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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Fleur-De-Lis

  1. I love that new banner with Lotus, Aloe, and Twilight! :D

  2. You know I thought about it, and I changed my mind! What should really be remade (or keep going) should be the Crash Bandicoot series. It was among the first games I ever got for my old playstation way back when.It looks like activity stopped as a whole in 2008, but those were just rereleased on PSN and handhelds I think.
  3. Sounds like the perfect opportunity to request a signature that does Fleur some justice! .... No i am not talking about myself like a conceited person I am talking about the character! She really doesn't have enough presence in the brony community, and I feel not nearly as much fan art as she deserves! If you have any questions for me or feel I am asking too much just let me know, I would love to do some feedback for you. Note: I am leaving notes of feedback throughout the guidelines but I can trim it down to the minimums should you so choose. I also rather threw in various things that could be used as guidelines or suggestions instead of the initial stuff as well. Since I want to give you the freedom to draw what you want, but still kind of voice my opinion as well. My Opinion on Fleur-De-Lis I believe Fleur-De-Lis is a beautiful~♪ pony, so showcasing her supermodel figure and her overall beauty seems like something that would really do justice for the character. Though honestly, in my taste I also love silly ponies and tiny ponies . So i rather threw that into the mix, should you ever feel like using that. (adorable is good too!) I know its all over the place, but think of it this way! You get the flexibility to do whatever you feel like and i'll love it anyways! Le Template Size:600x100 is preferable Extra notes:(I wont stifle your creativity, but keep in mind I cant showcase your marvelous work it if it goes past the limits! Colors: Things that compliment Fleur-De-Lis's palette. Extra Notes:I am not much of an artist so I couldn't really tell you what would, so I will leave that decision to you (and it gives you more room for your own taste) Background: I ornate would be preferable, but really anything that really shows some sort of fancy class (Fleur-De-Lis being a model/high class pony). Extra Notes: I am thinking some effects thrown in for good measure (Honestly I dont know what that entails but it sounds good!) Text: Just put Fleur's name on there ... Extra Notes: I am not quite sure what caps works best with it but basically it would go either "Fleur-De-Lis" or "Fleur-de-lis" hmmm, in what style I am not sure. Something fancy that matches the background sounds nice, but standing out from the ornate background could also work, but maybe something simple and bold would be better because of the contrast? That one I'll leave to your taste as well. Details: Should really showcase Fleur-De-Lis, either in the spotlight of attention or a character on the side being herself (like your Megurine Luka signature). Extra Notes: Naturally whatever you decide is fine with me, whatever it may be! Images: There are four images I think would go well for this signature, all of which are high resolution (shouldnt have to worry about quality loss) so I will leave them as links in the spoiler below. The diversity is both to my taste, and so you can have the flexibility to choose whichever you may want to work with. I listed my preferences below, but honestly the first two are tied. I love both silly lovable Fleur, and beautiful fleur~♥
  4. Note: All games mentioned below are on steam, with the exception of Saints Row 1 X Universe ... well its hard to tell you specifically because of the titles. But basically, X3: Terran Conflict and X3: Albion prelude (I recommend the superbox though). Its a game with hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of hours of playability, with a super in-depth economy, and living universe. various ship classes, a multitude of quest types, etc. It is a flight sim type of game (though its really much more than that, but your perspective is mostly from a pilot seat). Building stations, trade fleets, flight wings, and when it comes down to it, an empire. Keep in mind the learning curve is very steep for newcomers, but oh so worth it when you get past that hurdle. Starbound is a GREAT choice in terms of a sandbox similar to Terraria (they are NOT the same; they shine in their own respective ways). Hyperdimension Neputnia: Rebirth1 That game has made me smile more than any other. When I first started playing it, it had me smiling for over 3 hours straight! from jokes, shenanagins, the right amount of fanservice, fourth wall breaking, and nonsense! its perfect. The combat is pretty good too! Naturally, Skyrim is a good choice too, a great game, and plenty of mods to expand/add in stuff. I think the stuff people charge for the workshop mods is NONSENSE. I admit people need to make some sort of living, especially with the work that SOME of them put into their mods. But the sheer amount some charge ($1 for a single stupid sword which is just a copy of the League of Legends item?; no thanks, some of which I think are ripped from the actual game) Definitely the Saints Row series, its a third person shooter, and you should get about 50~80 hours of entertainment from them. Definitely get the Game of the Year or "Game of the century" editions. I personally love the over the top humor/shenanagins.and lovable characters. Saints Row 2 is a bit too serious for my taste, but the story is still good. But as of Saints Row 3 and onwards is when things really step up for me. Spiral Knights is worth trying, but not worth sticking around. The game has been at a stalemate, if not dying state for about a year now. They stopped adding any real content and at this point, its really just all cosmetic nonsense which are simply reskins of previous costumes. Its like playing some of the classic Legend of Zelda games, its really an experience. Air Mech is the last game I can recommend for you, its like a unique take/hybrid on League of Legends/Dota2 and Starcraft. Its a great game that I can highly recommend if you like an RTS game. It has survival modes, Players vs. Computer. and PvP (though its mostly PvP). Only playing it can really give it justice.
  5. Final Fantasy VII remake (that is 7).. That thing that they have been promising for forever and a half. But will we ever see it? ... maybe ... but probably not.
  6. I think celery pony deserves more attention. So enjoy some celery pone! http://celerypony.tumblr.com/image/107570803797

