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Starlight Fan

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Everything posted by Starlight Fan

  1. The super-conventional totally normal method of "pa0wn3e", of course. Jokes aside, I just prefer "pony". I never got alternate spellings.
  2. Disturbing Discovery Family logo is disturbing It's destroying the beauty of Sonata's beloved Taco Tuesday poster
  3. I meant the word minimum oops X3 I have managed to put out really short messages lol
  4. omg yes that's so cute yes weird though, the word minimum only pops up for me when I do quotes
  5. Ooh, wait. Just a quick question though (It's quite stupid but yeah, I'm still quite new here). Do I have to draw all the pony pictures or can I use vectors from the internet? (And if I do, how do I give credit?)
  6. I've been thinking of doing a Halloween banner for ages! And yay for Applejack too. I'm in! *starts making entry*
  7. Finally Finally somebody finds a way to EXPLAIN this in ACTUAL WORDS Thank you so much I am guilty of buying a small light and waving patterns in front of my face to make those flashing light thingies appear
  8. I saw my eye doctor (I'm not bothered to spell the proper name) about the things on the white wall and they talked to me like I had a sort of terminal disease... but now I know it's something everyone has but never talks about. Thank Celestia! Has anyone just been doing their thing and then randomly just feel dizzy and see lots of blurry things for a random second, then just blink and feel like nothing has ever happened? I can't exactly explain it but if it's happened to you then you'll know what I'm talking about There's also that weird falling feeling you get when you are sleeping. I've heard some well crazy things about that e.g you're dying and an angel just dropped you... And then there's those times when you really need the toilet but you can't go cause you're on a train or something (if you have trains with toilets, I am extremely envious of everyone in your country) and then you just randomly shudder and get goosebumps and everyone stares at you like you have issues And I don't know if it's something everyone has, or I'm just a really worried person, but that sense of irrational fear that comes to you when you can't remember whether you've locked the door properly or not. And by the way, did you switch off the lights and tap? Did you close the fridge door? Did you even remember the keys? Yeah. And I totally hate the times when I bang my toes against things. Even worse than scratching my arm on a sharp table corner.
  9. "those tacos will be mine... when somebody gets rid of that pesky computer screen..."
  10. I like the Korean flag because of it's simplicity and multiple meanings. Very clever of the designer I mean, even Rainbow Dash approves! As for best non-country flag, I'm gonna say Hong Kong's flag, not because I live there, but because I genuinely love the flag. It's also very mathematical
  11. I JUST NOTICED THE PETALS OF THOSE FLOWERS THE COAT COLOURS OF THE MANE 6 OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED THAT My sudden discovery aside, I think that there's been a lot of Fluttercord snuck in the show, especially in the finale, and that it's the most almost-canon ship in the series. Or, they're just trolling with us by making it seem like Discord is slightly obsessed with Fluttershy.
  12. Okay I kind of get what you're saying there! It's like if I were to voice a brand new character, I would imagine my own voice for it, right?
  13. What really? Nobody's said that either lol. a lot of firsts here! So basically if I were to voice, say, Applejack, I just pretend I haven't heard her actual voice and speak in the way I imagine her voice to be?
  14. Nobody's ever said I have an accent XD Anyway, here ya go! EDIT: I'm kind of new to this so I'm not sure about the difference between voice acting and voice mimicry.. can ya explain? http://soundcloud.com/sonatadusk/reading-one-of-my-poems
  15. Yay, great! Thanks for choosing to draw my character
  16. Hey everypony, thought I'd share a bit of my voice acting here because in my opinion it's okay but some of the voices seem off! Here's a one take recording to demonstrate (sorry for the low quality sound, I recorded it on my phone XD) http://soundcloud.com/sonatadusk/my-little-pony-one-take-voice
  17. Hey there! I know you're real busy, but I hope perhaps you could find time to do an image of my character Spark Daydream? Any pose would be fine, just keep in mind she's a filly thanks! Reference is linked below http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/245/5/b/5b29a61cfdd36e7eef3558879468ad08-d7xnt7u.png
  18. All your art is really good! I'm not surprised Andrea put it on her twitter, that fluttershy makes me squee! Some of the small details you put in your work are really good, too. And I like what you did with the pinkie pie piece Great job! Here, have an internet hug.
  19. I just love your art style, you made all of those ponies look so cute and squishy and huggable eeeeeeeeee especially my Dove Daydream she looks so squissssssshy *tries to hug pony and slams hand into laptop* how do you even do this?!
  20. Well, I did intend for her to be looking back but yeah, the turn is a little awkward X) Thanks for replying!
  21. Hello everypony! So a while ago I drew a picture of Sonata Dusk for my profile and there seems to be something off about it, but I just can't put my hoof hand finger on it. I also didn't have a colour reference. I just noticed how different the shades are by comparing it with my profile picture X) I hope you can give me your opinions! I just realised this is the Pony Art section and Sonata's a humanpony oh well I think it's okay anyway lol
  22. Spectrum Skies? Or something to do with rain. Her colour scheme is mainly made up of cool colours and would be associated with water automatically. PS: I'd just like to tell you that you forgot her tail no worries though, it's still really good for a first attempt!
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