@@COBLoneWolf (Rarity's PoV) "Oh, dear. Do you think it's dangerous? Oh, are we meeting somepony? What should I wear?" Rarity asked, checking her boutique. "Just give me a minute to clean up, then we can be on our way." After cleaning up, (slightly) she grabbed a sunhat, and asked Twilight, "Shall we be off, darling?" (Octavia's PoV) Octavia was nearly at the strange blue box when the door opened, and after a moment, a strange pony with a coat over his shoulder trotted out of it. this was strange for two reasons. One, he was moving at a fair trot, with the box being barely large enough to allow him to be coming out of it at such a speed, and two, he looked much too unconcerned about the fact that he had just fallen out of the sky in a box. "Oh, my," she muttered to herself, then called out, "Are you alright?"