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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. Jack climbed on her back and set himself in the saddle, he then looked at the battle that was going on inside the tunnel, which was happening a good distance away, but he could see bodies of the dead infected flying through the air, most notably Maple using Celestia's signature halberd. "Talk about taking it a step further," Jack noted as he could just hear the amount of sound emerging from that tunnel. He then heard Evelyn's question and thought for a moment, until he got an idea. "If you need Festus his head, we should get him outside as well, rather then be trying to get you inside that tunnel, since I presume it would be better if you have enough space, to fly around and stuff. If I may suggest, use an area effect attack that will clear an open path for a few seconds, we can use that moment to grab Festus and bring him outside. Do you think that will work? If need be, we can ask the others to clear the path instead?" Jack asked Evelyn.
  2. The space marine Captain was silent for a few moments, until he lifted his gold coloured helmet off his head, revealing a human face with brown hair and a small brown beard. His face showing scars from millennia of battles. "Seeing as your kind has not done anything as a form of hostility or offensive towards our chapter, I would accept your request, but my word is not law, just like you I am a Captain who serves a higher in command, if all of you where a human colonization, I would be allowed to do this without problems but seeing as none of you are part of the Imperium, it is only by the will of my Chapter Master, and by his degree that this peace siluation could be granted, I have no say in it when it comes to declaring a peace offering that affects the entirety of my chapter." "Not only that, but we space marines do not represent humanity as a whole, we serve as the defenders of humanity and purge alien, mutant and heretic alike. To get a peaceful solution with the entirety of humanity, that would require your rulers to travel to Holy Terra and discuss it with the Highlords of Terra, but even then, Humanity has a distrustful and distaste againts aliens, seeing as most alien species are hostile all together, then this shouldn't come as a surprise." "Only way for us to get a peaceful solution without the authority of either my chapter master or the high lords of terra, it would require me to disband the second company of the chapter from the Imperium, becoming Excommunicate Traitors and thus by that extend an enemy of the Imperium, which is the same fate that only a heretic would wish for. So I think you as a Captain yourself see that it would be uttermost lunacy for me to become a traitor just to ally with an alien species that we barely know and won't deliver us anything better then the Imperium has to offer us." The Captain said as he looked into Maple's eyes as his stoic expression had still remained. "So my current answer is a no on your peace resolve, I will not risk the fate of my battle brothers and chapter alike just for a peace offering that will only lead us to damnation. Those are my formalities, if these are unacceptable by your terms, then that be the case because it goes beyond your or my opinions on the matter, we are both locked in by politics that we do not change, our superiors do." "Besides, if it comes to such important matters, I rather see your ruler face to face rather then to see one of her officers do the job. That way I can see if the words are genuine and not risk the chance that the message is thwarted by the personal opinions of the messenger, you can never be too careful when it comes to diplomacy." The Captain stated with a frown, he was not going to take any chances. "I suggest you and your men go along with your orders, whether I and my men are able to aid you againts the orks will be seen, anything could happen on the battlefield." The captain said as he then grabbed his Thunder hammer and started to walk away. His answer about aiding the Ponies againts the Orks was an indirect Yes, not mobilizing a combined assault just yet, but rather attacking their own accord for when they see that the time is right. Wich would happen very soon.
  3. Jack stumbled a bit back when Evelyn almost had attacked him, but sight in relief when she had prevented it before he would get hit. "Sorry about that, but i needed to get past these infected to meet up with you." Jack said as he swiped the sweat from his face. "They are still in that tunnel there." Jack pointed towards where the entrance was. "Do you have an plan Evelyn? There are just to many of them... More then i could have ever imagined." Jack said, before he tensed up again, and realising there were still lots of infected around them. "Perhaps we should not stand still with those things still around us." Jack told her as he looked around.