  7. Desktop ponies ... Not sure if i should install them or not :P

    1. The Peculiar Derp

      The Peculiar Derp

      They get annoying sometimes, but they are fun! :D

    2. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      I like them. They help me feel a little less lonely when I'm home alone. :3

    3. Fleur-De-Lis


      I love them, but so far they crashed my desktop once D; ... I only had 6 ponies running around. Currently trying out just two. (Fleur and Octavia)

  8. Google search had me run into the poniverse network, and that lead me to the mlpforums!
  9. I did not know how much I wanted to see this, until I saw it! http://otakuap.deviantart.com/art/DerpED-329852424

  10. I replaced one of the computer fans! the most problematic one of course. (Blue LED Enermax fan). The replacement i got (a near identical one) is working great! Though I swear the lights are 2x brighter than the old one! ... maybe after 2 years the old one's lights simpler got dimmer over time and I never noticed?. I also formatted the computer ... though I made a thread here about a mysterious and troubling problem that I ran into afterwards. info would sure be appreciated! *edit* The problem has been fixed! by some miracle, the joy has been doubled! ... alas,it took all the way until 2 AM ... 4 Hours of tinkering!
  11. So I recently formatted my computer since windows itself started giving me issues, for details on that check my blog (link in signature, its the latest blog post). Did the stuff I believed to be routine enough, you know, boot from CD, install windows on C drive, overritten the old stuff (which it said it would delete). Funnily enough by the end of the installation it said that it put al the old files (for access, but not available to use the OS from) in windows.old (and from browsing, it seemed pretty much ALL my data was still there). So by the time it was all said and done, and 24+ hours (im still working on it) of putting every single windows update, graphics drivers/chipsets and such. and deleting the windows.old folder (which in itself was 518Gb). I find i am still short another 500~700 Gb of space that should be available on my HDD. I have a 2TB HDD. (1.81 actual space available) yet only 957 Gb of it is free (and supposedly I am using 905Gb). Ballparking all my personal files from the music, extensive wallpaper gallery, and game data (thus far). About 100~200Gb should be used tops (which I have counted myself, up to 200 is a generous margin of error). So the question is .... where is the other 500GB or so of free space I should have?. Could it be hidden somewhere on the HDD waiting to erase itself as an emergency backup of sorts after formatting? Or is it hiding somewhere I should delete files from that I am unaware of? *edit* I just ran the error checking tool (its chkdsk i believe) it finished within seconds, this further proves I am not using up nearly as much as my HDD as it says I am ... *edit 2* Just ran a scan for my entire C:\ drive. The total space scanned was 106.7Gb ... That means I should have 1.7Tb (roughly) of space free. Yet instead I only have 956 Gb ... This means there is still 748Gb (roughly) of data that is used but unaccounted for ... My confusion is only heightened. *edit 3* I used the "Disk Cleanup" that comes with windows, clicked "Clean up system files" which requires administrative privlidges, then explored its new options a bit, and found an interesting button that said "more options" so i went to that tab, and found a section that said to remove all but the most recent system restore point. The description read as such "In some editions of Windows. The disk might include file shadow copies and older windows complete PC backup images as part of restore points. This information will also be deleted." Under that impression I immedately knew my problem had to be the shadow copies! Sure enough after I clicked the "Clean up ..." button in that section, the program became unresponsive for about 5 minutes. I check my available hard drive space, and BAM i now have 1.72Tb of free space. All is well and I am ever so happy once more. I list and detail this experience now, for those who may come across it, and solve this confusing problem; which can apparently eat up a good portion of your available space! Kinda funny how I managed to solve it with a few hours of tinkering ... and *sad face* before anyone bothered to reply (but I understand its in the middle of the off hours, of the no one is awake at this time of the night/morning)
  12. @Candy Star If you are referring to the Media Discussion forum of Everfree forest, with the "Technology" tag, I am aware. Though I felt the blog would be more appropriate (due to the limited opportunity/topic of feedback), but sadly does not garner as much attention. I thank you for your contribution.
  13. I would appreciate it if my friends here at the poniverse would take the effort to read my latest blog entry (helpful replies are encouraged). http://mlpforums.com/blog/2269/entry-15359-more-computer-troubles/

