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Status Updates posted by Love//Hack

  1. No one tel the real 5Nighrs that I'm using her account or changed her display name. I'm also that "infamous" cousin she spoken eariler. Her account shall be mine now. >:D (I'm serious.) She might find out eventually but she can't login the forums for a few days for parent's orders. =P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Drac is right actually. Don't endanger the account

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Is this for real? Because i don't believe it.

    4. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      Nuuu! Dun do dis!!

  2. FandomFazhuman and DraonicLaces is set to sail... I regret nothing. ;A;

  3. Whelp. My friend just left the fandom and now he's crawling back to it and saying sorry to me since I got him into MLP. XD

  4. Sis: Your online persona and human Freddy's ship name is now FandomFazhuman Me: That's a weird ship name and now I shall chase you around with a stick.

  5. Morning. :P I keep waking up earlier than usual all of a sudden now since summer ended. :P You all good?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      You know you want to... It'd be so easy...

    3. Love//Hack


      NNNUUU Or else I won't go to heaven if I commit murder. And they're aren't that bad. D:

      Though instead of killing them, it would be fun to see them scream at the sight of a dragon inside our home. ...8D

    4. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Oh, I'm not really here... only you can see me.


      Do it, and earn power infinite, and eternal life.

  6. Morning. Just had a random dream that I was sleeping on a land of giant pink clouds with a huge open pink sky. Like Rose's room from SU :P How are you all? :3

    1. DashYoshi


      Good morning. Ooh, it's sounds like a nice dream. =)

      I'm doing pretty good today. And you? =)

    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Sounds nice. :P I'm well thank you, yourself?

    3. Love//Hack


      I'm doing fine. I was very grumpy last night from not getting to sleep early though.

  7. My ELA/History teacher made a illimati joke with one of my classnates and my own table watched Shrek is love for their 1st time even though I warned them and didn't watch with them while not getting caught even tho they were pretty noisy with comments on how sick it was... Whelp, looks like my favorite class has now became my weirdest class. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Same with too many franchises.

    3. Love//Hack


      Shrek is actually a enjoyable film, but then Shrek is love Shrek is life made things way creepier. ._.

      (And I'm in Jr high. So imagine my 8th grade partners watching that video. If you know about the love life meme with Shrek...)

    4. Cwanky


      Shrek is basically a classic fairy tale that's been dunked in mud and filth. Sadly like many things, double dipping has its consequences over time

  8. Happy birthday Buzzy. :3

    1. Buzz


      Thank you Freddy :P

  9. Back from Back To School Night. All my teachers are saying I'm doing great. :P How are you all? ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      It is good to hear you are doing well :D. I am doing fine myself :). Feeling a bit Hydish at the moment *Hysterical laugh* Sorry, I got to go ^^;

    3. Love//Hack


      that's pretty good. you two. ^^ Aww, Oki Doki Loki Jonas. D:

      *laughs along*

    4. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I'm good, thanks.

  10. Goodnight everyone. ^W^ Sticking with Fandoms too now with the name I guess. :P And hope you all sleep well. I can't touch my iPad for the rest of the night and I'm actually going to bed now. :P

    1. 10InTheTardis


      Good night! May you dream of a colourful dark blue (You could even say... Royal blue, hehehe) horse princess with a unicorn horn and wings walk into your dreams wearing loud shoes in a manner somewhat resembling a dance!


      Because said Dark Blue Horse Princess can now preform a dance whilst wearing loud footwear.


      (Translation: Have a dream about Luna tap-dancing. Because she can do that.)

    2. Moonlight


      goodnight, dream of the Freddy c:

    3. Untitled Goose Q
  11. Changed Fazbear to Fandoms... Should I stick with the change or no? :P

  12. I have a total of 76 friends with some inactive or I never talk to... O.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Love//Hack


      @Hypo where's the good part with inactive friends? :P

      @Bullfrog same kinda happened with me some months ago. :/

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I have what is probably more than that, certainly more than I care to count, and most are not very active.

