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Everything posted by MickeyAdaptus

  1. Dear Princess Celestia, if there would be a case where you could keep Equestria safe for all eternity, but would require you to remove the food called *cake* from existance, would you do it ;3?
  2. "Take a guess where we got most of our weapons from," Arkan replied to Maple, as he started firing in a slow burst in order to preserve his accuracy. "Normally I would have gladly complied at the sound of starting a raid, but today isn't the time for that, remember we were specifically tasked to take out said war machine?" "You can expect Karthspire would want us to regroup with everyone again and meet up with the others because attacking that conversion centre was the whole purpose of this travel in the first place wasn't it?" He said with a loud volume as he couldn't be heard well throughout the sound of all the gunshots and fighting going around. "Actually, forget about talking, we need to wrap things up here!' Arkan mentioned as he took the opportunity to reload Maple's machine gun for her, and then got back into cover. +She is right one final counter-attack should do the trick!+ Someone said trough the radio. And so it happened, as they started to attack the remaining enemies with head-on assaults, catching off guard those who tried to hide behind sandhills. it got from 16 enemies to 10, and eventually, with all the effort, the soldiers had been beaten after a good 15 minutes of fighting after. But things where not completely done, but things actually took a turn for the good, as while everyone had been fighting, Kiran had been battling the war machine with his mech, and by using alot of bait and fallback tactics, he had managed to get one of the big feet from the war machine stuck into one of the bigger sandhills, where Kiran had fired rockets upon in order to create a small dune crater. Deciding that the weapons on his mech wouldn't be able to get the job done of piercing the armour from the war machine itself, he took a different approach, he climbed out of the Mech via a latch on the top, but he had something in his hands... The power core of his own mech. He walked cautiously towards the War machine's leg, planting the power core near it, but seeing as a normal explosion of it wouldn't be good enough, he took it a step further, cutting some of the inside wires from the war machine and using those to electrify the core itself, overloading the power core, creating a even more devastating detonation. And in the aftermath of the explosion, it had created an opening in which Kiran had sought the point that he had needed to attack, the point that a particular somebody had told him about. "Would you look at that, the once massive monstrosity now lies inside the sand, crying like a whining baby! I guess what they say is true, a tin can will always remain a tin can." Kiran mocked as he drew his rifle and chambered it. He then fired at the glowing energy pipe that was inside the leg, riddling it completely with bullets until it exploded, leaving on the war machine, still somewhat intact but unable to do anything. He then looked into the far distance of the others and shook his head. "I am being too soft, no use in hanging around longer than need to be." He muttered to himself.
  3. So I was wondering, why do you always let Twilight and her friends do all the work? Aren't you strong enough to do it yourself?
  4. Have you ever considered going to Zecora with Applebloom again?
  5. Wew, forums work again!

  6. Arkan gave a nod in response to Maple as he catches his breath, and then ran over quickly to the enemies that he had killed only moments ago, grabbing one of their weapons with some magazines, and then ran back, taking cover behind Maple, shooting at the enemies back. "They are stockpiled on weapons and ammunition, and-" He got quickly interrupted as a bullet nearly grazed him in the neck, only missing him by inches. "And they manufacture weapons like at a rate that they could throw them off a bridge and not lack any! Laughing in our faces as we are underequipped, and undermanned at that!" Arkan said back. While Merra and Ember fighting some of those enemies in close combat, and then some of the other team members now making a strong counterattack againts the remaining enemies, there came a sudden radio message through the radio's, although this one wasn't from anyone of the team. +Telorian Command here, we have gotten confirmed reports of the new conversion process, 3 new strains have been identified by Sergeant Major Leila and companion Yedig Karthspire, All- Hold it, we are on the wrong frequency, changing channels.+ A voice said before suddenly switching channels. +Hold on. Was that Telorian Command? What in the bloody hell? How did they get into our radio channel?+ Martin asked. +Could have found our frequency by accident, but did you hear the second name that they mentioned? Yeah, you know who they are referring to.+ Enoch responded with a sigh.
  7. I really like this speech.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Altastrofae


      That's cool

      The Spanish invaded the Netherlands? I guess school doesn't teach you everything

    3. MickeyAdaptus


      Yeah, that time is called the 80 years war, but I guess that Dutch history isn't really known by many other countries, but it was a very long one, and it was, in fact, the time that the Netherlands became a Republic.


