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Starlight Fan

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Everything posted by Starlight Fan

  1. Thanks for the welcome! I do quite like Equestria Girls, and to Sunset, I am new here
  2. I'm going to try soon. I've been having trouble with my paypal lately, so I've been keeping away from online shops.
  3. Thanks! I will PM you if I have to.
  4. Oh gosh, I love Sonata, so much that I named my account after her! I'm really happy that there's a fanclub for her
  5. Thanks for the welcome! I know that many bronies dislike EQG, and I have to admit that there were loads of plotholes Hello Elsa! I presume you love Frozen? Yes, I've seen the trailer! And the forums are great, thanks. I thought that I saw Adagio around here, but I guess that must've been a mistake. Sonata's a really pretty name, and I really liked her design too, so I "borrowed her name", though I'm not always roleplaying as her. I've always had the feeling that Sonata would be the first to get reformed, though.
  6. I got the MLP Twilight Sparkle POP starter kit. I pretty much broke all my fingernails trying to get her off that frame! I was going to get a Rarity too, but the store I was at didn't have her. I'll go there again next week and see!
  7. I've heard really good things about the comics, and I've seen bits of the Reflections arc that make me really want to read them. The thing is that I can't get them in my country... sad.
  8. This sounds like fun! I might join if I have time.
  9. I hope that more is revealed about him in Rainbow Rocks, since it's a band film and he plays an instrument. But then again, he's only appeared a few times in the promo clips and previews.
  10. I heard not. However, the clips with "Battle of the Bands" and the Dazzling talking about why they were banished are apparently in the movie.
  11. I've loved MLP since season 1 and really got hyped for Equestria Girls. I really liked Sunset Shimmer, but Sonata Dusk quickly became Best Character as soon as I saw her, which is why I named my account after (I didn't see anything saying I couldn't, therefore I can C: ) My favourite mane 6 pony was Pinkie Pie until she started getting on my nerves. I found a connection with Rarity when a friend said I sounded a bit like her. If I try on purpose, I think I do sound quite similar to her, but I'm nowhere as talented as her voice actor. I have loads of MLP OCs that I barely use, and I draw fanart on deviantART but it's pretty rubbish... Well, there's only room for improvement! Anyway, I hope I'm accepted in the forums, and that kind of thing! Hopefully I'm doing everything right so far...
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