  4. "It would depend on who you are referring to when it comes to the one who leads us. Our Chapter Master is the one who is control of our chapter, I represent as the Captain of the second company, leading every astartes that is under my command, so you would be looking for me in that sense." The Captain replied His soldiers had not aimed their weapons at the ponies this entire time, but they capable of responding within mere seconds, thus they had no need to show their outside intentions of what they were capable of. "I must say, you are keeping an impressive composure, but I can see you and your men are not feeling very comfortable to be in presence from one of us, tensive movements of the tails and nervous facial expression give me a clear indicator. That gives me an accurate description of your military as a whole, more lenient and civil towards the soldiers but a serious lack of discipline and morale once the leading figure falls, I know enough about your military now." "And... presuming by your need of an audience, I can safely say that you wish our aid againts the orks? Unless that is not the case and you are all planning on taking on the orks with your current military, perhaps an outside species that could aid you in that conquest. If that is the reason, I cannot help but quirk an eyebrow at the fact your rulers would be willing to ensure your species demise, sacrifices are pointless if they provide no greater outcome, where the number count of your planet's recruitment population would be around a 5 considering its a single planet, the orks would be a 13 on the scale considering how they are born from spores. Which would render sacrifices among your own military as nothing but a waste." "But nevertheless, do speak, I am all ear." The captain told her, it was obvious that the Captain was this type of person who would look at what was practical and what would ensure a definitive outcome rather then take big gambles or risk if they could be avoided.
  5. The Infected in the front where getting obliterated by the team efforts of the group, but as much as they were holding them back, it was only the front part of the enemy waves, because the ones that got killed were already replaced by the infected that had been swarming behind. "Guys, we will need a to follow up plan, because we can only keep this up so long!" Jack called out to everyone. Maple's and Luna's team attack had done great damage to the first hordes, but it only did so much as this battle was a matter of quantity over quality at the enemies part. Jack was growing very concerned as time wen't on, as much as they where standing their ground, he knew better then risk with this becoming their graves. And he knew he had to do something on his own part, he always used to do things in critical situations, and he wasn't going to back down. "Listen, Everyone, I am going to walk myself through this horde like I had said earlier, I am going to meet up with Evelyn, she might have something planned, and it is only proper that i am there with her when it happens. Just keep this up alright? Keep it up for as long as you can! Don't worry about me, as long as I can manage to blend in with them, they won't notice i am there, but if one of you goes running after me, I will be dead within a second..." Jack said as he dragged one of the dead infected towards himself and started to cover himself completely with its blood. "Buona fortuna, amici miei." (Good Luck my friends.) Jack said in a unknown language towards everyone with a smile He then started to walk slowly past the entrance that the infected were swarming from, slowly but surely he managed to get outside while hundreds of infected where running past him, he would occasionally get pushed aside, but he was walking in such a way that it was similiar to that a slowly walking infected. Jack knew beforehand that he could act in such a way they wouldn't notice him beforehand thanks to Kiran's modified DNA that was injected to him and that Infected blood, it was only that he was not sure he could pull off with trying to walk trough such an raging horde of infected, thousands of infected no less. 'Evelyn, i am outside, are you close now? I think i see you up in the sky, you probabbly won't see me because i am among all these infected at the moment. And before you scold me on how stupid idea this was of me, i had to get outside in order to reach you, we need to act fast, the others can't hold them off forever, can i ask what your plan is?' Jack tough to Evelyn.
  6. "That is a good plan, Maple does the stronger armour here thanks to her plating and weight to stand her ground, though please don't rely too much on one another, we all need to do our part here if we want to live, I will be joining as well. Ok perhaps Ember might want to sit this one out due to her injuries, but I am still helping regardless." Jack said as he started reading magic in his hands, he was obviously not going to attack the enemies head-on with his knife, as he knew about his injury. "You and Celestia shouldn't let lower your efforts at all cost, we need every bit of strength and teamwork if we want to get out this alive." Jack noted to them. The door started on the verge of collapsing, the infected who were attacking the door did get hurt by the fire, some of them dying, but not by a whole lot. Because they then broke the door down, and they started pouring through straight into the tunnel, so many of them, but what was worse, because of my Festus his ancient flame, most of the infected became flammable, meaning they wreathed in flame, they where getting hurt themselves, but those who got caught in the flames would deal even more devastation to their opponents who would get close, getting burned from the flames that where surrounding the burning infected. "Oh crap." Jack muttered out loud. Jack started to fire some of his magical blasts towards them, not a whole lot or else he would drain himself of his magic to fast.
