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Everything posted by Fleur-De-Lis



      "go sell your non-apple thing anywhere, but not here *epic evil applejack face*"

  1. Daww, if only the show had some cutesy moments like that too http://www.desudaily.com/2015/02/blog-post_12.html

    1. honk friend

      honk friend

      Cutesy moments? You mean every moment with Mako?

    2. Fleur-De-Lis


      Well i meant cutesy sister moments :P There wasn't really much family bonding after the whole thing was revealed 'n all. I thought it would be pretty awesome.

  2. Fleur-De-Lis


    Your like the most beloved pony on the forums, so what nonsense are you spouting of not having friends? You have as many friends as a pinkie pie at a party convention.
  3. So im back into Planetside 2, great stuff. Apparently the Proton II PPA (Vanu empire specific Anti-Infantry gun) is supposedly "nerfed to the ground" but it is not bad like people keep stupidly and blindly stating. I keep hearing nonsense about how the PPA was nerfed to the ground Pointless reasons why people say its garbage and why its not true: Too much bloom = It has a substantially faster fire rate, if you go full auto OF COURSE its going to be inaccurate as hell (the new fire rate is almsot twice the old one). If you fire it by clicking as fast as it used to fire you'll find its accuracy is the same as it always was, which is almost pinpoint accuracy. Clip has been substantially reduced = This is true, but when we were able to fire off rounds nonstop for HALF A MINUTE you know something is wrong, especially with clips up to like 75 and fire about 2 rounds a second. It takes about 4 shots to kill something if they are direct hits. and the overall time to kill is about the same is a kobolt. The current amount of ammo per clip for the PPA is 12 (I think it used to be 50 before ... I dont remember since mine was upgraded) Splash radius/damge has been reduced = Though I cannot give exact numbers, it feels about the same to me, if it really was reduced that drastically, it is definitley at about the intensity of a lasher x2 now, which in itself is still pretty good So in conclusion i'd say that the PPA isnt really "bad" but it has a few limiters bult in now to keep people from spamming something that was generally OP against infantry. Granted the Proton II PPA isnt as sustainable in longer fights as the kobolt is, but their effective ranges are about equal (with some practice), Generally the PPA is better against enemies attempting to hide behind cover, though it lacks the ammo and clip size for larger fights, it does deal substantially more damage to enemy max units because of the added explosion damage. The M12 Kobalt (anti infantry mounted gun) on the other hand, can kill more soldiers before needing to reload, is easier to use, but naturally, lacks that splash damage. If it ever came down to it though, If a soldier gets too close, the M12 Kobalt still has the time to kill of about 2 seconds, but the Proton II PPA on the other hand, can kill in 1 second. Notes: Keep in mind I am not necessarily counting headshots in time to kill. The M12 Kobalt is more uniform in use, the PPA takes some unique handling, similar to the lasher x2, but thankfully has a faster projectile speed.
  4. I wish my status updates and blogs would get more replies, It feels like these things just get overlooked :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fleur-De-Lis


      Well message me once in a while, and dont go too crazy with status updates (seriously i have some friends who do 3+ a day) and i'll be sure to respond to them where i can (which should be often). One a day seems reasonable.

    3. DaReaper


      Only 3 a day? I know people that go ham on em like 10 a day

    4. Fleur-De-Lis


      Yea I removed those ... I like to keep up with my friend's updates, but I cant handle something that spammy.