    4. Altastrofae


      Oh, interesting

  8. While the battle was going, Merra was still struggling, she had managed to kill one of the 4 assailants, but got incredibly unlucky when one of the enemies sunk its teeth into her shoulder, making her throw the attacker of herself as she was clutching her now bleeding shoulder, but was going to get killed if she didn't watch out. Seeing this, Arkan became furious and pushed Ember aside as he started sprinting towards the attackers, it was when he got close that he drove his knife straight into the back of the enemies neck, and went on a violent rampage againts the other 2. When he was done killing them, he stood there panting as he was covered in blood. "Arkan what are you-" Merra tried to say. "No more of us will be dying... NO MORE!!" Arkan yelled with fury, running towards his enemies, where Ember had once managed to calm him down, there was now no stopping him, and it was apparent he had dropped the aspect of sensing danger as he was sprinting straight towards enemies who are where aiming towards him. As they were firing upon him, 2 bullets hit him, one went straight into his left hip while the other one grazed the left side of his face. Having a burst of instinct enveloping his mind, he grabbed a grenade from one of the enemies and drove it straight into his enemies mouth, only to remove the pin and throw the enemy straight into a cluster of the 3 soldiers that had been firing at him. It created a violent explosion that killed the 4 of them, leaving only a bloody Arkan to stand close to the smoke as he was breathing heavily.
  9. I always have liked the design of this blade, the design of it.




  10. Heya, how you doing :)?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MickeyAdaptus


      You had told me before about your instructor xD, and i have to admit, that instructor was probably not very good, i mean, it took me about... almost 4 or even 5 months to reach the experience that i have now, and even to this moment i am still having somewhat problems with steering at time.

      I can remember during that lesson, the horse i was on was also very hard to control, because everytime i tried to make said horse stop or gallop, the horse would just not listen, and i kept saying to my instructor. "but, But" But she wasn't even listening anymore after a while, luckily i won't be getting lessons from that instructor again xD.  I will be getting lessons from my old one, who has actually trained me individually a few times.

    3. ShadOBabe


      Yay! Well I definitely hope you have more fun with them.

    4. MickeyAdaptus


      Thanks :), are you planning on ever going horse riding again? I have to admit, it's really fun riding through a forest with good weather while you are sitting on a horse.

  11. As the battle was raging on, Kiran was forced to change his tactic, as the war machine was now moving forward, walking at a very slow rate given its size, but still getting closer, which forced him to move backwards and keep his distance, but what was impressive about the mech's design was that it was capable of firing its weapons while on the move, not losing much of its accuracy. But he kept shooting on the same spot on the war machine's leg, but it was tricky nonetheless. Arkan started at Ember with a bit of surprise, but he didn't know what to say, but he did calm a bit, but the rage in his eyes never leaving. +How many of them are there still?+ Someone asked through the radio. +Atleast still a good amount of them, around 19?+ Illiana replied back. +But where is Maple at, did she just run off? I haven't seen her anywhere.+ Martin asked +She had been fighting a bit further away from here but seems to be heading back to us now, though let's not focus on that but instead the fight!+ Illiana remarked back And it became apparent that the enemy soldiers were changing tactics, as they were now throwing grenades frequently in order to flush their enemies out of cover. A surprise attack occurred when one of the enemy soldiers suddenly showed up from behind the snow hills and ran up towards Ember, going for a straight head-on charge, and held on to one of her scales as he started to attack her. But that was not the only thing going on, as Merra seemed to be in hand to hand combat with 4 enemy soldiers at once, and started to lose the struggle.
  12. +Your friends need your help alot more then me right now, given how i can handle this, don't abandon them now.+ Kiran admitted as he couldn't risk having to save Maple or anyone else during this moment, especially with how hard his current task was. Wich was rather obvious as he would be doomed if he didn't pay attention for a moment, given how he has to dodge the incoming ordinance with a mech that wasn't exactly fast in terms of walking and turning. He quickly circled the big rock and kept pulling out the same manoeuvre, with consisted of shooting and quickly moving back behind the rock, and then appear on the other side of it and attack, with a constant repeat, as he could outmanoeuvre the rotation of the war machine this way. While on where the others were fighting, it was going in their favour, but things where going on, in particular, when Torval got into a fist fight with one of the enemy soldier, the creature trying to lash out while Torvan was dodging its attack and then grabbed the creature and tried to snap its neck, but then a bad thing happened, as the other soldier saw this and started to fire at the 2 of them, the soldier and both Torvan got riddled with bullets, one of them hitting Torvan's lung. "N-no.... YOU BASTARDS!" Arkan yelled as he violently tackled the soldier, and then emptied his entire magazine in the soldier's face, destroying its head into a bloody mess. "I will kill all of them... ALL OF THEM!!!" He yelled even louder as he threw away his weapon and drew his combat, starting to run towards his enemies like a crazed berzerker.
  13. +What are you still doing up there? That machine is about to fire!+ Kiran warned Maple, not understanding why she was still trying to stand on his mech despite the Warmachine had already started to locate him, so Kiran made a last-second decision and moved his mech to such a degree where he threw Maple straight off the roof towards the drones, he just didn't have time to move closer to them, not with how he was about to be bombarded by the machine's ordinance. He then started to move the mech quickly behind the rock, just in time, because a rainstorm of ordinance started impacting close to him. But he knew how he was going to handle this war machine, as even with the strong armour of his mech, it wouldn't last long againts such ordinance, meaning he was going to play a bit of a cat and mouse game, using the rock to constantly get out of the war machines sight and appear on the other side of the rock, firing back, hence and repeat, because this worked ideal againts the slow rotation of the war machines head. The other looked a bit confused when Ember mentioned the name Kiran, but nonetheless, they got a vigour of their own as well. "For the future of the universe! For Raukan!" Some of them shouted with glory, as they started following her head on into battle. As the battle was raging on, the enemy soldiers where almost all killed in where Ember and the others were at.
  14. Commissar Holt is an expert when it comes to dealing with incompetent and lazy planetary governer's.


