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Everything posted by Fleur-De-Lis

  1. Well hey there friend! thats alright, we chat, and play some games and suddenly you find out you know me! In general im just looking for people to play with, though the goal (as mentioned in first post), is to clear Insanity mode! . Depending on your character and level I may just play with you! It gives me an excuse to level up the industrialist or some of the other characters I have. So what character(s) do you play? and what level are you so far? (p.s. i recommend checking out those steam guides i posted in 1st post, very useful stuff!)
  2. I know that we are capable of shortening a URL into something simple like a word or several words using the basic bb code like this). But when I try doing that to my contact info, it does not work. I want it to show as something clean and simple, like just my alias (display name). And if it matters what im trying to link, just my steam profile. So basically, how do i get that to work? When i try it I just end up with a long messed up URL (basically the whole thing including the code is the address it displays and links to). If need be I guess I could change it to that so I can show you what I am talking about.
  3. Gah! why cant my Castle Crashers thread in general discussion get more attention ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I like arcade fighting games maybe I should try that =)

    3. Ryzu


      You have to realize not everyone here is into video games, or just can't afford it. I'd say only 50%-ish are into gaming and you can't expect them to know this exact game. Although personally I loved it, although I wish there was more to it :P It gets dull after you beat it a few times and unlock everything.

    4. Koukatsu
  4. My reaction would be WOO! *dancing* (its a link to save people bandwidth ... also i dont think derpibooru supports direct linking pictures; so its just a link) ... Sadly the post i made overnight has gotten exactly 17 views as of now (started like 12 hours ago)... Though i'd certainly be glad if people helped liven it up and show interest (and best of all; join the team!!) http://mlpforums.com/topic/116808-castle-crashers/
  5. I'm thinking about why couldnt my thread on Castle Crashers get more attention. haha sorry but shucks it fell flat sadly hard to organize people to play it together if ya got no interested people ... or they didnt know it exists. Second thought on my mind is goodness that there sure is alot of board activity overnight! 3 whole pages of new things and active topics since then.
  6. Announcement! Castle crashers is 75% off on steam until January 2nd! making its price $3.74 USD. Now is the perfect time to purchase a great game and join our team right? What is Castle Crashers you may ask? Well simply put it is an indie action adventure beat 'em up game! Similar to what you used to see in old arcades from time to time. It is available on steam for $14.99 and often goes on sale for 50% off more more (sheesh what am i salesmen? xD). This game does NOT go well with a keyboard and mouse, and honestly a controller is super recommended! Headsets and microphones are also recommended for communication purposes (kinda important for insanity mode) Playing together: This game is much more fun when playing with friends , So I created this thread to help people get together and enjoy the game together! Personally, i have been needing people to play with. I dont know about you guys 'n gals but i love the game! Recently I have felt an itch to get back to it and try to finish insanity mode but to do so we need a crack team of grade A awesome people. Naturally the main platform will be through steam (yay steam!). so first off ... Current Goal: Gather the team, and level up to Insanity level ranges. I will be the leader of our great team (as I already have the insanity mode progress and aiming for my first golden skull). Have a helpful steam guide to show inform you of each character's strength and weaknesses, and a guide to unlocking each character. Join the team! I figure to put in the effort to putting groups together and ovrall qualified people (for insanity mode) so that it would be easier for us to find eachother, and coordinate having people of similar level ranges (higher level's do not matter if you cap all stats). For simplicity sake please try to follow the format I made below, so that I may add them into a comprehensive list on this first post of our teams.(this is important as multiple people cannot play as the same knight). And as a suggestion, a King would be very helpful as I am certain the healing will save us plenty of lives in the long run. Fencer and Industrialist seem to also be invaluable and both arecurrently available for our insanity team! Please note:We will be adding eachother to steam friend's lists to keep in contact, to prevent abuse we will handle that through PM's rather than posting your steam alias (Nickname) openly. However, should you so choose, you are free to openly post your steam on the forum, or on your contact list. Primary Knight: Blue Knight: Level 83 grey skull achieved Secondary Knight's: None If you have any feedback to structuring the character resume format, please do share! Let us make this easier for everyone and make that list one smart cookie (helpful and well put together). And of course, discussion is more than welcome! questions about battle strategies, secrets, tips, etc. Laslty I need info on when you hit the level where you have enough points to cap every stat, I forgot what it was, I think it was something in the 60's? Team 1:
  7. My ideal home is a secure self-sufficient underground complex that uses fiber optic lighting to funnel in light from the surface like this. Solar panels to generate electricity, security systems, control panels on walls, and technologically advanced! and of course Architecterally sound (most underground homes should be very well built after all.) As for where to place one? heck if i know but i know it has to be in a suitable envornment without much topographical change for a few centuries, under those conditions undergrounds home (I believe) can last the longest! They are also energy efficient and dont need as much energy for heating/cooling as surface homes do! ... but enough of my rambling, do look up the benefits of underground homes wikipedia Of course whole home speaker system is a must too maybe an SI (Synthetic Intelligence) or AI (Artificial Intellgence) to manage things too! . A garden ... above or underground would work because of the fiber optic lighting! and a modest surface entrance like so