  5. Ever have those moments when you just think back on old TV shows and memories? I just spontaniously thought about the good o'l Ed, Edd 'n Eddy. Love that show, the nonsensical humor, the wacky antics, and the lovable characters such as Rolf, Jimmy, Sarah, and Kevin. But you know ... I thought ... why dont we have a pony version of Rolf and the ed boys? now theres something i'd like to see ponified! Heres a good example of some moments with Rolf Another character i'd love to see ponified, and particularly loved from old cartoons, would be Foghorn Leghorn. How can you not love his rambling and ranting? Most may simply know him as the rooster from Loony Toons. Honestly i'd say classic cartoons such as those were the real peak of cartoons. Honestly most modern day cartoons such as Johnny Test or whatever else they got going on just seem to promote bad morals and just dont have that same kind of slapstick comedy. Heres a good video showcasing his wacky antics. http://youtu.be/L8TQZBHszI4 Last on the classic beloved characters (excluding the icons such as Bugs Bunny) would of course be Yosemite Sam, remember him? Oh man I can just picture the shenanagins he would get into all ponified like. I think i'll leave this last video to showcase some of his funny moments, though alot also seem intertwined with good o'l Bugs Bunny.
  6. *spontanious realization* Its secretly their take on a car that secrety uses Sonata Dusk to sell their cars! ... and its her choice in car! Sillyness aside ... I think i'll just see what its supposed to be when they make the darn thing, at this point its either they dont know what they are doing, or they are using the mystery for shameless publicity. Scratch that, i dont know anything, the little I knew about it was from an old episode of top gear UK
  7. This just in! There is apparently now(?) also a problem with stupid hulu player causing adobe flash player to CRASH. I am not sure who's fault that one is exactly, but im just going to go with hulu on that one.
  8. Well the issue stems from not also unblocking the advertising websites ... like adnexus or doublecick, etc. as the advertisements arent really hosted by hulu, but stream to it ... or at least thats my understanding of how that works from noscript. But yep, sadly despite all those issues which really should be fixed ... its still better than TV/Cable/Satellite.
  9. Not really, advertisements do not really pay as much as you'd think they would, though it probably is about 30~50% of their revenue (i am random ballparking that). As for "isnt anywhere better to go" im sure there is, I just havent bothered to look, As i recall several "free internet TV services" among other services installed into smart TV's these days. They have to make enough money to cover maintanence of streaming services and storage, as well as licensing for each show (which goes on a renewal basis; naturally each show has a different renewal period, unless of course its bundled with other things from the same company). You have to realize they have Petabytes if not MORE of TV shows and movies, that takes alot of storage, especially since you have to multiply that storage capacity around the country for video streaming services (for the purpose of shorter waypoint distances or something like that). There is actually alot of things behind the scenes to video streaming/internet, So i can somewhat understand the cost of maintaing hulu. But still even with all that they should at LEAST have a video player that functions more smoothly.
  10. Well netflix is great, but unfortunately it just doesnt have the TV show selection that hulu+ has. In laymans terms, Hulu is more TV show, and netflix is more movie based. They have a certain lean for each of them. As for advertisements being in odd places, I cant say i'v noticed that for TV shows, but certainly for movies, it does happen. As for anime ... no comment english dubbed isnt as easy to come by as english subbed after all.
  11. Yea I agree, its definitely worth the price, especially when compared to cable and satellite services (as mentioned before). To get what we wanted out of that we had to pay $100+ a month, and that is just insane considering how TV is these days. The coding/technical problems behind the video player I find unacceptable though, especially as successful as they are.
  12. I decided to start a thread about people's thoughts on Hulu, I decided to leave my rambling about it below, but do fee lfree to take the discussion where you please! I just felt that my opinion on it would be a good start. So i'v been using Hulu for a while, its certainly much cheaper than cable or satellite TV, but using it is infuriating! anyone else feel the same way about it? Problem's with Hulu's video player Despite the ad revenue they must get, as well as the monthly subscription for the service (and their popularity), why on earth is their player/platform so incompatent!? List of problems I deal with: The video has tendencies of garbling up and "green screen" and you have to refresh the page to fix it When trying to push the 10 second rewind button (or seeking in general) it tends to do the WRONG thing and skip ahead up to 5 minutes I mean seirously, how the hell can you click on 10 second rewind and end up 5 minutes FORWRARD? Sometimes when I try to use the video seeking feature (skipping around the episode), it pauses, acts like its about to buffer the new segment, then goes back to where i was before, and then I have to try seeking to the part i want again! When I push the "fullscreen" button, the video stops and I cannot resume until i refresh the page (and watch all the advertisements again; and it can also happen if you do that during advertisements). If you use that option to watch a long advertisement/trailer and then get that video garbling problem (and have to refresh the page), you have to watch all advertisements again (you'd think it would keep track.) you cant drag the volume up and down (it only goes by a click; it makes it hard to adjust it just where you want it to be) Excessive advertisements? I do rather have a problem with what feels like excessive advertisements (I never really used hulu much outside of hulu+) But i feel that hulu+ doesn't get rid of enough advertisements, for every 20 minute episode of an anime for example, there are 3 commercial breaks each with up to 2 advertisements which total up to about 1 minute (in some cases it goes up to 72 seconds I think). I believe free users get up to 4 advertisements per break, and of course the limited selection of their libraries. I understand why they need to have ad revenue as well though, after all there are some shows that have 220+ one hour episodes, and they have MANY shows with tons of episodes like that. But still ...
  13. Well it seems that image restore nonsense did not really help, the startup is just as slow as before. Might really consider actually formatting the PC this time (darn that hesistance and making sure I have all my music/backgrounds/game saves .... other things i cant think of but im sure im missing). After closely examining my PC fan (the center cover above the motor), i noticed its wiggling by about 1mm, granted I am fairly certain ball bearing fans always kind of had that wiggle room, I am fairly certain its not supposed to be that way while spinning ... It could be a sign that the ball bearing is going bad?
  14. CPU temp is fine, trust me, it doesnt make enough of an impact on cooling, if anything I have excessive cooling, It does not really slow down the fan (noticably) but the wire does begin to vibrate (fan does not wiggle). It happens in the center of the fan (likely under the casing). The problem is either the ball bearings going bad, or the wire something moving to a place it shouldnt be. Naturally though the problem with the wire getting damaged, or potential damage to the fan blades is the real issue to worry about.
  15. I do not, I also do not use a second HDD because I didnt have the money at the time. I used a PC image restore just now, As for how helpful that will be, we will see. Though I am now prepared to do a format if necessary.
  16. Check my blog, its got stuff I'd like you all to read.

