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Starlight Fan

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Everything posted by Starlight Fan

  1. Some bronies are negative. Some bronies are positive. It's a balance of life, and is essential in a community. I think that most people on these forums are wonderful though.
  2. I'm Sonata... you're Sonata.. YOU'RE AN IMPOSTER! Jokes aside, welcome to the forums! I'm kind of relatively new as well, but I can tell you that this place's really easy to get used to.
  3. Oh my gosh she's so ADORABLE!! Thanks so much! <3
  4. Perhaps somebody could make a video with Sonata pictures to various 90s songs!
  5. Hate Rarity? Never! Rarity has displayed her generosity so much over the series, yet someponies somehow never notice it.
  6. She's really pretty and I love how you included the Filipina dress name in her name. Well done
  7. You could try the pink you used in the mouth for the hair, but only if you don't have another since it's very close to the outline Nice job! Her smile looks so cute!
  8. You tried and you did just fine. Well done for trying, it's the first step to success!
  9. Well, in my opinion nopony ever seemed to particularly notice Twilight even after she became an alicorn, and only got attention on episodes where she had to be important such as Twilight Time and Trade Ya.
  10. That guy's art is pretty good! I like the way he drew the expressions on the other Dazzlings. I need to see him draw Sonata and all her adorableness! _______ EDIT: I found that he is the artist who did the sketch @FadedSkies found (through an image search), he just didn't put it in Octavia's Hall. EDIT 2: I found a picture with all three of them in by that artist! (through another image search)
  11. Though it's not totally necessary, it does have the possibility to work, as long as they don't make it a one off thing like some shows do (they fall in love, start dating and then it just seems to not exist anymore) and not have it happen all in one episode unless they really have a valid reason for the speed, such as a spell or that the episode represents a longer period of time. Even if it is a random character who pops out of nowhere, as long as they take their time to make up a believable excuse reason for the Mane 6 character to love them (and vica versa) and not have it all stereotypical and cheesy, it's totally fine to me. As long as it does not disrupt the main storyline and does not have a bad impact to young children (and doesn't make bronies cry in pain), I think that if a canonical Mane 6 ship occurred, I would be fine with it. Despite the above paragraph, I still don't encourage a Mane 6 ship to actually happen. The show is perfectly fine the way it is. I am just saying that I'm not going to be particularly upset (unless it is really horrific, hopefully that doesn't happen) if it does become canon (in fact I might even be happy about it, who knows?)
  12. I've been here for a day or so and I think that I've been accepted into the community and that it's very easy to make friends here. I feel very comfortable in this environment and I'm happy with the community as the whole!
  13. Thank you! She was a design I bought off an internet friend.
  14. Oh, I've heard issues with images have been occurring lately. Perhaps you could try this link? http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/238/1/e/1ed962471d7c4f1b71c0128af161af9f-d7wqbly.png
  15. Can I have a request, please? It's totally fine if you don't want to draw my pony, though Here's a picture of her
  16. Wow, that's really cool! I wish I could draw like them... It's going to be epic after it's coloured
  17. Though there were huge gender stereotypes in the previous generations (especially G3 and 3.5, the show was girlier than the average female toddler) I've got to ask that without the original, how would the MLP we love today be around? Lauren Faust was inspired by the girly cartoon to make the epic awesomeness of MLP:FIM, so we've got to give some love to the previous generations for existing.
  18. I loved that song during the credits, I think it was called "A friend for life" or something like that. EQG2's songs seem like they'll be a lot cooler though, according to what I've seen and heard so far.
  19. I think you're pretty good, really. Your anatomy is a lot better than mine C:
  20. Twilight Sparkle's kind of been doing everything so far in MLP, so I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up replacing Celestia as "Princess of Equestria Even Though I'm Technically A Dictator".
  21. I'm kind of expecting that too, and since she seems not to understand Adagio's sarcasm, she could be the type who easily buys whatever people tell her. Perhaps she originally wasn't part of the Dazzlings and was persuaded into wearing that weird necklace thingy (that perhaps is non-removable or something). However, she does agree with the other two Dazzlings on how she hates the Human World, so she'd perhaps have a little hate for the people there as well.
  22. Sonata, because of my username and because of this cute face
  23. I don't care about haters. I'm proud to be part of such a loving community and those anti-bronies are losers that they're not part of it.
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