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Captain Salty Scribbles

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Status Updates posted by Captain Salty Scribbles

  1. Peeps, who wanna talk? I need to train my speaking.

  2. I will enjoy number 500 forever. It's almost ideal. Don't brohoof me anymore...

  3. Such a wanderful day! I'm sick... *ekhe-ekhe*

    1. Dabmanz


      Hope you get well soon.

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles
  4. I hope, they are making something special for 100th episode and that will be not just retrospec of previous 99.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MountainDrew


      I still haven't seen the trailer but from what I've heard it sounds awesome =)

    3. ThunderDrum18


      I know right!! :)

    4. Jackie Snack

      Jackie Snack

      I kinda hope it's along the lines of 'Super Speedy Cider Squeezy' where it kind of tosses away the ideal of a moral.

  5. OH, COME ON! *angry Sweetie* Why no ponehs this week?!

  6. This week is hard as hell. >_<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Difficult idiom, but thanks for the kitty, bro =)

    3. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      You'll be able to power through it :)

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Sure. Weekdays are finished already =)

      I guess hot bath and weekend able to fix situation.

  7. Going to countryside. No pones this weekend. -_-

    1. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Succes!! I guess i would die ;)

    2. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      That's awesome! Have fun ^^

    3. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      I'm back and ready to watch li'l horses!

      Summer Breze, not sure I get you.

  8. "Everything is awesome!" Yes! I watched lego movie.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Salty Scribbles
    3. Sceethe


      unless you step on one of these things.. hurts like hell.

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Keep lego parts on their places. Be cool, be like Lord Business!

  9. I wanna take vacation and to go somewhere. But where? Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Sorry, bro, I will not come at this vacation. To make american visa is too long and difficult deal. Maybe in September.

    3. SevenSFormerAccount


      you live in europe?

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles
  10. After 3 weeks of travelling adventures, finally, I'm home. OH GOSH, HOW GOOD I FEEL!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DragonAria


      ^^ so, where have you been, exactly?

    3. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      I have been in Kazakhstan, country of wind and horses. That was funny adventure.

    4. DragonAria


      I bet it was^^ well, but no place is better than home, so again, welcome home! (the new episode talks just about thatXD)

  11. Oh. I can't return home before 5 season will be started. My life is ruined.

    1. Sceethe


      dont worry, i will spoiler you everything via text!


      but seriously, cant you watch it on your phone/laptop/whatever you have with you?^^

      It will appear on youtube, anyway.

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles


      I think, ponehs deserve to be watched on big screen with good audiosystem in company of tea and cookies.

      I even would prefer to watch it in company of bros. :)

      But not in the plane via laptop. I will wait better. ^_^

    3. Sceethe


      that makes sense, yeah. i have actually watched a lot of the episodes on my phone, i personally dont mind.

  12. Great work has been done. Time for tea with cookies. And need to write some reports.

  13. If you are bored, write me. If you are not bored, I'm bored, write me anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. Sceethe


      if you are bored, send me a message on skype :D

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Sceethe, challenge accepted!

      But, I have been afraid, at middle of week you could be busy.

  14. My heart beats in rhythm of Canterlot Disco!

  15. Travelling through Kazakhstan, manor of the wind.

  16. In Kazakhstan, manor of the wind.

  17. I fly through the sky LIKE A WNDERBOLT! WOOO! But on da plane.

  18. 99 Brohoofs ont the wall!

    1. DJShy


      99 bro of hooves!

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      99 hooves of bro! Dis is very creepy bro!

  19. Aww. Whole day most of my friends sleep. I leel myself like Princess of the Night.

  20. Beware! Deadline is near!

  21. Girls in office are calling me Mr Morning Coffee. LOL

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