    1. FlutterAether


      I sometimes miss your status updates ;-;

      but I should see them more often now c:

  17. Well my computer has been giving me problems and boot times have gone up significantly (as high as more than 5 minutes). So i am going to format my computer in hopes things start speeding up and get rid of that unwated data, or whtaever else is causing it to be so slow. I just hope i know what im doing as i format the PC (its not exactly the thing you do often.) This is a real problem since for whatever reason one of my computer fan's has an issue with the wire getting hit by the fan blades ... Its not consistent 'nor do I understand why it does that (but I have seen it happening first hand, especially when it starts to make that noise.) And as you know, stupid windows cannot be interrupted as its starting up otherwise the damn thing ends up with a corrupted operating system or otherwise. I am sure you can imagine how 5 minutes of a wire scraping or getting caught by fan blades can be a serious problem, especially when the software can die off on me if i shut it down mid-way. First attempt will be to use a complete restore I happen to have saved on an external HDD (when the computer was new), but if that doesnt work as i'd hope; a complete format will be in order. However that in itself may give me trouble since theres all sorts of drivers from my chipsets to video card. And I am also concerned about various software issues (some may go missing, such as my Dolby Home Theater v4; which cannot be downloaded online ...) And dont even get me started on the nonsense im going to have to deal with when it comes to Microsoft Office 2013. I started this blog just so that I may get the word out if anything should happen that may prevent me from coming back for a period of time. I am sure I will find a way to come back though (if theres an event that may have complications, but heres hoping there wont be any). So yea, heres to a smooth and simple ride to getting this PC back in perfect working order! I look forward to returning with many good times to come! Also to whoever reads this, you should respond to my status updates more I share all these hilarious comics once in a while, but I feel no one is reading them since they never get a single response, yet every friend I have gets plenty (whenever I check at least). *edit* I now have reason to believe that the reason the wire from that one fan is acting up, is because the ball bearings may be going bad.
  18. It explains everything! In the most adorable way possible. http://dreatos.deviantart.com/art/Hair-Sparkles-435397562

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