  8. I think of Britain as that place America broke off from ... and wonder if tea is really a big deal over there (a popular thing). Though thinking about it, I think I'v heard they drive tiny cars too, or at least as opposed to what we drive in America. I wonder how many different accents they have ... That teeth thing is true? well I'm not too surprised, after all that seems to be a thing people neglect globally, how many people actually floss or use mouthwash? Their royalty is cool, I think titles are cool, why dont we (America) have titles for people? (knows nothing about the system; but i'd sure like to meet a duke of mattresses who isnt just some salesmen without a self-proclaimed title! ). Merely thoughts on British people though, other than a few curiosity I am pretty much totally neutral over them.
  9. Freaking roaches man ... simply THE WORST! ... though sadly the most necessary ... nature and all that! But essentially my thoughts are "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" ... oh right most "annoying" insect ... flies, damn things always flying into me; I swear I think one time a fly tried to fly up my nose! Humanity's next greatest invention? A point laser defence system that shoots down pesky flying insects!
  10. Surprisingly adorable from those pictures! Though personally I hate them, they just seem to fly around my personal space, and once, just once, a moth got too close to my computer air intake fans ... I think you can figure out what happened next. Other than that though I don't really mind them, certainly interesting creatures to say the least.
  11. Thank you! http://skecchiart.deviantart.com/art/Morning-Sometimes-Never-Comes-436921705 my question now is how to shorten that into actual text instead of just a link ...I have tried looking around for that answer but have yet to find it, and it seems the simple HTML isnt it. (attempt 2) Funny art thing hmm ...cant seem to make the link a whole phrase. @Luna I love your avatar so much more . The struggle of choosing between Luna and Celestia continues! ... now to figure out how to quote a previous pony from an editing a post (trying to figure out how to make it work without having to make a new post).
  12. Funny thing is I had been reading through the entire FAQ anyways and found that out ... xD blogs look interesting, we will see if i decide to partake in it though as for the deviantart question, its not if they work, but if they are allowed and i wont get in trouble for posting them? (such as this ... http://fav.me/d784qy1 ) The avatar is just because I like cakelestia Funny and adorable! ... as for the alias I am referring to my name "BrightShine" ... it mostly just sounded good and I was thinking of Princess Celestia at that time
  13. This is probably listed in the FAQ's but honestly, I am already a bit tired after reading several ToS among general guidelines (I actually respect the community enough to bother ;P ) I am curious about the user titles "Bunny" that you seem to have ... as well as the actual picture under your avatar. Any thoughts on my alias/avatar? I honestly just picked them both out on the fly, and would rather like some feedback on each (trying to get a new identity for a fresh start to change things up and all that) I do have one good question (debatable on point of view but thats a different discussion) ... I read that shortened URL's are not allowed (tinyurl and goo.gl) but i wonder if the same applies to sharing deviantart links? which typically follow a fav.me structure (format?)
  14. I would recommend derpibooru and just search the tag "animated" and probably just narrow down your desired reuslts from there (character, episode, image macro, etc.) Also hello!
  15. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: Google, the poniverse network How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I honestly do not remember ... But I do recall watching the first two episodes and I was hooked like twilight on books! Speaking of which, enjoy this silly comic that came to mind http://rainbow-hooves.deviantart.com/art/Acquired-Taste-481691363 Well I do love most anything and everything pony especially art, comics, and music. I have not really gotten into the fan games such as fighting is magic, or super smash ponies (though I really should look those up sometime). Funny thing about the favorite pony section of this thread is that there isnt an option that says "Don't make me choose! *explodes into confetti*" Though I suppose Twilight Sparkle is a close second! Personally I dont really think of the mane 6 as much as that, but more of the "mane 7" if you include spike . But really I dont like discounting anypony, especially not our 3 (now 4) favorite princesses! So that is a topic for another time I suppose. While I am rambling on a bit, I figure I would toss a few comics here and there to show you a bit of the humor I enjoy, as comedy is one of my favorite things, whats life without a bit of laughter after all? http://egophiliac.deviantart.com/art/a-royal-canterlot-mystery-377151565 As for what finally had me go and join the wonderful poniverse and mlpforums? Well ... in simple terms I felt I really need to extend myself out for some good friends these days. I simply do not have very many people I would call "friends," granted I am very selective who I decide to call friends, but when I do i'd like to point out that I would certainly think of you quite highly! The kind of people you would chat with regularly, or visit you on weekends for hanging out, playing games, that good stuff. But the real metaphorical straw that broke the camels back would be that I want friends to play games with, as it is pretty much down to just me these days, and i dont like it one bit What games you may ask? Caslte Crashers, Firefall, Planetside 2, possibly Garrysmod, wildstar (if/when i get a subscription again), Destiny (for the PS4), Starbound, Saints Row 3 (and 4), Air Mech, and Borderlands 2 ... and thats just the list of things I have been thinking of playing! As for what I am currently playing, Firefall and a teeny tiny bit of Defiance. I have thought of going back to Mabinogi, but I just have so many things against Nexon and Mabinogi, very good reasons (business wise, reputation wise, etc.) Borderlands 2 is something I was thinking of finally getting into eventually (its just been sitting there half a year.) I am actually not the most talkative person, or at least not always, so I tend to go on and off the grid so to speak. But I am fairly confident that I will find a good reason to stick around here and enjoy chatting it up! Well I guess thats enough rambling for a simple introductery thread, do feel free to ... something ... honestly I think i typed out so much I just spoke for both sides of the conversation! hahaha
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