  15. The group was in a bit of disarray as they were now spread out, fighting back againts those soldiers who were attacking them. +Contact! Left side!+ Someone shouted through the radio, as the enemies were fighting back with all they had, however, that wasn't stopping the group itself from doing the time same. +One more push, and then we got them! One final Push!+ Someone else shouted through the radio with vigour. Kiran himself, however, wasn't engaging much of the soldiers around him, he was instead making straight a b-line for the war machine. "Here we go again..." He muttered to himself, but he suddenly ceased his movements and then started firing, specifically at the left leg of the war machine, causing the machine itself to turn around and trying to locate its attacker, Kiran used this opportunity to make the mech move towards one of the very big desert rocks and moved closer to it, and then started firing with a combination Gatling gun fire and missiles at the same spot again, but one thing was for sure, he din't want anyone to interfere, as he couldn't afford to take the risk of having to save somebody midways who would attempt to attack the war machine's themselves.
  16. I think it more has to do what each person prefers, everybody everypony has a different preference for what they like, from what I know of experience, the title alone doesn't justify the means in someone wanting to join the RP so to say. It is really all about the topic and hence why many people view it. They will want to join if they feel like joining the RP, and if they don't like it, then they don't join. Though there is one thing you should know, don't try to *perfectionize* your RP in the hopes that people will join faster because, in the end, you will only end up creating the thing that you might not like yourself. Personally what I recommend, only create an RP that YOU like yourself, and let other people decide if they feel like joining to, it might sound weird at first, but I know from firsthand experience that you don't want to be playing an RP that you don't want to be in. And lastly, sometimes people do join the RP's of a specific person alot, but that is because said person would be known for his type of RP style and writing, and many other things like character design, story buildup etc. People would feel like joining that person because they like the way he writes his reply's and other things, every person has a different way that makes their rp's compelling. But don't get me wrong though, there is always room to improve, just don't try to overdo it with the whole wanting to make it more appealing thing. I have always, for example, liked the way @Raven Rawne writes his rp's, because he really gives you that immersive feeling, something you would read in a very detailed fanfic or book. But if gathering people for your rp doesn't work out well for you, you could always just start 1x1 rp's with people as well, just ask someone via pm, i am very comfortable with that method myself
  17. +Right, we will follow your six, engaging now!+ Sounded trough the radio as those who had followed Ember where now shooting, a big firefight ensued, but despite the enemy having more in number, the soldiers of Karthspire's army were well trained, that seemed for sure as they were killing more enemies then that they were taking losses. But things got hectic, one of the enemy soldiers threw a grenade straight at the group, and it landed near them. +Grenade! Take cover!+ Someone screamed on the radio as the others tried to jump out of the way before it exploded, but this gave the enemy soldiers a chance to advance. "That's right! Cry for help!" Kiran taunted towards the enemies. The mech was stomping through the enemy lines like a bulldozer, it was convenient that so far they hadn't encountered any enemies with anti-tank weaponry, considering it was assumed that the war machine would take care of any vehicles that would get close, but so far it hadn't spotted them yet, it was still moving forward. The mech itself shot a rocket that killed a cluster of enemy soldiers, killing around 6 of them. But while the mech was holding a steady advance, the other drones started shooting at Maple, noticing that one of their fellow drones had gotten under attack, and said attacked drone was now falling to the ground as it had been destroyed. The Gatling guns were roaring at a fast rate, showering at her with bullets, tough at the same time it was only 2 drones, which was better than 5.
  18. +It isn't exactly easy to make a plan if you have little to no information of what you will be up againts except for some vague details...+ Merra muttered. +No kidding, too many topics that we had no way of covering regarding this situation in such a short amount of time? Be glad that we are able to somewhat coordinate even without this *plan*. But enough talk about this, we have got a job to do, And I for one, am going to do mine.+ Enoch said. +Right, I will be covering Ember from down here, what about you Illiana?+ Merra asked +I am going, to be honest, here, you guys are all going to screw up soon with how is being reacted to this situation, we are in a desperate battle that could mean our deaths and you guys are debating while you could get killed any given moment?+ IlIana said with a sigh. +She is not wrong you know, from where I came from, you would get a big scolding if you pulled this stunt during battle, but then again, I can still talk without any worries, given where I am at right now.