one choice. The valuables can be reclaimed later, the food can be rationed while more is found along the trail, the bandits can be tracked. The most important thing right now? Getting the convoy to it's destination and out of harm's way, with all of its crew alive and safe.


    Hope that answers your question. I am trying to keep things generalized right now. I go into way more specific details when I am actually RPing.  :squee:

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