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Holiday Agnaktor

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Status Updates posted by Holiday Agnaktor

  1. My mom challenged me to a game of chess again. She said she would decimate me. That she would see my attacks coming. I beat her in 6 moves. :|

  2. Good morning, everypony! I'm going to go to the church in about an hour. :3

    1. Monsoon


      Good morning

  3. Good morning, everypony! I'm going to go to the church in about an hour. :3

  4. Good morning, everypony! I'm going to go to the church in about an hour. :3

  5. I'm going to bed now, good night everypony! I've been browsing the Reddit museum. There's some weird stuff there... :/

    1. SevenSFormerAccount


      have you seen the MLP photoshop battles?



    2. JonasDarkmane


      Goodnight and sleep well :) *Hugs*

    3. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      @BlueGamer: ...no, I have seen some other weird stuff I will not mention here, and keep hidden in the depths of my soul forever. I'm doomed. :/

      @Jonas: *hugs back*

  6. Good morning everypony, the feels continue... :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      *huggles back* my heart aches because I really want to see you again. ;-;

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Oww, me to ;-; im so sorry, i want to see you to but whe have a familly vacation this whole weekend, so it has to be sunday :( hope to see you then *huggles*

    4. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Yeah... See you sunday... ;-; *snuggles*

  7. I'm going to sleep now, good night everypony...

  8. Today I overheard some classmates talking about how mlp fans are weird and insane. I know they just don't know what the series's about, so I let one of them, a friend of mine, "accidentally" see that I was on mlpforums taking care to have the ponies in the top in full view. He saw it, looked at me with a surprised look, amd continued talking about soccer. I think I've made him think about it. >:3

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I heard some guys talking about bronies in English class some weeks ago, they talked about how strange it was and absurd. I gave them this dangerous look and they were like "Wwuut?" and then "ooohhh" and like started talking about something else :P

    2. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Hehe... >:3 The dangerous look solves all...

    3. 碇 シンジン
  9. Nyallo! :3 School is boring as usual. Though I'm going to browse through cute mlp pics during next class... :3

  10. Good morning everypony! :3 Today is going to be a good day... :D

  11. I'm going to bed now... G'night, or have a good day, sir! :3

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Goodnight, sleep well

  12. I'm back from school! It's suddenly gotten really hot here... :/ I'm going to have to wear shorts... :3

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Enjoy the good weather :3 *Hugs*

    2. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Thanks! *hugs back* <(^~^)>

  13. Good morning everypony! Everybody had a good night's sleep? I sure did, even though I couldn't sleep for a long time... :3 *hugs everypony*

    1. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      Morning! ^_^ I can't sleep. So i'm rping at the moment.

    2. SevenSFormerAccount


      good night!

      I live in california :(

  14. I'm heading to bed now, I've got early school tomorrow... ;-; G'night everypony! ||3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Im also going to bed now, see you maybe at school tomorrow, bye!

    3. catnet


      Goodnight, and sleep well! :D

    4. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Good night... Zzzzzzz... ||3

  15. Who else watches Silverquill's videos on YouTube? :3 I've discovered them yesterday, and I've been binge watching it since then... @.@

  16. Good morning everypony! *yawns* I'm still a bit tired... :/



      Morning frost! =)

    2. catnet


      Good morning! :) Hopefully whatever sleep you had will be enough for today~ ^^ *hugs*

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Morning, even if it is allready afternoon :$

  17. Good morning, everypony! :3 I had a weird dream about hovercraft... :/

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      Try this: i'm having a pleasant dream, usually its with one random oc i have created; but they start tlaking, and then the sound stops. I can't make out a word and they fade away, i close my eyes and open them to be in pitch black darkness. I'm literally confused as to what's going on, i call out, but i have no voice. So i try to find a way out, but every step leads no where. So all i can do is justhave my back against the wlal and just sink to the floor. The only thing i can...

    3. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      can hear is their voices, but instead of consoling, its insults and calling me worthless. I wake up the next day just unable to speak(i have my voice), but just become like a mute person for the rest of the day.

    4. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      ...That's a terrible dream... ;-; *infinite hugs*

  18. Yay! I've beaten the final boss of Monster Hunter! (I think...) (Yeah, I stayed up waaay too late... :3)

  19. I'm heading of to bed now, so good night, everypony! :3 *hugs the world* (Pssst, I'm actually going to play Monster Hunter... >:3)



      Goodnight Frost! =)

  20. Well, it turns out that our computer hasn't got enough GPU to properly run Subnautica. :|

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      It's a desktop all-in-one. One of those weird monitor cases which also contains the computer. :/

    3. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      It's practically an immobile laptop.

    4. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      If it is openable, then you should be able to pop in a dedicated graphics card. If not, I don't know what else to suggest. :(

  21. I've just bought the game Subnautica! It looks like a really cool game... :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      It's an underwater survival game. First you just gather materials and stuff, later you make underwater bases and stuff. :3

    3. JonasDarkmane


      Ooh, sounds fun :3

    4. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      it does. i'll definite watch a game.

  22. Gooooood morning, everypony! I had some confusing dreams tonight, they were really weird and random... :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      Well that beats mine by a mile.

    3. Tom Snyder

      Tom Snyder

      Which i'd rather not talk about.

    4. catnet


      o_O Random dreams are such beautiful things~ <3 x3

  23. Hey, I'm an organist too! :3 Bach for the win!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Did you add me back yet? Have you checked out that organ arrangement thread of mine on my Profile yet? :)

    3. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Did you add me back yet (on Steam)? Have you checked out that organ arrangement thread of mine on my Profile yet? :)

    4. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Yeah, I saw your request and added you back... :3 No, I haven't seen it yet, I'll take a look at it now. :D

  24. I'm going to bed now, g'night everypony! ||3

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Goodnight, sleep well

    2. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Good night. :)

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