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The Professor...8D

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About The Professor...8D

  • Birthday August 13

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  • Location
    Who Knows.........no Really, who knows where I am, i'm totaly lost right now.
  • Personal Motto
    "Water is the Source of All Life, for without Water there would be No Coffee, & without Coffee, I'll Kill you All"
  • Interests
    I have far too many to fully list so I'll just name a Few.
    2.Safety (Safely, saving You From Clown Zombies, Penguin Apocalypses, Etc.)
    3.Collecting (Canes, Fedoras, Suites, Stuff.)
    4.Voices (Doing Voices, Singing, & the 1's in my Head.)
    6.Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...........Stuff & Things

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  1. I think there's something wrong with me............as Soon as i get home I've been going to bed @ 6-6:30pm and then sleeping until 4-5am......I'm fine during the day........but I just feel tired all the time.........

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I might be..........I've been..........."Stressed" lately..............but........*shrugs*......I really don't know right now

    3. JonasDarkmane


      @Sunset: How was that poetic?

    4. Jeremiah


      i am just messing with you

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