    4. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      It really sucks when people leave D:

  13. Good afternoon after school everyone. :) Here's a liTtle random something to make some of ya laugh:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Love//Hack


      I'm fine. I'm kinda sleepy too. :P

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      thanks for the laugh kawaii

    4. Love//Hack


      You're welcome Brighty. :P

  14. Saw the newest Gravity Falls episode… So. Much. Hype. From. Dat ending. 8-D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 10InTheTardis


      I haven't seen gravity falls in a while, I want to watch it, but I switched from cable to netflix, and I don't want to risk a virus or something by going to some shady website to watch it.





      (Psst, hey, kid, you wanna watch some cartoons? *Opens trenchcoat, revealing several cartoons, including gravity falls and Steven universe(another show I want to watch)* Yeah, I got cartoons, totally virus free, whadda ya say, kid?)

    3. ponylaces


      ^ Steven Universe and Gravity Falls REALLY need to get on Netflix.

    4. Love//Hack


      There's always YouTube. I don't have Cartoon Network anymore so I watch Steven Universe on YouTube and so far I'm catched up with the show. :P

  15. Afternoon everyone. Just had some Nutella. :P Everyone doing good? :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Love//Hack


      I'm good. :) I have to wear a uncomfortable backbrace for my back though for scoliosis. :/

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      its good to hear you feel good<3 ooh =( <3 I hope your back can heal soon <3<3

    4. Aeros Sine

      Aeros Sine

      Well hope you get better soon. Nothing better than the MLP forums, right? heh heh...

  16. God. Scoliosis is bad enough. But uncomfortable backbrace is next level of torture. T_T

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I feel for you. My dad also had that.

    2. Nuke87654


      I'm sorry for that to have happened to ya.

  17. Afternoon friends. :P So... Bubbline in Adventure Time confirmed? ._. Been forever I watched AT. Too bad I'm the unpopular opinion of not shipping it. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      she watches AT? Kawaii is good person

    3. Love//Hack


      I hadn't watched it in awhile. I'm getting into the show again after all these months. :P

      And I'm not kawaii. D:

    4. Untitled Goose Q
  18. Ah, night my lovelies once more. I shall still work on my dream About Me and hope y'all do fine. :) Also, here's a random song in the meanwhile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0-2lzA7_Cg

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You going to sleep? Goodnight then buddy. :)Sleep well.

    2. JonasDarkmane


      Goodnight and sleep well :D

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I hope the dragons are bringing you peaceful sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Love//Hack


      You're already one of them. :3 *hugs* Though It honk I went a bit overboard with those likes...

      *looks at your avatar*

      *...plays the song It'll Be Okay from Friendship is Witchcraft*

    3. JonasDarkmane


      Awww ^w^ *Hugs*

    4. Monsoon


      You two best buddies have fun talking

  19. Morning. Love the Raindrops banner. :D Everyone doing good? :)

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I am doing wonderfully :D. How are you :)?

    2. Mikepokemon9


      Morning tho ive been up and back to sleep for a while today but other then that pretty good *huggles* hbu

  20. Oh great, one of my best friends and best guy friend that I settled up long ago are now arguing and dragging ME into this. Hopefully since I'm their Cupid I could get them to calm their nerves.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuke87654


      I wish you the absolute best luck to you.

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      This is why inter-friend dating is a bad idea.

    4. Love//Hack


      @Draconic Q Yeah, but at least you know the person well since they're a friend of your's. :P

      Besides, my both friends liked each other since our childhood together with our other friends anyways. And so far they're doing good. I might be able to resolve this quick.

  21. You know what? **** my life and screw me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Love//Hack


      Wow, that sounds painful. My parents just use their hands. :/

      Must have been rough.

    3. Mikepokemon9


      it was mainly if i saw im full or i didnt want to eat my veggies he once took my ps2 away for a full year and i didnt like him for doing that but do i respect him today a bit do i respect the fact he left my mom cuz she lost a bit of weight no

    4. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I could take that statement literally, but I won't.

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