  7. "You guys might be right, but i don't think we should celebrate to early about it, Pony and Eldritch body structure and biology are different, for all we know it might just take longer for me to get infected compared to ponies perhaps. I have seen someone turn with my own eyes, but it was hard to say how much time had passed back then. I mean, it does seem incredibly convenient, doesn't it? So many had gotten infected in the past and succumbed, and out of the billions of victims, it just seems very out of place that I just so happened to MIGHT be immune, i just don't know... I might not have turned yet, but i sure am feeling the side effect of being infected." "Normally i would be squirming on the ground in pain and screaming my lungs out, but i seem to barely feel it compared to what i am supposed to feel, and then those voices i can hear in my head... Or i could be wrong, and you guys are right about that there is a good thing about. I think we will have to wait and see, for now, we should focus on what is going to happen." Jack told them. The door started to almost collapse, it was only a matter of time until it would break and the infected would be pouring through to claim their victims, victims who would not go down without a fight. 'Things are not looking good... The door is about to collapse, and there are so many out there, we are going to get cornered any moment, please hurry, I am afraid we might not make it in time.' Jack thought to Evelyn with worry. "She confirmed that she is almost there, i guess we will have to get ready." Jack said, he knew this feeling all to well, once again being cornered in a room where on the other side countless of infected were ready to end him, he couldn't help but get nostalgia out of a most tragic situation.
  8. Ms. Hennessy, did you feel like you could relate yourself to Mistmane? As in, did you feel like you really where becoming her when you voiced her lines :)?
  9. "Evelyn is on her way right now. And I have I think the 4 of you all make a good point, but we won't be safe in here forever, like Festus said, they will break in here, I have learned not to underestimate the Infected, giving enough time, they will break through that door, considering how many there are of them right now, I doubt this door will hold for long." Jack admitted. "But Ember and Maple make a point as well, we won't last long againts so many, but I do have a plan, one that many might find taboo, but it might work.." "Remember how I tried to blend in with the infected using that little trick I had learned? Now that I am infected, I can make this work... I can walk through the horde unnoticed, and then try to lead them away from where you guys are, and then we can escape." Jack said. Suddenly the gate started shaking a bit, and very loud thumps and bangs could be heard, as lots of infected were trying to break their way in, the gate was still somewhat holding, but it was not guaranteed for how long it would hold.
  10. "I am afraid we can't do much about it, it is like that same situation back in the desert where Fluttershy had that bullet inside of her and had tried to ask me to get that one out, I couldn't really do it since it was so deep inside of her, Celestia did manage inside of her." "But this bullet isn't the only thing that is hurting when it impacted me, it destroyed lots of tissue, I am bleeding inside, I am not even sure if magic could repair this, the body is difficult to understand, and trying to repair this? I just don't know if magic will be capable of doing the job for this." Jack admitted. "And I am not sure if Evelyn has heard what I said, she hadn't responded back the second time, so I don't know what our situation will be."
  11. "We don't have to signal the others, remember that I can talk trough Evelyn via my thoughts? I am talking to her right now, in fact, I can ask her to warn the others, and then they can come and help us." Jack told Celestia. "Although... You are actually still right since even when they arrive we need to let them know where we exactly are. Or wait... We already have an signal! Festus had use his ancient flame, and that will keep burning, or at least that is what i think from what Ember told me, We have our signal right there." Jack mentioned. 'I am inside a underground, along with the others, we used an outside gate that is now closed, holding back the infected, but we don't know for sure how long it will hold, and if it will even hold for that matter. Could you please warn the others? Please get me out of here, i really need a doctor... I am not joking around when i say this wound is this bad..' Jack thought to Evelyn, his last words sounded like afraid pleading, as he was really afraid he was going to die.