+ Enoch said in a rather humoristic manner, which was funny coming from a guy who has been very serious and negative this entire time. +Bunch of amateurs. The rest of you should follow the example of Maple, atleast she is taking initiative to advance while the lot of you are blabbering about nonsense that should be discussed AFTER the battle!+ Martin declared as he wasn't going to waste the precious time that they still had. The mech itself started to march straight towards the War machine, even when the enemies got closed, the mech seemed to not even bother to stand still and fire at the enemy soldiers, which was probably the case that the pilot of the mech was expecting the others to clear the soldiers so that he could focus on the Warmachine without interference. +Maple, this is Kiran by the way, keep those wankers off me, would you? Because I will have to take my time with that massive can of wires.+ Kiran said trough com as he was walking through a big group of enemy soldiers who were shooting at his mech, but it the armour tanked the bullets with ease. It got to such a point where the enemy soldiers had to dive out of the way before they would get crushed under the feet of the mech. There where however 3 drones flying above the area, they were shooting from above at the top of the Mech, even if all these bullets didn't do much damage, it couldn't be denied that it could prove dangerous.
  19. +We need to stick together and create a strong defe-+ The leader was however interrupted. +A bunch of baloney if you ask me.+ The voice from the mech said through the radio. +You got a better plan, Sherlock?+ The leader said with a hint of anger. +Instead of treating your group like a bunch of glorified shepherds, you should ask them yourself, whether they want to attack or retreat is up to them, but it is not my job to stop them from wanting a life or death treatment, and neither is yours.+ The voice said back. +Then why don't you go and attack first if you think you are so smart? I am sure they like a loudmouth such as you.+ The leader taunted +I am not part of your army, I am not part of your race, you hold no authority over me, I could punch you in the face or even outright shoot at you and I would receive no repercussions because there are no laws in place, and never will be. But that is the fun of living in this apocalypse, isn't it? No one can tell you what to do, and fight this war your own way in how you see fit, and that is exactly what I am going to do. Now keep quiet, savvy?+ the voice countered back. +Loud and clear numbskull.+ The leader muttered through the radio. +You all heard the man over there, do as you please!" The voice said in a smug tone before turning off his radio completely. The Scorpion creatures where mostly dealt with by now, around 15 remained from the combined attacks and were now scattered and running around. Tough the mech itself started to head towards the further enemies, close to where the war machine was located, but it was obvious who was piloting the mech at this point. The others of the group were a bit uncertain what to do now after that conversation, and the leader wasn't responding, probably out of Embarrassment. +I guess we should just move out?+ Merra asked through the radio. +Yeah, we have a much better chance if we just attack head on now, but continue to focus on the enemy troops, ignore the war machine for now. That is my advice, but like the conversation confirmed, do as you please.+ The vernomian said trough the radio, even he couldn't help but enjoy the outcome of what happenend there. Any other person doing that their superior would be unacceptable, but in this case, there was no superior.
  20. +You will be thanking me big time after I am done with what I am about to do.+ The voice said to Maple through the radio. As around 20 soldiers were getting closer towards Haymaker, suddenly something happenend... A rocket impacted straight into the middle of the enemy group, 5 getting killed from the rocket explosion, the 15 other ones tried to locate the source, but they didn't have enough time to find it yet, as most of the soldiers got riddled with a hailstorm of bullets. Upon on one of the far sandhills stood a Mech, it was an enemy mech, but it wasn't piloted by an enemy, but somebody else. The remaining enemy soldiers tried to shoot at the mech, but their bullets didn't have any effect againts its armour. And they grew more desperate as the mech kept approaching them while tanking all those bullets, but not even using its gun to fire back, which obviously was used as a humiliation tactic. The nearest soldier tried to run away, but it got crushed under the Mech's mechanical leg that stepped on the enemy and then finished off the last remaining for with its Gatling gun. It then started to attack the scorpion creatures with a combination of using its Gatling gun and using its mechanical feet to crush them under it. But the drones had no good way of damaging the Mech either due to its armour, where the drones were only equipped with anti-infantry weaponry. +D-did that Mech just help us?+ Amriel said trough the radio with disbelief. +It seems like it, but I can't seem to really figure out who is inside of it...+ The Vernomian said trough the radio. "Just keep firing at the drones, but if you feel that you are losing focus, stop firing, there is no use in firing when your focus would end up sloppy and would miss most of your rounds, wasting the precious ammo that is already hard to find nowadays," Enoch advised to Festus. "But also make sure to stay in cover."
  21. Stress... so much stress.. it is getting to me...

