Since and including the episode Hearthbreakers there have been 9 episodes where Applejack has had a focal role. In 3 of these episodes she has displayed some very obvious asshole behaviour. In Hearthbreakers she was invited into another family's home for Hearthswarming where traditions and practises are very different from her own family's. Whilst the other family members were able to understand and accept this Applejack insensitively tried to change the Pie family's traditions and acted as her traditions were superior to the Pie family's, causing a falling out between the 2 families. Then in The Cart Before The Ponies all 3 of Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were very badly characterised in this episode, but out of all of those I think Applejack had the least justification, yet was also the most aggressive of the 3. Whilst the other 2 just acted ignorant throughout the episode Apple Bloom explained to her sister she didn't want a traditional cart, and Applejack responded by yelling at her and questioning if she was an apple. Then we get to the episode most recently aired, where Applejack is asked to judge for Rarity's fashion show, but she spends a large portion of the episode insulting other ponies hard work, even destroying the work in one instance, under the guise of "practicality". I don't buy that she was just being honest, at this stage of the series Applejack should know when she's being hurtful and it's behaviour that goes beyond what we've seen from her before, heck she's often the one telling off Rainbow Dash for tactless behaviour. She also was being aggressive to Strawberry Sunrise. You could argue there is another 2 episodes where she displays asshole behaviour as well, Buckball Season where she pressurises Pinkie Pie to the extent that Buckball was no longer fun (RD did the same thing to Fluttershy but people see her as an asshole anyway), and Viva Las Pegasus where for a large portion of the episode she refused to do what the map called her for and help the Flim Flam brothers who were fighting. A lot of this behaviour will probably be attributed to her stubbornness but I think I expect more from a pony who is usually very helpful and a voice of reason in her secondary appearances.