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Stardust Balance

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Everything posted by Stardust Balance

  1. r/saltierthankrayt - For people that say they love the lore and hate how this show is tarnishing said lore they seem to forget how the Darkside and it's powers works.

    1. Megas


      tbf, Palpatine surviving was terrible

    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      It was awful in Legends, it was awful in Canon. 

  2. Simple, straight and heartwarming. As entirely expected. Looking forward to whatever they pull next.
  3. And since when did political scandals prevent the girls from ultimately doing the right thing in the end?
  4. That's an entirely different issue, though. Twilight wouldn't be attempting to make her school an exception to the rules, just launch an investigation regarding corruption and malpractice within the EEA system.
  5. Star Wars fans... Are so daunting. 

    If you dislike the new stuff, you're a mindless drone who lives in your mother's basement with no life.

    If you like the new stuff, you're a Disney shill who promotes how the corporation is killing the franchise.

    Kenobi has become a warzone, between two sides. Both of the extremities. You can't debate with a SW fan; anything you say or defend will be met with baseless insults and demeaning. I like Kenobi, I think it's a strong banger where its good outweighs the bad, but apparently, I'm "part of the problem" because I don't spend 24/7 frothing at the mouth what a POS Disney.

    Yes, Disney's an awful company. Not gonna taint my enjoyment though. Kenobi is a fine show, and I refuse to allow the constant, childish negativity to keep me from giving something a chance rather than assume the worst off the bat.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      What's a "Star Wars"? :ooh:

  6. It's really been super unclear exactly what kind of authority Twilight held as a Princess, especially compared to the other alicorns. Maybe it was outside her jurisdiction.
  7. (Copy and pasted from my blog post on Fimfiction.) Let's talk about our 'favourite' evil Changeling Queen, Image Link: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2F14-bis%2Fart%2FQueen-Chrysalis-300172008&psig=AOvVaw3BqjLvMTjT7bkoXpBnY-f3&ust=1651183502333000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCJjuwoOgtfcCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD Now, when it comes to ideal redeemable villains, this creature appears to be the favourite of these topics. I've seen it loads of times: Debates how she's the most repent-able, fics depicting her redemption from the most realistic to the most ludicrous. How, of all the MLP major villains, Chrysalis is seen as the most capable of being turned to good and can change as a better Changeling. ...I don't get it. I haven't watched all of season nine yet - life's like that - but from what bits I've seen and things I've heard, nothing tells me she's any more redeemable than the other big bads. Because people feel sorry for her? Being outcasted and shunned by her kind was her own doing. She brought that on herself and even then still attempted to commit evil acts. She doesn't have my sympathy. Because she's a mother? Being a parent doesn't automatically make a character redeemable. And you all saw how she treated her children. As pawns. Disposables. She willingly attempted to drain one of her children's happiness out of spite. She was an abusive, manipulative, controlling parent who cared nothing for her spawns, just for her own power and status. Because she's the most 'attractive' big bad? Hello, you guys seen Sombra? Who wouldn't want a piece of that? https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fphotos%2F1570137-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic&psig=AOvVaw2CasfKpzJ89SG7oqwJ8UyC&ust=1651184012956000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCPDMm_ihtfcCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD Jokes aside, contrary to what people may believe, a character isn't capable of becoming good just because they're good looking. How many fics use that trope to redeem a villain based on their physical appearance? Because she has 'depth' to her villainy? Nah, she's pure evil, straight and simple. Her goal of supplying sustenance for her species no longer mattered when she made it clear in season six the only person she cares for, is herself. As far as I can tell, Chrysalis wouldn't give a rat's behind whether or not her children starve. So what is it? What makes Chrysalis so appealing to people outside of those, that almost every fic sees her reformed or with shades of grey? What am I missing? I'm genuinely curious, I'd love to know.
  8. Welcome to the show. Enjoy your time among us!
  9. Welcome to the show. Have a great time among us!
  10. An issue notable about the fandom; holding G5 to the standards that G4 accidentally rose itself on. They're expecting maturity, thought-provoking drama, realistic dilemmas, depthful relatable characters. And then there's me, who's just... Guys. We cannot hold the new gen to the same or even above the bar G4 had set, nor can we compare the two, as that is unfair and unrealistic. In spite of what the bronies like to believe at the end of the day, it's a show made for little girls, with little girls in mind, and the new movie did what it intended, in my opinion, flawlessly. It didn't have to be deep or thought-provoking, it just had to be a light-hearted, simplistic adventure of a new character in a new world. That's the end of it. If people are unhappy about that, then they should just move on. Because that's what My Little Pony always intended to be, at the end of the day.
  11. Welcome to the show. Enjoy your time among us!
  12. Welcome! Have a great time among us!
  13. Disagree; focusing too much on the previous gen would harm investment in the new gen. FiM is over and done with, and less ties on the past, the better. The small reference here and there is fine.
  14. Welcome to the Show! Have a great time 'mong us!
  15. Welcome to the forums! Have a great time among us!
  16. Welcome to the show, have a great time 'mong us!
  17. Welcome to the show! Have a good time among us!
  18. Welcome to the show! Enjoy your time here!
  19. Welcome to the Forums! Have an amazing time among us!
  20. Welcome to the show! Have a great time among us!
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