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About MickeyAdaptus

  • Birthday 1999-09-17

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    Mickey Adaptus

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  1. Today a big wooden log fell on my big toe, and it hurts, it hurts so much.

    Luckily it's not broken, but it fell on the muscle part of the toe, and it also has a wound now.

    I can say without a doubt:



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MickeyAdaptus


      Sorry to hear that man, i am not really one to talk when it comes to such things really, you know your situation better then i know your situation, so i apologize if my advice is just very bad and flawed.

      But what i can do is wish you best of luck and tell you that i am there for you if you need me.

    3. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      It wasn't bad or flawed, you just can't give a advice I haven't already heard.
      And thanks :) 

    4. MickeyAdaptus


      Np man, always there for you

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