  22. As they were shooting at the drones, it seemed Enoch has managed to destroy one with his sniper, and the other one was already damaged by Festus his shots, so it didn't take much for his sniper to destroy the damaged drone. "I noticed your way of firing from afar, but I will give you some good advice when in such a position, aim with 2 hands, look down the iron sight and fire in short burst, that will have more effect if you do that from longer ranges, your current method works better at close quarters," Amriel told Festus with a smile, as he then turned back to firing short burst at the enemy from afar with his rifle. All the while Maple was attacking the drone that was getting destroyed by her claws. +Martyrdom and Haymaker, try to wrap up things there fast, multiple individuals are inbound soon and you don't be caught in the open like that when they arrive.+ The leader said trough the radio, +Sir, you might want to pull them back, NOW.+ Enoch said to the radio with urgency. +Why? What is going, Enoch?+ The leader said replied back. +Those inbound individuals that you mentioned aren't just a few, but a good amount of them, Haymaker and Martyrdom shouldn't attack that one with the formation that they currently have.+ Enoch said back. +So do you have a better idea, Enoch? You better spill it out now.+ The leader demanded. +Pull them back, and get everyone together, give us a proper formation in which we can attack all at once from range with a mixture of melee in front. The way that we are attacking now is too uncoordinated, some of us are shooting, some of us are fighting melee and are at different spots altogether, that isn't going to mix well in this situation. Not to mention that the newcomers aren't us their radio's, which could risk them to fall apart from our strategy.+ Enoch warned. +Right, Haymaker and Martyrdom, kill what you can and then pull back asap, we are merging squads into one big group again, this isn't going to work out, while some of you are working together, it isn't going to work out well if this teamwork is only shared among some individuals, instead of an entire team like it should be.+ The leader said with a sigh. +Regroup back at the hill, we are going to work as a big group again from that point on forward.+ He said. +The calvary has arrived!+ Suddenly sounded through the radio channels. +Who said that?+ The leader asked with confusion.
  23. The group of Haymaker was opening fire upon the scorpion creatures, while at the same type slowly advancing a bit back in order to keep distance. But these scorpion creatures where with alot, around 60, which would apparently be fatal to meet in close combat as the moment you would try to attack the others one could swarm you at that very same time, hence why Haymaker was trying to keep their distance. +Haymaker, back up! Keep your distance from those things.+ The leader said trough the radio. +Martyrdom, status, what of the Chameleons?+ He asked. +They are still around sir, But Ember managed to kill one, and Enoch had managed to kill another, but there are still 2 or more around.+ Merra said trough the radio. But things suddenly turned for a worse, Haymaker suddenly got under fire by enemy forces who had managed to approach without much problems since the scorpion creatures already have Haymaker busy. +Under fire!+ Arkan shouted through the radio channel. +Haymaker, keep advancing back, but keep on slaying those scorpion things! Martyrdom, forget about the Chameleon's for now, engage those enemy soldiers at once, or else Haymaker will be wiped out! Razor Edge, provide fire support for Haymaker and Martyrdom!+ The leader ordered through the radio. Some of the Scorpion creatures tried to attack Maple, 3 from behind where trying to climb on her back to reach her wiring. While 8 scorpion creatures in front of her were heading towards her. What made this an impressive feat was for the fact that while these creatures were acting very much like animals, they did have some remarkable instincts, as these scorpion creatures where specifically seeking out Maple's wiring. Tough this instinct was probably meant to instead to be used againts vehicles instead. 4 drones, armed with Gatling guns appeared above the battlefield, not that high in the air but still high enough to get a decent view of seeing who to attack. And attacking they did, as they started splitting up, where 2 drones started to attack Martyrdom, attacking members of that group including Ember, but even though they where drones, they where not nearly as durable as vehicles such as Mech's or the more advanced drones, these ones could be destroyed by bullets or melee weapons just fine, but would still require some good effort. Enoch was looking scope, as he then started firing at the drones that were heading towards him.
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