  12. "That would be most unfortunate, we have the manpower to topple down your own strike force 30 times over. I suppose you would prefer a now less aggressive approach on your part?" The space marine Captain said he was standing atop one of the big stone hills, his thunder hammer being held upside down on the ground, the hammer part resting on the stone. It was then that lots of space marines started to show themselves, around 30, most wielding standard bolters, but some wielding heavy bolters, indicating that those where Devastators. But among the lower places were also hidden scouts, some armed with bolters and sniper rifles. While the closer ones were equipped with combat shotguns, evidently being used against orks who would dare to come to close. "I suggest you and your men reconsider your actions and explain your purpose of being here. However, judging by your overall company and your words, I can already assume you were intending to attack, at the very least apprehend us, am I correct?" The Captain said to her, gazing at the ponies with a stoic expression.
  13. Jack quickly dove under the still open gate and tumbled a bit over the ground. When he stood up again, he saw Maple using her body and its strength to keep the gate open which had allowed him to pass through. He was grateful that she was doing that for him, but he did not want Maple to get destroyed in that very same act. But to his relief, it wouldn't be the case as he had managed to pass through and so Maple could let go of the gate without the risk of getting bend by still having to hold the weight of that gate any longer. To his annoyance, his bullet wound was now starting to hurt badly as his adrenaline was no longer distracting him from the pain, and the side effects of his infection where not doing much either since he was not fighting or doing anything tense right now. "We made it... I guess that is a good relief, but it is a good thing i had decided to look around the town before we got overrun, else i had would have never known there were tunnels that let to underground here." Jack said to everyone. He then also realised that now it would be the best time to inform Evelyn, since he wouldn't really get attacked off-guard now. 'Evelyn, are you there? I hate to tell you this but... we have run into very big problems, we have been overrun, countless of infected started to swarm us and we are now sheltering in underground tunnels, the infected cannot get to us, i hope... And well, to make matters worse, i got shot, a hollow point bullet hit me in the chest, it destroyed a good amount of tissue and broke some of my ribcages... Only starting to feel the pain at its maximum effect now due to the amount of adrenaline i had been getting from this entire ordeal.' 'So yeah... I guess describing our situation as bad is an understatement...' Jack thought to Evelyn
  14. "I can assure you that those things you faced inside your castle where Orks, the brutish green skins that thrive on war. We, however, are of the Adeptus Astartes, the Emperor's own space marines, we where pursuing the Ork Warboss Grimskull and his Ork Waaagh in the outer void of space, but it seemed his armies had made planetfall into your planet, we have come to destroy the Warboss and his clan with it." "While I can say we won't mean any of you harm, I cannot say the same for some of my battle brothers, as we as a species do not see aliens as very thrust worthy, despite that we still have our own methods in how we communicate and deal with situations our own way, but that doesn't mean we could scold our own battle brothers for having an aggressive stance towards other aliens, We space marines have the single purpose of destroying the enemies of mankind, meeting other alien species that are not hostile or pose no treath to humanity are rare, after all... siding with any alien can be punished with being declared a renegade and a heretic." "As much as it sounds bitter to swallow for others, the Inquisition keeps a watchful eye on those who falter in the light of the Emperor. While our battle brothers will restrain themselves and not do anything rash, I would like to suggest you keep your subjects restrained as well when it comes to this matter, you can expect conflicts when one of your own subjects acts with casuality towards one of us and runs his mouth with things that could break one of our edicts or our honour, but if you require more information or want to discuss things on the matter, our Captain is the one you should seek, he is chosen for more then his experience on the battlefield, he has a strong sense of politics as well." The Librarian explained. ----------------------------------------------------------------- During said conversations where Staunch was near, a conversation was going on between 2 Solar guards, or it was rather a whispering conversation, as they were talking pretty quiet. Both of them where Unicorns "Meet me at the barracks when the sun has gone under, our *master* said that we should have plenty of opportunities to gain our reward." One of the unicorns said. "Good plan Bright Horn, we shall get the praise that we deserve, not by guard duty, but by a far greater purpose!" The other unicorn said, only for his partner to smack him in the face. "Be quiet you buffoon! Do you want anypony to hear us?!" The unicorn hissed back.
  15. MickeyAdaptus

