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About MickeyAdaptus

  • Birthday 1999-09-17

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    Mickey Adaptus

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  1. I don't really have words anymore for how crazy my situation is becoming, getting a throbbing head in the middle of the night caused me to lay awake most of it,   and...   sigh,  it just never stops DX!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MickeyAdaptus


      thank you, I appreciate it.

      And I have a deep down feeling that I could have partly been an effect from the tablets that I only started taking recently, since building up and downgrading medication a sort of effect remember on people.

    3. Alexshy


      Check the instruction to be sure, mayhap, if 't be true the effect is strong, some replacement can be chosen to lessen the trouble.

    4. MickeyAdaptus


      Yeah, that is a good idea, my doctor had prescribed me this one.

      Tough sadly the lesser options I had tried before didn't really seem to work well, so I really hope that this one works in the end.

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