  14. Why I post this here: Well it seems stupid windows is giving me trouble. As are my computer fans as mentioned in this blog entry http://mlpforums.com/blog/2269/entry-14827-formatting-computer/ The frusteration of dealing with it is unreal. The operating system giving me trouble on one end, and my hardware on the other. Though I will likely replace one of my computer fans (the Blue LED one) before dealing with the OS issues. Some may be wondering my reasons for posting this, is simply to get it out there, inform my dear friends friends of the poniverse should anything somehow go horribly wrong (to which, heres hoping and praying it will all go smoothly and perfectly!). And naturally of course, to vent a bit about it. I do not really have anyone to talk to about such issues, so I am hoping I can find at least some helpful audience here. I unerstand it is a particularly lengthy post, one that is roughly about 4000 characters. But I sincerily hope that you take the effort to read through this. To make it easier I have categorized major issues with larger text in a headline style. Problems with Windows 7: After using that windows backup service, or at least I beleived that is my perpatrator, my computer is ocassionally giving me trouble saying that my version of windows is not "verified" and that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. More so since its been verified and geniune since I got my PC (brand new). I do not recommend the "backup and restore" service that comes with windows. The "System image" backup it has is utterly useless. It is essentially a glorified backup of files that you designate to be backed up. Its like your copying files, but in a way that only the windows backup service can use. Then when you restore it, it restores all of those files you chose. Thats it. Its a glorified copy/paste. One that apparently does not work for the entire hard drive (I believe where the OS folders got involved, it just screwed up the whole thing; despite the fact that those files could not be copied). Continuation of computer fan problems: Unfortunately those problems have only gotten worse since my previous blog post about them. The back blue LED fan has only gotten worse, and is in fact the worst off of my fans. I wish I could share with you how bad it sounds, unfortnately I do not have the means. But believe me when I say, its strongly disgruntling to hear a fan collide with its framework/wire at up to 1200 rpm, in which, it is actually bad enough that It cannot even reach full rotation speed! To a point where you can actually differentiate the blades as it spins! (short and simple I mean its slowed SUBSTANTIALLY!) However that Is just the tip of the iceburg, as 3 other of my fans also started having issues, thankfully not to the point of that one blue LED fan. Its just at a poitn where you can hear them whirring (the front panel fans). The top panel however ... well one of those not only whirrs, but twice it has made a grinding sound. I dont think I need to tell you how bad that would be for a FAN. Then there is the issue that I have only recently begin to notice for my liquid cooling system. I never put much thought into it, especially upon startup, But I have grown to realize that it is particularly loud upon startup. In such a manner that I do not think its normal, though I believe its been like that for a while (a few months at least.) But thinking back, I think I can recall a time when it never made such sounds. So i believe replacing that may also be necesasry (much to my discontent.) Naturally I also begin to think of my video card fan, which can also be particularly loud ... I dont think those are exactly interchangable, and even if it was, how would one even go about replacing that fan? Let alone for a lesser known, less mainstream video card (I believe that anyways since I cannot find an identical model online). What needs to be backed up before the Format: Naturally this goes for personal files, something I know we can all be paranoid about if we have them all (After all where would we be without our archives of pony music and wallpapers/fanart?), and in my case also my comics (which I beleive I have all backed up). But here is where things get tricky and most devastating. Game saves/data/worlds without cloud support. I play starbound, terraria, fable 3 (though not anymore naturally; more so that Games for Windows Live has died, and with no steamworks integration/storepage). But the biggest of my issues being my X Universe series of games (google it, for a concrete title one is called X3: Albion Prelude; X3: Terran Conflict, X3: Reunion). I am going to ask for some feedback on that actually. I need some one to help chip in to a checklist of things to make sure I have backed up before the format. There may be something I am missing that is invaluable, but overlooked. Such as how on earth I am going to deal with Microsoft Office 2013 If you have any advice or suggestions (something feasible and real, not a joke like "Should have gotten linux/mac") Please feel free to post it, no matter how minor or trivial you may think it is, it may be helpful/useful.
  15. Im thinking about what i thought I thunk about thinking. Then I proceeded to think about posting about what i was thinking about thinking. Thunk a bit more, and here it was!
  16. Im getting a haircut today ... no not quite like this :Phttp://emlan.deviantart.com/art/Lyra-blindbag-266631756