    general media Goku Vs. Superman

    Wanted to let you guys know something Interesting that Goku did in the manga. While I do think Superman Prime could beat Goku, power doesn't mean everything in that regard, if you think about it like this, if Superman manages to get such feats, who is to say Goku won't get them? There will always be something that drives Goku further and further up the power scaling, whether its a Spirit Bomb that triggers his Ultra Instinct feat, or that he suddenly is able to keep up with opponents he wasn't able to before. Because there is an interesting thing about Goku, he always battles opponents that are miles stronger than him, yet he managed to defeat that opponent in most cases, not saying he would simply defeat Superman like that, but it would be debatable of Superman could stay above Goku forever. Given enough time?
  16. MickeyAdaptus

    general media Goku Vs. Superman

    I think Goku, while Superman is very strong and has his unique stats when it comes to durability and strength, it is hard to say if Superman can really match the amount of power that Goku has gotten in Dragon ball super, i mean heck, Goku's power level is around a good amount of billions by now in his strongest forms. And if we look at Ultra Instinct, Goku already has an intense defence mechanism, he will constantly just dodge Superman's attacks because of the way Ultra Instinct works/goes. Tough the more stronger forms of Superman? There it becomes interesting, since you are starting to calculate in numbers that go off the chart.
  17. Jack saw them moving towards the mine entrance, and he was very relieved to see they were moving there, but especially relieved when he saw Celestia and Luna using their magic to create a strong vanguard so the other could safely follow them without having to fight their way through the sea of infected. He did notice Festus hesitant at first because he knew that behaviour all to well, he does it himself alot as well, so when he saw Festus moving with them, Jack made a quick follow up plan in his head. There was one drawback to Jack's plan, when Jack would let go of the lever, the door would slowly close again, so he needed time his chance good here. Deciding that he needed to act fast, let go of the lever and started climbing on the roof of the house, and jumped straight onto another roof. So he did a pretty dangerous thing, but he had no other choice, time was of the essence. "Celestia, Catch me!" He could out as he jumped off the roof, hoping she would catch him, because it was the only way for him to reach everyone fast enough and for them to get into the tunnel before the gate was closed.
  18. "My name is Domikelus Epitius Dorias, but in low gothic, you may call me by my title as Librarian Epitius. It doesn't surprise me that you recognize that name, as he known throughout the entire galaxy. The Emperor of Mankind is the ruling monarch of humanity, the greatest embodiment of universal Order in the galaxy, and even after his emplacement on the golden throne, he is leading humanity through its darkest hours." "Not even the Arch-traitor Horus Lupercal could stop the Emperor from protecting those who are faithful to him until the very end." "It is my pleasure to contact someone such as you Lady Celestia, the children of Sanguinius take it as an honoured privilege." The Librarian said to her.
  19. Jack was about to reply when he saw Festus jumping to Embers aid and joining the battle, Jack couldn't blame Festus, he would have the same thing if he didn't have a plan of his own, so he decided to alter the plan a bit now that Festus had already jumped into the battle. "Luna, could you help them in the fight? I will make a B-line straight for what I had found, it is an entrance to tunnels that lead to underground, and eventually come back to the surface, we can escape via that way, once I have pulled the switch to open the door, I need you to gather everyone and go inside that tunnel, I will join you guys right after!" Jack told her, he then climbed outside and started running past most of the infected. Jack had a slight advantage here as he was smaller and lighter, thus it was easier for him to enter narrow and tight spots, while at the same time being able to keep a fast pace. After a bit of running, he ran into of the buildings and started running upstairs, but an infected came around the corner and tried to attack him, but Jack's instincts kicked in fast as he pushed the infected out of a window. Knowing he would get overrun soon if he didn't act fast, Jack ran towards the upper floor room, where the lever was located, and with lots of effort, he managed to pull the lever, and the gate that placed before the Mine entrance opened up. "It has opened up, Everyone go in fast!! Luna, Celestia, clear a path for everyone fast with your magic, i can't keep this gate open for long!" Jack called out.
  20. "A problem? That what would highly depend, what are you? A manifestation of physic energy? A strong Psyker? Your presence in the warp shines brighter than anything I have ever encountered, and yet I haven't felt any malice in your mind or taint for that matter, but that doesn't confirm anything yet, for all I know you are a manifestation of Chaos, if you happen to be that last one, then I will not stand idle, as your evil temptations would never sway me away from the light of the God-Emperor." The voice in Celestia's mind spoke. "Now speak, and I will be the one to judge if your claims are legitimate or full of lies and deceit." ----------------------------------------------------------- In Ghastly Gorge there seemed to be lots of activity, drop pods were going through Equestria's atmosphere, the figures of the drop pods could be seen from miles away high in the sky as they crashed into the rockish formation of the gorges. And for good reason, they were mobilizing for an assault on one of the reported ork whereabouts.
  21. 25e.gif

    1. Spacey


      an infinite boop....good god :o :lol:

    2. MickeyAdaptus
    3. Spacey


      :lol::lol: Holy crap! That nose is wrecked! xD Too much boop!!

  22. boop__mlp_animation__by_witchtaunter-d9x

    1. Barpy



      got better version of this >:3 1124706.gif

    2. MickeyAdaptus
    3. Barpy



  23. rivet_gear_and_starnight_boops_by_mrlolc

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Clod


      Yeah, turns out ponies have hard hooves and they'll do some damage when you're hit in the nose with 'em enough.

    3. MickeyAdaptus
    4. Clod
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