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About SteveMorison

  • Birthday 1994-04-12

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    Not Telling
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    Halifax, West Yorkshire, England
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    Sport, Psychology, Astronomy, Media

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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. I put Pinkie past Red Light Green Light because she showed she could stay still in Too Many Pinkie Pies. Even though I think she’d lose in Honeycomb anyway, probably just eat the cookie.
  3. Inspired by WickedBinge's which characters of X franchise would win Squid Game series on YouTube, I ask the question which MLP character would win Squid Game in the end. Rules: No flying and no magic. Entrants: Twilight Sparkle Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Applejack Fluttershy Rarity Spike Starlight Glimmer Trixie Sunset Shimmer Tempest Shadow Shining Armour Daring Do Maud Pie Zecora Crysalis Tirek Cozy Glow Sombra 3/4 characters are to be eliminated in each of the first 5 games leaving 2 characters left to duel it out in the Squid Game. Red Light/Green Light: The objective is to run to the other side of the field but only move when the animatronic Discord is looking away. To get through this game you need a level head to stay still whilst shots are fired and to be a good listener. Honeycomb: The objective is to cut a given shape out of the middle of a cookie without breaking the shape. To get through this game you need to have a steady hoof under pressure and the patience required to take the time to remove the shape from the cookie. Tug of War: To survive this game you need to be strong but also be willing enough to work as part of a team. Marbles: To survive this game you need to be a master of manipulation and to be able to avoid being manipulated Glass Stepping Stones: This game is likely to eliminate you if you have a lot of arrogance, as arrogance will make you want to go first before you're able to learn where the glass stepping stones actually are and you will fall to your death. Squid Game: We're finally down to 2 surviving players to duel to win the Squid Game and 10,000,000 Bits I think the final may be between Maud Pie and Daring Do. Daring has a lot of experience in getting out of physical and mental challenges whilst Maud is an expert in emotionlessness but also shown to be smart and strong. Daring Do's experience in combat would probably see her win the final Squid Game. I also think Starlight, Cozy, Tempest and Zecora would get pretty far, with Glass Stepping Stones probably tripping up the former 3 due to their ego's. Rainbow Dash, Trixie, Rarity, Fluttershy and maybe Twilight would suffer an early exit in red light green light, Rainbow Dash would be too rash in getting to the other side of the field likely not listening and not keeping a level head. The other 4 I think would panic most in the situation.
  4. Merry Birthiversary! 

  5. Leeds Promoted back to the Premier League after a 16 year absence.
  6. They've created a new kid to be RD's cheerleader. Does this mean there's no Scootaloo and therefore no CMC?
  7. Leeds United fan. Top of The Championship, about to be promoted to the Premier League after a 16 year absence, season currently abandoned. There’s a fear if it’s void we’ll lose our manager, best players and be set back to square one. Of course that could be the least of my worries in the coming months. I have Auntie’s and Uncle’s that smoke, an Auntie with MS, and grandparents of course. Also work in Elderly Care, terrified it could mean the untimely end of some service users. Also, my sister was meant to get married in Puglia in early June, that’s already looking doubtful
  8. Merry Birthiversary! 

  9. Grogar: “Well I planned to but Liev Schreiber cost too much money”
  10. Merry Birthiversary!

  11. I know it's just a cartoon and at the end of the day it's just fun speculation, but let's hypothesise that Rarity's wings had not evaporated and RD didn't need to perform the Sonic Rainboom to save her from falling to her death. As a result she fails to do it naturally and her performance was a complete failure. 2 things would immediately be different, the 1st is that instead of now being recognised as a hero across equestria, she is now probably considered a laughing stock and a poor performer, the 2nd is that her confidence (at least in the moment) would be completely gone. With these differences, would it have been possible that RD's life would currently be completely different? that she as a result ultimately gave up on her dream of being a wonderbolt and even if she didn't she may not have been accepted into the academy as easily with a damaged reputation. The other possibility would have been that her friends helped restore her confidence, and she managed to overcome everything and still ultimately achieve her goals, even if it'd taken more time to get there.
  12. Since and including the episode Hearthbreakers there have been 9 episodes where Applejack has had a focal role. In 3 of these episodes she has displayed some very obvious asshole behaviour. In Hearthbreakers she was invited into another family's home for Hearthswarming where traditions and practises are very different from her own family's. Whilst the other family members were able to understand and accept this Applejack insensitively tried to change the Pie family's traditions and acted as her traditions were superior to the Pie family's, causing a falling out between the 2 families. Then in The Cart Before The Ponies all 3 of Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were very badly characterised in this episode, but out of all of those I think Applejack had the least justification, yet was also the most aggressive of the 3. Whilst the other 2 just acted ignorant throughout the episode Apple Bloom explained to her sister she didn't want a traditional cart, and Applejack responded by yelling at her and questioning if she was an apple. Then we get to the episode most recently aired, where Applejack is asked to judge for Rarity's fashion show, but she spends a large portion of the episode insulting other ponies hard work, even destroying the work in one instance, under the guise of "practicality". I don't buy that she was just being honest, at this stage of the series Applejack should know when she's being hurtful and it's behaviour that goes beyond what we've seen from her before, heck she's often the one telling off Rainbow Dash for tactless behaviour. She also was being aggressive to Strawberry Sunrise. You could argue there is another 2 episodes where she displays asshole behaviour as well, Buckball Season where she pressurises Pinkie Pie to the extent that Buckball was no longer fun (RD did the same thing to Fluttershy but people see her as an asshole anyway), and Viva Las Pegasus where for a large portion of the episode she refused to do what the map called her for and help the Flim Flam brothers who were fighting. A lot of this behaviour will probably be attributed to her stubbornness but I think I expect more from a pony who is usually very helpful and a voice of reason in her secondary appearances.
  13. No Longer answer: started mediocre but finished strongly imo
  14. Rainbow Dash - Metallica, Iron Maiden Pinkie Pie - Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Weird Al Applejack - Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash Fluttershy - Fleetwood Mac, Burl Ives Rarity - Beethoven, Mozart Twilight - Beatles, Elton John
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