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      I had to laugh at that comic... :P


      Anyways, I hope you enjoy your haircut! *Huggles* :3

    2. Fleur-De-Lis


      I wish! every time I get my hair cut, I end up with that itchy feeling until I take a shower. And although I should probably shave, I hate shaving. So I am probably going to skip shaving ... probably until next month hahahaha!

  17. I'd like to answer that question, but honestly somewhere in that, i just got lost in translation (moving throujgh the story). Buddy (I just call my friends that; its not age related) let me tell you this. When i was in middle school I had 1, maybe 2 friends. I met them on a spur of the moment from simply jumping in their conversation about a game I was interested in. We moved apart in high school after about a year, only met for a lunch or two. And from college, we only further moved apart. I speak to one of them about once every few months. And in college I have but one person I call a friend, even then we speak weekly. We met and became friends from a random encounter from a gaming club meeting, when i asked who brought a certain game, and he let me borrow it. Life's friends seem to come from random instances to me (or if your searching too I guess). Just gotta put yourself out there, and make some friends. Take a look here on the poniverse, you'v got enough people who'd actually like to be your friends as compared to the number a person gets on facebook friends. I'd say the only thing keeping us all from hanging out together, is distance. I for one, dream of a time when me and my online friends can all hangout together, eat a resteraunt, play some video games, all that good stuff.
  18. Your one smart skittle! that's the one alright Double Action: Boogaloo Turns out add to wishlist is an option despite it being free to play, hahaha. Thanks for the assist, I dont think I would have found it without help ... or a whole lot of luck ... or Twilight's help
  19. Theres a game on steam I wanted to play, but wouldnt you know it I went and forgot its name, but on the bright side I still recall a few details that should help you help me find it. I admit it may be a bit of a stretch but it would be pretty awesome if we could find this together! The game itself seemed like good times to be had. One of the reasons Im having trouble find it is because you cant exactly put a free game on your wishlist, and I believe it came out before the "follow" option was a thing on steam. Things I recall to help find it: I once saw this game on steam, or perhaps I should say I'v seen ti occasionally over time. I believe its fairly positively rated. In its description it said its free because It said it wouldnt be awesome if it charged you. I believe it had something to do with action and shooting, with lots of explosions (also in the description) This one may or may not be true, but i think it had something to do with shooting an action movie? or being like an action movie. I recall reading something along those lines in its description. Its been out for a while, I am not sure exactly how long but definitley from 2014 Either a review or the description of the game itself compared it to Max Payne games. Whether or not it will be on the "free to play" list on steam I am not sure, there are a few free games that arent listed on there after all, such as Alien Swarm, and that one game about landing a shuttle or mars or the moon, whatever. Though I do not think its part of that particularly obscure list of free games on steam since I believe it was definitely released long after the "Free to play" section of steam was introduced (Though it may not necessarily be listed in there)
  20. Welcome to pony! Where everythign is pony! Please enjoy your pony http://amberacrylic.deviantart.com/art/Sonata-480749379
  21. Good morning everypony~♪ Have our favorite morning princesses! http://ncmares.deviantart.com/art/Majesty-Incarnate-510416154

    1. Steelstallion
    2. Fleur-De-Lis


      Enjoyed the quick bit of art I hope? (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

    3. Steelstallion


      Of course! I've always loved that picture. Grumpy princess are grumpy

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